

Anthony's pov

I've been in the living room waiting for Olivia to come back.we have so many things to talk about and I have to clear up the misunderstanding between us 

Aunt penny have telling me to return back to my room, that as soon as Olivia comes back ,she will send her to me .

I was about going back to my room when I heard a car driving in .

"That must be them "I told aunt penny and  left the living room 

On my way to the gate I noticed Olivia was still in Jude's car ,they were talking about something and both looks hurt .

I was about walking up to them when I saw Olivia kissed Jude .I felt Sharp pains in my heart  and wanted shout but realized I lost my voice and couldn't move or talk .I became lost for a moment .

I saw how Jude kissed her so passionately and how Olivia return back the kiss ,I couldn't watch it anymore and decided to go back to my room .

On my way to my room aunt penny noticed my tears and ran to Me

."what's wrong"she asked looking concerned

I ignored her and ran to my room ,I got in and shut the door.

I heard voices outside my room before hearing a knock .I ignored it before I heard Olivia voice calling out to me .

I remembered the kiss and angrily went for the door .

I opened it and let her in .

"What do you want "I asked 

"Why do you look angry"she responded

I left her and went to sit on my reading table 

"Whet the fuck is your problem "she shouted at me 

"Don't you dare shout at me after what you did "I shouted back 

She was quiet for sometime before walking close to me and stood there

"You saw us "she asked with regrets

"You've been the one agusing me of cheating on you ,even when I told you I was drugged and drunk ,but you wouldn't believe me.now tell me where you drunk or drugged too"I asked her .

She was quiet and look away

"Answer me "I shouted

"It's not what you think "

"I saw you kissing Jude so passionately ,and you are telling me it's not what I think ,you are a whore"I told her with anger .

I  realized what I said and noticed I was  finding it difficult to control my anger ,I walk to the fridge and took some water to calm my nerves.i was drinking the water when she she walk up to me and slapped me on the face .

"Let's break up "she shouted 

Hey guys the story is about to get more interesting and twisted.

Thanks to everyone following up this book.the view have been impressive and encouraging to write more .

I want to hear you comments and ideas on this book 

I will be updating more interesting chapters by tonigh😃😃😃😀