

Olivia's pov

"Wake up oli",.I could hear Chris calling me .

I tried opening my eyes but felt a strong pain on my head .

"You have to wake up oli ,it's pass mid day ".then realization hit me .I was supposed to be at the office by now .I quickly woke up and check the time .I saw that it was pass 1pm

"Why did you let me sleep this long" .I spoke to Chris while trowing pillows at him.

He chuckled before walking away .

I checked where I was and realized I was at Chris apartment .I stood up from the bed and met Chris in the kitchen .

"Why didn't you wake me up earlier".I shouted with a fake anger .

"You were really drunk last night and i wanted you to have a little bit of rest "

"Thank you ".I murmured 

"It's okay ,you did the same for me remember?".

He was right I remembered when Chris broke up with his long time boyfriend .yes Chris is gay .that was the main reason why we clicked really well .he wasn't himself for the past three months after his breakup with his boyfriend .I stayed at his apartment almost everyday checking up on him .

"He has been calling you ". Chris voice brought me back from my thought

"Who "?.I asked 

"Your supposed boss ".he replied with a raised eyebrows.

"Fuck ,I literally forgot about him ",. I shouted.

I left the kitchen and went to his room for my phone.i found it and noticed it was on silent.

"You even put my phone on silent".I shouted so Chris could hear me 

"I had to do that ,it was making a hell lot of noise". Chris shouted back .

I checked my phone and noticed I got a lot of missed calls from Tony .I click on his number and called him .

"Where the hell are you".he shouted 

"Can you at least calm down ".

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down ,where are you ,who are you with ,and why have you not been picking my calls ".he shouted 

"I was asleep".I replied back in a calm back .I wasn't  in the mood to exchange words with him..

"Where are you ".he sounded angry 

"Why do you ask".

"Because I was in your dame apartment today and you weren't there ".

"You were in my apartment".I asked 

"That doesn't answer my question,where are you "

"I'm in a friend's place ".I replied back.

He was quiet for a while before speaking up 

"Who is he ". he asked 

"Who is who"i asked 

He groaned over the voice before speaking up .

"Never mind ,why are you not in work "

"I was a little bit drunk last night ",.I replied back .

"Since when did you start drinking".he asked with a concerned voice .

"None if your business".I replied back 

He was quiet for a while before I spoke up

"I will start coming to the office "

"No need for that ,take the day off",.

"You don't have to worry about me I can make it to work .

"I don't need a sober person working for me , stay at home and take care of yourself",.his voice came with a command.i noticed he was really serious and gave no room for aguement.

"Alright".I replied back 

He hissed over the phone and ended the call .

"What did the say ".that was Chris asking

I hissed and sat on the bed 

"He told me to stay at home "

"That's good ,so what will you be doing all day ".he asked 

"I wanna get drunk again".I replied back with a mischievous smile on my face .

"You are on your own this time girlfriend".

"You want me to get drunk alone at a bar ?".I asked 


"What if something happens to me ".I asked with a fake hurt in my face 

"Then you wouldn't be the first person",.he replied back with a big grin.

"I hate you "I told him playfully

"I love you too ",.he replied back and hugged me.

"Get yourself a boyfriend and stop hugging me carelessly".I told him in a playful voice .

He fake been hurt and walk out of the room .

I lay on the bed and slept off again.