
Chapter 128


Casey, Beatrice, Raymond, Mariana, Ashley, Edward and Mrs lambert all stood outside the ICU waiting for the doctor to come back outside.

it'd being hours since they brought Ariana to the hospital and the doctor still hadn't come out to give them a feedback and it made them worried sick.

" please eat something, how do you think Ariana will feel if she finds out you all are refusing to eat because of her?" Beatrice asked .

she'd being trying to get everyone to eat most especially ashley to eat but they'd just refused to eat because of the critical state ariana was in and the doctor was making it worse by not coming to give them info on her health status.

" i'm not hungry dear, it's fine" Ashley said and continued to stare at the door of the icu, waiting for the door to creak open so she could rush to the doctor to inquire on her daughter's health status.

" Mrs lambert, have some bananas at least. you should not be on an empty stomach" beatrice said and handed the tray of fruits over to her.

" no Beatrice. you should have it, i'm not hungry" Mrs lambert said and got up.

beatrice tried her luck with everyone but they had the same answer, they weren't willing to eat until they were sure that Ariana was fine.

" if you all aren't willing to eat, i won't eat" she said and dropped the bowl of fruits.

they all continued to wait until they saw the nurses wheel an unconscious Ariana out of the icu.

" excuse me, where are you taking her?" Mrs Lambert asked.

" only the doctor can answer that question" the nurse said and wheeled Ariana away.

after some time, the doctor came out with an expression less face .

" doctor, what's wrong? will she be fine?" Edward asked.

" i have good news and at the same time, i have bad news" the doctor said.

" and what do you mean by that?" Casey asked.

" who's the father?"

" i am" Edward said.

" please come with me" the doctor said and led edward to his office while the rest waited.


Edward walked towards where the entire family was waiting for info on ariana's health with tears streaming down his eyes.

" Edward, what's wrong with Becky? tell me edward" Ashley said, curiousity getting the best of her.

" she.....she" Edward could not bring himself to say what the doctor had just told him.

" tell us, what's wrong with her? tell us edward" Mrs Lambert said.

" i......i..... Becky" tears streamed down his eyes and it got everyone worked up.

raymond saw that edward had a file so he quickly took the file and went through it.

" what does it say?" Casey asked.

" it's good news, she's out of danger and will be discharged tomorrow" Raymond said with a smile on his face.

Ashley heaved a sigh of relief, " but that is good news so why are you crying Edward?" 

" flip to the next page" he said 

Raymond flipped to the next page and dropped the file after reading what was written.

" what's wrong Raymond" Casey asked and picked the file to go through it.

tears streamed down her eyes after reading what was written in it.

" what's wrong casey?" Mariana asked.

" she...... she's not gonna make it" she said and burst into tears. " she's not gonna make it Marie, she will not make it" she said in tears.

Beatrice took the file and read it out loud, it read:

ninety percent of Ariana Wilson's blood has being mixed with poison and the poison has gotten to her heart. for now, she is out of the danger zone but she has limited time 

within a period of four months, her existence will no longer be guaranteed.


st. louis hospital.

" no, no, you're joking. you can't be serious" Ashley screamed as she took the file from Beatrice. " you're joking, becky can't be on her death bed. you're lying" she said in tears.

" it's true Ash, Becky really is on her death bed" Edward said and the tears rolled down his cheeks freely.

Ashley fell to the ground in tears and Edward bent to comfort her.

" My daughter, my daughter can't be on her death bed" she said in tears.

" Pull yourself together Ashley, pull yourself together" Edward said in tears.

" Why should I? I haven't seen or spoken to my daughter in ten years and now that I can, I'm being told that she has barely six months to live and you expect me to calm down" she spoke in tears.

Raymond moved back in shock, he couldn't believe that the only girl he'd ever loved in eighteen years was about to die, his first kiss was about to leave the earth and it broke his heart into a thousand pieces.

" I don't believe this, Ari can't be in her final days. I don't believe it, she's not gonna die, we'll get a second opinion, this can't be possible" Casey said in tears 

" You're right, a second opinion is the best, we can't just rely on one doctor's report" Beatrice said.

" You're right, I know some doctors, they'll help" Mrs Lambert said " I'll go book an appointment" she said and left.

" My....my daughter, she can't die, she can't die" Ashley said in tears.

" She won't die Ashley, she won't die" Beatrice consoled Ashley.

Mariana just stood by and watched, she wasn't the type to cry In public, she had a different way of venting out her pain, not in tears, by boxing.

Raymond heaved a sigh of relief after hearing that they could go for a second opinion, he crossed his fingers, his hopes that Ariana wouldn't be dead.

" He said I can come now with the results" Mrs Lambert said and picked her purse.

" Ok, can I come with you" Edward and Ashley chorused

" I'd love for that but you both can't come with me. Ashley, you come with me. Edward can stay here and watch over her" Mrs Lambert said.

" Thank you" Ashley said and got off the ground.

" Come on, let's go. We have other doctors to see" Mrs Lambert said and they left.

" Casey, I'm going to pray, do you mind joining me?" Beatrice asked.

" Come on, let's go" Casey said and they left.

Mariana decided to go ask the doctor if they could go see Ariana but the doctor declined, saying she needed a lot of rest which she couldn't get while a lot of people were around.


Mrs Lambert and Ashley walked into the hospital with long faces, it'd been three hours since they left and now that they returned, they didn't look happy.

" Tell me mum, what did they say?" Mariana was the first to ask.

" It's the same, Ariana barely has six months to live" Mrs Lambert said and tears rolled down her cheeks.

" You must be joking, tell me you're joking" Raymond said as he shook Mrs Lambert.

" I wish we were but sadly, my daughter will be leaving this world soon and there's nothing I can do about it" Ashley said 

" I can't believe this, Becky...... Becky is about to die" Micheal muttered to himself in pain.

" We can't change the fact" the doctor said " there's only one thing you can do to help" 

" And what is that?" Micheal asked.

" Make sure she spends her final days in a lot of joy, make sure she has no reason to cry because she needs to be happy. That's the least you can do" the doctor said.

" Are you sure there's nothing that can be done to save my daughter's life? I'm willing to spend any amount, just name your price" Edward said.

" I'm afraid not. A high level of vironia was found in her bloodstream and the poison mixed with it to create a more toxic effect which lasted more than twelve hours, days infact before she was brought to the hospital so I'm afraid, there's nothing we can do" the doctor said.

" Thank you doctor" Ashley spoke softly.

" You can go see her now, she needs all of you to be by her side In this final moments" the doctor said.

Edward shook him before they all left for Ariana's ward.

" Mum" Ariana called out after Mrs Lambert walked into her ward.

" Ari dear" Mrs Lambert called and embraced her. " Are you alright" she asked and Ariana nodded.

" Are you crying?" Ariana asked " you were crying because of me? Look at me, I'm fine, just migraine and stress but don't worry, I'm fine now" she said with a smile on her face. " Casey, won't you come give me a hug?" She asked.

" I thought you wouldn't  ask" Casey said and embraced her.

" Are you also crying? Come on, I told you I'm fine so stop crying already" Ariana said and gave her a playful knock on her head.

" Ariana" Raymond called and walked up to her. " You......"

" Stay away from me Raymond, I don't want to talk to you," Ariana said and looked away.