
Heart break

Olivia pov

Today was a lecture free day .I sat on the kitchen chair with Anita playing an indoor game when Tony walked in .he kissed me on the forehead and then went further to my lips  Anita rolled her eyes and went back to the game 

"Will you come to a party "Tony asked 

"Who's party" I asked 

" A friend of mine "

"I have so many things to do ,I don't think I can make "I told him

"C'mon it's won't be long "he begged

"Sorry dear  I can't make it"

"Fine I will go alone"he walked away  angrily

"Maybe you should go with him" Anita  suggested

"I'm going to surprise him "I told her 

Few minutes later Tony walk up to me and kiss me goodbye.as soon as he left I went upstairs and changed my cloths and head downstairs.anita waved me goodbye and I left the house.

I got to the party but couldn't find Tony ,I asked around but no body could tell me where to find him  .I gave up and decided to just enjoy the party and go home .I went to the bar to get a drink when I saw a figure that look like Anthony ,I was about going to him when I saw him talking to a beautiful lady  .

They kept on talking but I couldn't get what they were talking about .he stood up and she followed him .I followed them but the crowd made me lost them .I kept on searching for them for the past one hour but couldn't find them .I was about giving up when I realized I didn't check the car park.

I went to the car park and went in search of Tony car.i saw his car and walk towards it.but before I could get to his car I saw Tony kissing the strange girl so passionately .we've never kissed like that before and she held on to him like her life depend on the kiss .

I wanted to show my face to them but decided to let them be .I left the garage and went back to the party .on my way out of the party I could feel tears already coming out of my eyes .I wipe it off and made my way out .i was already out when I heard someone called my name .the voice was so familiar to me.

I look back and saw Jude walking towards me with a smile on his face.he was looking good and handsome like the last time I saw him .

"What are you doing here "he asked with a smile on his face 

"I came to have a little fun"I lied 

"Then why are you leaving early"he asked 

"I'm having a serious headache "I lied 

"Then I should take you home "he suggested

I told him not to bother himself and go back to the party but he refused and still asked to take me home .I agreed and followed him to his car .when we got to the car park Tony's car was no longer there .he must have gone home I thought to myself.

On my way home Jude kept on asking if I was okay .I told he I was okay and just need to go home .

We got to the mansion and Jude came out of his car 

."you sure you are okay "he asked looking worried 

"I'm fine"I lied to him 

"Are you busy  next weekend "we can go out ,if you want" he asked 

"Alright"I accepted 

He waved me goodbye and went back to his car and drove off .

I went in and noticed most of the maids were already asleep .I checked the time and noticed it was pass midnight.i went upstairs and was about entering my room when I decided to check on Tony .I need him to give me a good explanation on why he kiss a girl in the party.

I entered his room and saw his bed still arranged ,I went to the bathroom and realized he wasn't there .where could he be I wondered.

I dialled his number and he didn't pick up ,I called again and this time the call was answered but no was speaking .I was about ending the call when I started hearing moans and scream .then I there I realized Tony was having sex with the stranger I saw him kissing.i quickly ended the call and went back to my room .I took my bath but couldn't sleep .my pillow was soaked with tears .I kept crying till my eyes could no longer carry me and then I slept off