
Be our guest

Olivia's pov

"What did you say ".he asked with anger 

"I'm telling you to leave politely"

"I won't leave untill you come with me ".he shouted .

Jude wanted to interfere but I told him to stay out of it  .

"Seems like you've forgotten that I'm your assistant and I know all your schedules".I shouted with anger 

"This dinner wasn't included there ,"he replied back .

"I can't work on something that wasn't included in your schedule".I replied back .

"I have an important dinner with some clients and my assistant should be there with me ".

"If it was so important ,I would have seen it in your schedule" .I replied back .

"Are you calling me a lier".he asked with anger 

"Maybe you are ".I replied back 

I looked at him and saw that he was really pissed off and was trying his best not to do anything stupid.

"If you don't have anything to say ,"then you may please excuse us " because we were in a middle of some serious discussion before you  came in ".

"I'm not leaving unless you come with me ".he sounded angry.

"What exactly is your problem".I shouted with anger ,this time I couldn't hold it anymore

"Just leave with me ".he  replied back with a soft tune.

"Why do you hate me so much ".I asked

"What do you mean"

"You just don't wanna see me happy , isn't it?".I asked 

"I don't know what you are talking about ".

"I have been lonely for the past five years and now that Jude is back in my life you want to ruin it ".I shouted

He was shock and at the same time angry .

"We're you guys not dating all this while ?".he asked 

"You are a big fool ,a very big fool".that was Jude's voice 

"I wasn't talking to you Jude". Anthony shouted .

"It's not of your business if we were dating or not ,"just leave me alone".I shouted

"I have no business in your personal life ,I'm just here to take you to work ".

"And I told you I'm  not going with you "

"Then I will stay here then ".he replied back 

"This is ridiculous".Jude shouted and stood up .

He walk up to Tony and was about to drag him out of the chair but I quickly stood up and held his hands

"Please let me handle this ".I spoke softly to him .

He look at me for a moment before giving up and walk back to his seat .

"You don't wanna leave right".

"I'm not leaving here except you come with me ",.he replied back .

"Alright then ,be our guest ".

I gave him a devilish smile before walking over to Jude's seat

"Baby".I called Jude 

He look up at me and smilled

"What do you need my love ".he asked 

"Can I sit on your laps ,"the seat is too hard "

Jude chuckled  before shifting his chair so I could seat on his legs.

"What is the meaning of this ". Anthony shouted  .