
Different side

Anthony's pov 

"None of your business"

"Is she the woman you are madly in love with "

"Mind your business young lady ".I shouted.

She noticed I was becoming angry and decided to drop the topic.i dressed up and left the room and the hotel .I got to the car and told the driver to take me home.

When I got home dad and mom was with Aunt Penny in the sitting room .

"Are you sure about this ".dad was asking aunt penny.

I wanted to just ignored them and go to my room not until I heard Olivia's name 

"Olivia has just given me three months to stay here ".that was aunt penny voice .

 immediately i sat on the chair close to mom.

"You can still rest here ,why must you leave ".that was mom's voice .

I noticed both mom and dad were really sad with the news Aunt Penny gave them

"What's going on ".I finally spoke up 

Mom gave me a sad look before replying me 

"She will stop working here in less than three months"

"Why "I asked 

"She said Olivia wants her to stop working and just rest at home ".

"Aunt penny are you overstressed here ".I asked her 

"You know I'm always okay here "but olivia wants me to stop working ,and I can't do anything about it"

"Do you want to leave ".I asked her 

"Here is like a home to me "

"Don't worry I will talk to olivia about this "

"Really".asked Mom 

"Don't worry mom ,I will handle olivia"

Aunt Penny gave me a little smile before walking away .

"Is she doing this because of the way I spoke to her in the cinema".mom asked.

"What did you do ".dad asked 

Mom was speechless and could speak .

I noticed they were about to get into their little fight ,so I just told them goodnight and walk to my room .

I changed my cloths and put on my night wear.

I pick up my phone I was going through social media so I could distract myself from olivia .not until I saw picture of Jude and olivia on Olivia's account  with the caption "a  special someone"

I felt anger and jealousy all over my body .I log out of the internet and sat on my work table .

I'm a big fool I told myself .how can I still love someone who has made it clear that she hates me and I belong to her pass .she has moved on with him and here I am crying over her .how can I let her break my heart twice,I won't let that happen .maybe it's time I forget about her and kill the love I have for her. 

I lay on my bed and thought about it 

"You will see a different side of me by tomorrow oli" a type you would wish never to see or encounter.i will make sure to hate you and you will definitely hate me .and this is a promise