

Olivia's pov 

"So when did you say is the interview again "I asked 

"You always forget things ".he sounded annoyed.

"Do you want to help me or not ".I asked 

"Fine fine ,it's by 9am ,on Monday morning"

"Now you are talking". before I could say anything he hang up on me. 

That's was my best friend Christan ,we've been friends for four years now .I don't have much friends because I decided to distance myself from everyone .I finished school two years back and haven't gotten a proper job.last week Christan saw a vacancy for me in a well known company and decided to link me up .I just pray this one turns out right .

I pick up my phone and call aunt penny .she picked up and the first word she said was that he is back .

"Who is back "I asked her 

"Anthony is back"she replied back .

I lost my voice for a second ,I knew a day like this will come .when he will surely come back but I didn't know it will be this Early.

For the past five years I have shut the door to my heart.i never dated anyone or did anything with anyone .I hated men and decided to stay away from them .

"Are you listening"my aunt shouted

"Yes I'm listening"

"No you were lost "she told me .

"Why is he here".I asked 

"I have no idea". she replied back 

I decided to change the topic and told aunt about my interview .she wished me luck before ending the call .

I lay down on my bed and memories of him kept flashing.before I knew it I was already crying.i kept on crying before I slept off.

"Should I wear the black shoe or the grey one ".I asked Christan.

Today was the day for the interview and I was already running late .

"Wear anymore oli,you will be late".he shouted over the phone .

I quickly put on the grey color and ran out of my small apartment.

I got to the bus stop and took the bus .I check my self in the mirror and saw that I look good .I wasn't that perfect in beauty,but Chris says every man must definitely look at me twice because of my body shape.maybe he was right .

I got to the company I saw that it was very big ,the name of the company looks familiar to be but I couldn't remember where I have heard of it. 

I went up to the receptionist and told her I was here for the interview .she directed me to a room where I saw other applicants for the job.i took a free sit and sat down , waiting patiently for my turn. 

After what seems like hours,I was called up I arranged my cloths and took my file with me ..the receptionist took me to a door and told me to go in .

When I got in, the man was backing me and was looking outside the window.he seems lost and did not care I was there. 

I cleared my throat to announce my presence  .

"Is that how you greet "the man asked 

The voice sounded so familiar but I couldn't place where I heard such voice from .

"Forgive my manners"I apologized

"You haven't started your interview and you are already apologizing".he sounded angry 

I was speechless and knew I have already lost this job .I was already leaving when he called me back 

"Did I ask you to leave"he sounded angry 

His voice was so full of command and anger .

"I thought I don't have a chance anymore"I told him

"Are you the type who gives up easily "he asked 

"Not on everything"I replied back 

"So what are those things you give up on easily"he asked 

"It's personal,but can you at least look at the person you are interviewing "I asked.

He was quiet for a while before he slowly look back 

"Olivia"he shouted.

"Anthony"I shouted back .