

Ezira's life has never been so perfect, her boyfriend who was the best thing that has ever happened to her just proposes to her, how dare her say no!, with so much joy she couldn't help but scream on top of her voice mad oh!


It all began when Ezira got into high school, as the only daughter and child of her parents she got all she asked for or admired.

Ezira, could you be fast I'm running late for work,

I'm coming mom.... I'm almost done. Just don't forget to pack my lunch because I can't eat from the cafeteria.

Juan, ezira's mom was a very beautiful and hardworking lady, who was wealthy before even getting married to her husband, Michelle or mitch as he was fondly called by his friends and family.

Running down from the stairs with her bag and her hair untied....

Ezira really; you still haven't tied your hair?

Mom I tried but couldn't you know I find it difficult to do these things....

Oh I have spoilt you badly!!!

Chuckling... mom you didn't spoil me you just did what you should.

Dragging ezira into her arm, Juan helped her tie her hair and then gave her a peck.

While they were leaving the house, Mr mitchy shouted from the room

I haven't gotten my kiss!!!

Juan and ezira burst into laughter, seeing him running down the stairs only to get a kiss and hug from his wife and daughter, one can agree that it was a loving and peaceful family.