

Anthony's pov

"Because I miss you ".I said those words without realizing it . throughout my stay at the office I couldn't concentrate at work because Olivia wasn't there.the office felt so strange and akward to me .I hissed and decided to go see her at the hospital so I could calm my mind .when I got to the hospital I noticed Olivia was in deep thought and didn't even notice me walking in .

I was talking to Olivia when I noticed a good  looking guy sitting beside her.he smiled at me before introducing himself .I looked at his beauty and felt jealous of him .he introduced himself as her bestie but I was still not at ease .when we shook hands I noticed it was so soft for a man and I didn't know why I said it out loud.

I think he felt bad and decided to leave the room.i was still in thought when olivia voice brought me back.

"What are thinking ".she asked 

I hissed and looked at her .she was giving me a concerned look.

"Nothing ".I replied back 

"So you are here because you misses me".she asked with a mischievous smile 

"Not the kind of miss you are thinking".I lied to her .I can't bring myself to tell her I was really missing her at work today

"What type then ?".she asked 

"The work at the office was too much for me and I couldn't do it alone.

"So you misses me because of work".she asked 

"Maybe".I replied back 

"You are a dick head ".she replied back 

I just roll my eyes and looked away.

"Have you told aunt penny yet?".I asked 

"No ,and you are also not telling her ".she told me with a serious voice 

"I won't ".I replied back .

She gave me a hard look before lying on her bed .

"When did the doctor say you will be discharged".I asked 

"Are you impatient to have me at work".she asked 

"You know that's not what I meant".I told her 

"Whatever".she replied back.

After she said those words she closed her eyes and I watched her sleep so peacefully .I moved closer to touch her face when I felt a hand stopping me .I looked back and saw that it was Chris

"She hates it when someone disturbs her sleep".he told me with a serious voice before leaving my hand .I withdrew my hand from her and stood up

"Nice to meet you Mr Tony". Chris spoke up.

"Nice to meet you too".I replied back 

I looked at him and noticed he was giving me a disgusting look

"You have something to say ".I asked 

"You are definitely the opposite of what I thought you were ".he spoke those words with anger. 

I hissed and moved closer to him

"I'm sorry man ,I'm not homophobic or anything like that ."i was just jealous when I met you here ".I spoke in a sincere voice 

"I don't see any reason why you should be jealous".he told me 

I hisssd and ran my hand on my hair 

"I thought you guys were dating but the moment you told me you were gay I felt at ease".I spoke those words in a calm voice so Olivia wouldn't hear me 

"You still love her ".he asked 

I was speechless and quiet for a moment

"You can't speak".he asked 

"I don't know what to say ".I replied back .

He gave me a disgusting look before moving away from me and sat besides Olivia

"You don't deserve oli".he said those words without looking at me .

I stare at him before leaving the room."maybe he was right I really don't deserve her ".