

Olivia's pov

I got to work early the next day so I could make up for missing work yesterday.i was sorting some documents when I noticed Anthony walking in .

"Good morning sir".I greeted

"To my office".he commanded without answering my greetings.i hissed and follow him to his office. When I got to his office I stood at the door .

"What was the meaning of what you did yesterday".he asked with an angry voice .

"I told you I was drunk ".I replied back 

"You got yourself drunk when you know you have work the next day"he shouted at me and hit his table .

"I'm sorry ".I whispered

"You better be sorry ".he spoke in an annoyed voice .

I stood there quietly waiting for his next command .he ignored me and kept  checking the flies .I noticed he left me standing there 

"Should I take my leave ". I asked 

He raised a eyebrow before answering me .

"I thought you wanted to spend all day standing there ".

I roll my eyes before walking out of his office .I got to my desk and burried myself with work. I was still working when Tony walk up to my desk .

"I'm going out for lunch ,you should join me ".he requested

"I'm not really hungry and I have lot of works to do".I replied back with a tired smile.he must have noticed I was really tired and sat on my chair .

"I'm not asking you to join me ,I'm telling you to Join me ".his voice came with a command.

I gave him a hard look before leaving the office with him .his driver took us to a nearby restaurant and we sat on the available seat there.he ordered for pancakes while i ordered for burgers.our lunch were served to us and we ate in silence .after eating he was about to leave when I called his attention.he look at me with full attention .

"What is the matter ".he asked 

"I heard you will be a father soon ".I asked in a calm voice so he won't notice the hurt in my voice .he was quiet for a moment trying to process what I asked.

"That's correct ".he replied with a low voice 

"Congratulations I'm happy for you " I lied with a fake smile on my face .

He just ignored me and walk out out of the restaurant.the drive back to the office was quiet and calm .when we got to the company he quickly went to his office .I went back to to my desk so I could distract myself from the worries surrounding me .

I was working when I saw the production manager walking into my office

"Good day beautiful olivia".he greeted

"Good day Mr Johnson ,how may I help you ".I asked 

"I'm here to remind you about my birthday party tomorrow ".

"Oh that ,I will definitely be coming ".I replied back .

He smilled at me before walking out of my office.

I hissed and relaxed when he left my office ."maybe I need this party to distract myself".I thought to myself.