

3rd person pov

Olivia and Tony walked out of the hotel room to the venue of the dinner. throughout the drive to the dinner Tony couldn't help but stare at olivia .how can someone be this hot and attractive even when she wasn't dressed properly

"Stop staring". Olivia told him.

"And who told you I was staring".Tony asked

Olivia knew he was lying but decided to drop the topic.

The drive to the restaurant was quiet untill they got to the restaurant.they went in and spotted Tonia seated alone in one of the seats

"I told you this is a personal dinner". olivia angrily told tony .he ignored her and walked over to tonai table .

He smiled at her before sitting down.olivia reluctantly sat down besides them.

"I never knew your assistant was coming". tonai spoke in anger

"I wanted her to come ".Tony replied back 

"Oh",.was all tonai could say  .

Olivia looked at Tonia and noticed how she was giving her a death stare but she ignored it.

Their food was bought in and they all ate in silence.

"So how long have you been working with Tony ". Tonia asked Olivia

"Four months now",. Olivia replied.

Tonia couldn't believe what she heard .how can this two only know each other for four months now and be this close to each other.

"Are you guys dating?". she asked.

"No". Olivia replied quickly

Tonia looked at Tony and saw how his expression changed.there is something between these two ,she thought to her self.

"Are you guys childhood friends". tonai asked

"No ". Olivia replied back .

"It's hard to believe that ".she replied back 

"Were you guys dating?".she asked 

As soon as she said those words both Tony and Olivia were speechless and looked at each other . Olivia wanted to reply her but tony cut her off

"No".the voice was so full of command that tonai knew she has to drop the topic.

"I'm sorry if I offended you".she told Tony .he just gave her a fake smile before taking a sip of his drink.

"So when are you guys going back ".she asked

"We don't know yet". Olivia lied.she knew when they will be going back but she just doesn't want this tonai to know .

"I see".was all tonai could say. The three of them drank in silence untill tonai spoke up 

"Are you single?".she asked Olivia

"Yes I am ". Olivia replied back 

Tonia gave olivia a disgusting look before looking at Tony

"And I believe you are also single too".Tonia asked Tony.tony just nod his head to her .he was becoming irritated with her questions and wished he could just end this dinner and go home. But he decided not to be rude and stay. He looked at Olivia and noticed she wasn't herself and was a bit angry maybe it's the questions tonai were asking.he excused himself from them and went to the men's room.

Olivia was left with tonai who constantly gave her a disgusting look.she just took a sip of her drink and look away .

"Why must you come with him".tha was tonai voice . olivia hissed in anger before looking at her direction

"And did you think I wanna be here".she asked tonai

"If you don't wanna be here then why are you here ".she asked Olivia.

"I was forced to be here ". Olivia replied back in anger .

"Don't you dare use that tune on me,when we are not the same class ". tonai told olivia.

Olivia felt insulted by that words but decided to keep her calm because she was a bussinees partner with tony.

Olivia took a sip of her drink and stood up .she left the table and went outside so she could get some fresh air .

Tony cane back from the men's room but couldn't find olivia

"Where is she ".he asked 

"She went outside saying she wanted to give us some privacy". tonai lied

Tony gave her a disbelief look before sitting down .he looked around if he could see Olivia maybe in one of the tables but he couldn't find her .

"I think we are done with the dinner ". Tony spoke up 

"I don't think so". tonai replied back 

"What else ?".he asked 

"Don't you wanna know more about me?". tonai asked .

"Maybe some other time but right now I have things to settle ".he spoke those words while standing up

"You love her right".that was tonai voice

"Love who?".Tony asked 

Tonai chuckled before speaking up

"Even a blind man will notice you love your assistant,it's pretty obvious.but it's a shame she doesn't feel the same".

"And what makes you think she doesn't feel the same". Tony asked in anger 

"Because it's pretty obvious".she replied back with a devilish smile in her face .Tony hissed in frustration and walked away .

When he got outside the restaurant he saw Olivia sitting at a pavement.she held her hands to her shoulders indicating she was cold .he hissed and walk straight to her .pull out his jacket and gave to her 

"Here have it" he told her while handling her his Jacket .she gave him a hard look before looking away .Tony hissed and sat besides her 

"Take it".he requested

"I won't"

He ran his hand on his hair in frustration before standing up

"What did she say to you ".he asked 

"She said nothing". Olivia replied back

"You are a terrible lier". Tony told her .

She rolled her eyes and looked away .

"Let's go".he told her 

She lazily stood up from the pavement and went to the car.