

Olivia's pov

I watch her walk out of his office with a big smile on her face .she majestically walk towards my desk and sat on the visitors chair .

"Can I help you with anything ?".I asked with a fake smile on my face .even a blind child will notice I hate her so much .she gave me an annoying smile before speaking up 

"I think I have gotten all I needed ".she spoke with a big grin on her face .

"Whet do you mean by that ?".I asked with a little bit of anger 

"Let's say I'm pregnant for Tony ".she spoke with a victory smile on her face .

"You can't be serious ".I replied back trying to hide the hurt in voice .

She chuckled and stood up from the seat 

"You can ask your boss then ".she gave me a devilish smile and walk away.

I felt tears threatening to come out from my eyes but I would let it .why does it hurt so much even when I know we can never be together anymore .I was thinking maybe one day we can be together again but this child will never let it happen .

I picked up my phone and dialled a number.the number kept on ringing but he wasn't picking .I gave up calling and went to the first floor where I made a coffee for myself.i was on my way back to my office when I heard my name .I turn around and saw the manager of the production department walking towards me .

"You finally came downstairs ".he spoke with a smile on his face .I wasn't in the mood to chi chat but I couldn't just ignore him .

"You know am always busy with work".I replied him with fake smile .

"I understand ,but that shouldn't stop you from socializing with us "

"I apologise for that ,I will try my best this time ".I told him and was about walking away when he called me back .

"Talking about socialization ,my birthday party is on Saturday and I would like you to come ".

I wasn't really in the mood for things like that , but I couldn't just turn him down after I just promised I will try to socialize with them .

"I would love to ".I lied 

"Alright then I will send you the address later ".he spoke those words and walked away.

I left the first floor and went back to my office .I checked my phone and noticed I have few missed calls from Chris .

"I have been trying to reach you for the past ten minutes ".that's was Chris speaking on the phone .

"I went downstairs for some coffee".I spoke in a calm voice .

"You sound down,what is it ".he asked with a concerned voice .I was quiet for sometime ,I couldn't bring myself to say those words out .

"You can talk to me oli,.that was Chris voice bringing me back from my thoughts.

"I can't tell you over the phone ,can we meet after work".I asked 

"Of course oli ,where should we meet"he asked 

"I'll send you the address ".

"Alright oli,take care of yourself ".he spoke those words and ended the call .

Tony avoided me for the rest day and even left without informing me .I closed from work and left the office .I was on my way out when I called Chris and told him where we should meet.i took a taxi and went to the location of the bar .I got to the bar before Chris and sat on a seat waiting for Chris .the music in the bar was so loud that you can hardly hear what people  were saying. I wasn't a club type of person but this was the perfect place for my mood. I asked the bartender for a strong drink while waiting for Chris .few minutes later Chris walked in and sat besides me .

"What's up girl friend".he asked with a concerned look .I just gave him a little smile before taking a sip of my drink.

"It's this not too strong for you ?".he asked while taking a sip of my drink.

"It's just perfect for my mood".I told him with a pale voice .

"What the matter oli".he asked 

"Someone is pregnant for Tony ".I spoke in a whisper so that I could hide the hurt in my voice .Chris was quiet for a minute before holding my hands on the table .

"Are you alright oli",.he asked with a sincere voice .I wanted to lie to him that I was fine that I didn't care ,that Tony could do whatever he wants ,but I couldn't. my emotions betrayed me and I saw myself crying .he immediately left my hands and instantly hugged me .I poured all my emotions on his hug and kept on crying not minding I was in a bar with lot of people.chris kept on saying little words to me that I couldn't hear or understand till I realeased myself from the hug .I took a sip of my drink and cleaned my face .Chris gave me a supportive smile before taking his drink .

"Do you wanna stop working for him ".he asked .


"Why ".he asked 

"I don't want him to see that such a thing have an effect on me .I won't let him break me again ".I spoke with all seriousness in me .

"You can't keep hurting yourself like this oli,you have to move on from Tony ."and you can only do that when you stop working for him ".

He was right I need to stop loving Tony I have tried my best to stop loving him .but it was all fruitless .

"Can we just drop this topic".I told Chris

"You can't keep avoiding this topic oli,you need to move on ". I noticed Chris was a little bit angry.

"I will eventually move on,after all he will be having a family now ".I replied back .Chris wanted to keep talking but noticed I wasn't in the mood to talk anymore so he just gave up .

"Let's get drunk ".I shouted while pouring another drink to my glass.