
Break up

Olivia's pov

"Let's break up "I shouted

He was quiet for a while before walking toward the bed

"What did you say "he asked

"Let's break up "I told him again 

"You have no right to break up with me after what you did "he shouted back with anger .

"And what did I do "I replied back

"Are you denying it or what "he asked 

"I'm not denying anything ,I'm a whore and you don't have to be with a whore .so we are breaking up"I told him .

"I'm sorry,I said that out of anger"

"No need apologising, you cheated I cheated"

"I did not cheat on you "he spoke softly

"I don't care Anymore"I told him 

"So what now "he asked

"Let's break up "

"You want to be with him so badly"he asked 

I knew what he meant but I decided not to explain myself anymore.

"At least he won't call me a whore "I replied back.

"If you think I'm gonna cry and beg you ,then you must be joking "he shouted back .

"I don't  need your apologies "I replied back 

"Fine ,let's break up "he shouted

On hearing that I angrily left the room and went back to my room .

As soon as I got to my room ,I fell down and started crying.i loved only him and he called me a whore .I felt Sharp pain in my chest and couldn't take it anymore.

Someone came into my room and hugged me.i look up and saw it was aunt penny .I return back the hug and kept crying.

"Do you want to talk about it "she asked

"We broke up "was all I could say 

She hugged me tighter and started caressing my hair .

I was in her arms for some time before she took me to the bed and told me to sleep.she left the room and switch off the light .

I tried to forget my pains and slept off.

I was woken up by my alarm .I rushed to the kitchen to help aunt penny .

"Go back up stairs"my aunt told Me

"I'm fine"I told her .

She gave me a questioning look before allowing me to work .

I did my my own part of  the work and help aunt penny set the table for breakfast .Mr Luciano and wife sat on the table but I couldn't see Anthony .I was about going back to the kitchen when Mrs Luciano called me 

"Anthony seems angry ,do you know the reason why"she asked

"I have no idea "I told her 

"Is there anything you are not telling me "she asked .

"Please sit"Mr Luciano requested

"I have no right to sit here sir "I'm just a maid ".I told him 

"You have every right to sit here ,you are my son's girlfriend"

"We are no longer dating"I told him .

Mr and Mrs Luciano look shocked and look at each other .

Mr Luciano stood up and went straight to Anthony's room