

3rd person pov

Olivia stayed in her room the entire day.she emailed Jude and told him she couldn't make it .he understood her and told her they will see each other at the meeting the next day. Meanwhile tony has been in the sitting room patiently waiting for Olivia to leave her room.he checked the time and saw that it was pass lunch time .he call the desk and ordered for lunch for both of them.he smilled at himself because he knew he has gotten a weapon over olivia.the food was bought into their suit .he set the table and went to Olivia's room .he knocked at it but got no response from her .

"Lunch is here ".he shouted from outside

"I'm not hungry".she replied back 

"You haven't eat anything since morning ,and I know you did not eat much this morning".he told her in a calm voice but he had another motive 

"Go away that trick won't work on me". olivia shouted from her room.she knew the trick tony was trying to pull.

"Fine suit yourself".he spoke those words and left her room door.he sat on the eating table and started eating .he tried eating but could have appetite for the food when he knew olivia would be hungry by now .he hissed and left the food .he went back to the sitting room and watch some movies so he could pass away time.each minutes he constantly look at Olivia's bedroom door but he did not see any sign of she wanting to come . this girl is so stubborn .he thought to himself.

On the other hand Olivia was really hungry ,she didn't even eat much this morning and to crown it all .the fridge in her room has only water and nothing else .she hissed and lay on her bed .the thought of leaving her room came through her mind but she couldn't do it not when Tony is patiently waiting for her in the sitting room.she on her laptop and started working on some flies so that she could distract herself from the hunger.

Few hours passed and she noticed it was pass 7pm already.she heard her stomach making sounds of hunger. She stood up went to the fridge and took a bottle of water.she drank all and went back to her bed.she was about going back to work when she heard tony knocking on her door.

"Come out and eat something olivia".he shouted but not of anger but worries and care.

"Your trick won't work on me". Olivia replied back .

"Not everything is about tricks Olivia,come out and eat something".he spoke in a calm voice . olivia stood up from her bed and stood close to her door .

"Go away Tony ,I'm not coming out .

Tony felt frustrated and angrily left her room door .he went back to his room so that she could at least sneak out and eat the food he kept for her .he waited for hours in his room before going back to the sitting room.he went back to the sitting room and noticed the food was still untouched.he hissed and walk straight to her door .

"Olivia" he shouted .but didn't get any response from her .he called her again and still got no response.he banged on the door really hard before he started hearing moments from inside the room.

"What do you want ?".came the tired and sleepy voice .

"Come out and eat something,I don't want people to start thinking that I'm maltreating my assistant".

Olivia hissed and walk straight to the door .

"I know you Tony ,you will not rest untill you get what you want".she told him with a weak voice .she was stressed out and hungry.he ran his hand on his head with frustration and lean on the door 

"I promise I won't touch you tonight, just come out and eat something".he spoke in a caring voice . Olivia noticed the care in his voice and decided to trust him 

"Promise?"she asked 

"Promise" he replied back .

She slightly open the door and came out of her room .she look around and saw that Tony wasn't anywhere to be found.she quitely went to the eating table and started eating .after eating she went back to her room and went back to sleep .