

Olivia's POV

“He's gone”. Chris told me while sitting beside me .he studied me for a while before speaking up 

“Are you okay “.he asked with a worried look, 

I hissed softly and lean on me 

“I'm not “. I replied truthfully.

He touched my check softly for a while before speaking up,

“You should forget about him “. Chris spoke softly but seriously.

“I wish I could”. I replied to him .he hissed and turn me around, so I was facing him

“You can, if you want to “.he spoke softly 

I hissed and moved away from him .he stared at me for a while before standing up with a big grin on his face

“Why are you smiling”. I asked 

“Let's go out “.he spoke like a kid, 

“And where are we going”. I asked while lying on the bed 

“You'll see “.he dragged me out from the bed and walk me to my closet

“Pick something hot “.he whispered in my ear. I rolled my eyes before searching for a comfortable dress to wear. I picked out a dark purple crop dress and a black tight jean. Chris took the clothes from me and threw them back in the closet.

“Who do you think you are going out with dressed like that “? Chris spoke up while searching through my closet. 

a Few minutes later, Chris waved a short black dress at me 

“This is sexy “.he spoke with a devilish smile on his face 

“I'm not wearing that “. I told him, 

“Hell yes you are “.he placed the cloths in my hands and head to the bathroom to bathe. I just stood there with the dress in my hand. I hissed softly before dressing up.

Chris walked out of the bathroom with a crazy black jean and a blue shirt .he was incredibly handsome.

“You look good “I told him, 

“And you look sexy “.he smirked at me. I chuckled softly and shake my head, 

“I wish I wasn't gay “.he whispered. I hit him on the shoulder before we left the apartment.

We got to my car and I drove out.

“Where are we going “. I asked, 

“You should have let me drive “.he told me, 

“Hell no “. I quickly replied. He chuckled and pointed a direction to me. I followed his direction, and we found ourselves in front of a big nightclub. I turn off the car engine and stare at Chris, who has a big smile on his face, 

“Seriously?”. I asked, 

“Come on oli, let go in “.he said those words and quickly left the car before I could say a word. I hissed softly and went out of the car.

The noise from inside could be heard outside.

When we got to the entrance, Chris said something to the bouncer, he smiled at Chris and let us in.

“He is gay, right “. I asked Chris while we walk inside the club,

“Not my type “. Chris replied quickly.

When we got inside the club .the place was filled up with people, but I noticed the people were people with class. Most were putting on suit and corporately dressed. I looked around and noticed this wasn't an ordinary club.

“Chris, how did you get us in “. I asked.

I looked at Chris and noticed he was searching for someone. He took my hand and led me to a table .we were almost at a table when I noticed Jude staring at me with a big smile on his face .he stood up and placed a kiss on my Cheek,

“Welcome oli,”.he smiled at me and asked me to sit 

“You guys planned this “. I asked while staring angrily at Chris. He rolled his eyes at me and took Jude's drink, 

“Don't get made at him, I called him when I noticed your voice was down when I called earlier, so we suggested you need to relax a bit “. Jude spoke up, 

“Don't worry about it, Jude, this is between me and Chris”. I replied to him, 

Chris chuckled softly before taking another sip of the drink, 

“I'll get back at you “. I told Chris 

“I will be waiting”.he replied 

Jude laughed at our childish display and asked what we needed.

“What I need is over there “. Chris pointed at a man sitting at the bar smiling at him, 

“Slut”. I whisper

“A friend of a slut is a slut”.he said those words while staring at me with a devilish smile on his face .he stood up and kissed me and walk over to the guy 

“Are you guys always like that “. Chris asked, 

“Yeah “. I replied, “You are lucky oli, he is a good friend” “Yeah, I know “. I replied with a smile. Chris stares at me for a moment before speaking up 

“What will you have “.he asked 

“Something strong”. I quickly replied, “I won't let you get drunk “.he told me with a serious look, 

“And am not a baby “. I replied him while rolling my eyes .he chuckled and left the table .few minutes later he came with some drinks.

I took a glass and poured some.I drank it and realized it was a big stronger,

“You are only allowed a bottle”. Jude spoke like a father, 

“Yes, Dad “. I spoke in a mockery voice and drank another shot.

We drank silently before Jude spoke to, “Are you okay “.he asked while giving me a concerned look.

I stared at him and wanted to lie that I was fine, but the words could not come out from my mouth 

“Is Tony right”.he asked in calm voice, but I noticed the anger in it.

“Let's not talk about it “. I told Jude .he stares at me for a moment before giving up.

I finished the first bottle and went for the second bottle, but Jude held my hand

“No more drinks”.he told me seriously

“I'm not a kid “. I replied to him, 

“I just want don't want you drunk “.he spoke with a concerned look, 

“I can handle myself “. I said those words and took another bottle. I opened it and started drinking.

All the while I was drinking, Jude was just staring at me with concern

After two bottles I felt a bit dizzy, but I was conscious of myself.

“Let's dance “. I shouted happily at Jude. I did not give him time to think when I stood up and took his hand. I dragged him to the dance floor and I stated dancing.

At first, he stared at me and refused dancing. I moved closer to him and placed his hand on my waist .he gave me a shock look, but still held my waist.

“You are drunk oli, .he told me with a calm voice. I smiled at him and placed my hands on his shoulders,

“Yes, I'm fucking drunk”. I shouted happily.