
Endless Universes - Phoenix Rebirth Path - The 4325th

My Name is Red Everflame. I am An Arch God. I am A Heavenly Flame Phoenix Demon. I have reached the peak of the universe, only behind the owner of the universe. I am a champion, a winner, a master, a genius, and a hero. I am proud of that. However, I am just looking for a simple life. I want a wife who I love and also love me. But... What is Love? When the chance to escape from the numbness of the life on the peak arrived. I take it with both hand. The path is the path of a phoenix. I will reincarnate to reach another steps. I will experience new lives that I desire. From Ash I will return to the peak... That is to answer a question. Could I have the simple life that I desire? I become a normal farmer. I become a hunter I become a teacher I become a singer I become a dancer I become a general I become a princess I become a prince I become a queen I become a king I become an alchemist I become a talisman maker I become a formation master I become a blacksmith I become... I become... I become... Who? Who am I? Am I still Red Everflame, who soared through the endless sky? Am I Nong Min a simple farmer in a small village? Am I Lady Eshenesra Orira the female general of a wood elf tribe? Am I King Robert III the only king who conquered an entire continents? I got even more questions. [Writing Prompts Contest #1: Reincarnation] [Writing Prompts Contest #2: Modern Day Cinderella] [Writing Prompts Contest #3: Video Games] Warning 1: This isn't my main novel. Some surprise arc (reincarnation) might happen every new contest. I need some break from my main novel to escape from writer block and test some writing style. Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1.368th My Main Novel: https://www.webnovel.com/book/10935403706210205 Warning 2: To reincarnate, each reincarnation would receive his/her ending. There would be many main characters. Different gender, different species, and different life background. Warning 3: Standard webnovel's original chapter (1.000-1.500 words long). My main goal was to practice faster pace with this novel. I want to keep each reincarnation under 5 chapters if it was possible. My main novel was (2.500-3.500 words long sometimes 4.000+). Warning 4: This should be the 4th novel on my idea queue, but I publish this to celebrate the event. This is planned to advertise my main novel. Warning 5: This Path had a connection with Young Master Path. Some very little spoiler would happen.

MasterRabbink · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


In the past reincarnation, Red was a phoenix. He was the peak power in the entire universe. While for most people, a non-humanoid character was hard to use. Red felt at home.

Red tried to flap his wing, he felt joyful. After missing his wing from his past life, he got it back even if it was only in the game.

Red tried to maneuver using the Ice Phoenix. The Phoenix had a long-range normal attack. He tried the distance.

[Not bad.] Red thought. He had played many games from thousand different planets and compete with a stupid dragon, his past reincarnation's rival.

Red heard his teammates asked him in the group chat.

"Why do you pick Ice Phoenix, Jason? It is strong, but it is hard to play. We don't have a strong character to compete in the jungle." Rodrigo asked.

"Do not worry! I will use this in the jungle." Red said.

"A Phoenix? It had speed, but it didn't have a high detection area. Its smelling ability is bad." Rehaan said.

"I will show that." Red was confident. The Steel Throne had this uniqueness. Monster in the jungle is randomly spawned, jungler needed to find it and kill it. There would be many weak monsters, but only a few which could drop rune. A player needed to use special trait of their character to become the jungler.

A jungler was important to get team buff from the neutral creeps or monster. It was often a good damage dealer which could help the carry in the end game. They also needed to join the gank to the enemy, often ambushed from the jungle.

"Welcome to the Steel Throne…" Red heard this hoarse voice for the first time, but Jason's memory made it very normal to him. He felt at home in this place.

As a phoenix, Red could fly higher than other characters. It would impact the battle. The Steel Throne was different from first generation MOBA where players could hide by entering a bush. In this semi-real game world, you could use your life skill. Tracking, hiding, targeting, and many more could be used.

Jason ran into the jungle. His main goal was to get some buffs for the team. It would be better if he could steal the monster in the jungle near the enemy base. However, it was also hard, the monsters were hidden and randomly located.

Gizzling Orc had a good smell ability and could locate the monster easier. However, this Phoenix also had flying advantage. However, flying would make the Phoenix as an easy target for enemies' gank.

Red flap his wing and felt the air current. [The game developer managed to simulate 90% of real flying.] He thought.

"Do you see that? This RedEverflame is comfortable playing Ice Phoenix. This is rare. This is rare. Perhaps he is a bird in his past life." CURSEboy started with easy commentary.

Normally it was hard for a normal player to play non-humanoid because human often forgot to use their hands to move.

"Look at that! Both teams started to get into the position. The P-Tigre used the standard opening. The tanker in the top lane, the pusher in the mid line, the jungler in the forest, and a carry supported by a support in the bottom lane."

"The V-Light is even more aggressive in this game. They started to steal from the enemy forest. They used two junglers in this game. Shining Elf and Merlin went into the jungle. Merlin would clear his team forest while Shining Elf stole in P-Tigre forest."

"A little clash had happened in the mid lane. Venomous Viper versus Troll Shaman. Both characters had AoE attack to reduce the enemy creeps faster. Who will win."

Red flew between the trees to find the monster. He used his experience to find the monster. The developer of the Steel Throne researched real animals to give the neutral monster Ai some living patterns.

Red quickly fly and search for a random monster in the jungle. He found some tracks and follow them. A huge green snake appeared. The snake was ten-meter-long and had two huge horn on its head.

There was a stink smell around its body. An Orc would easily find this place because of the stinky smell. However, Red used his knowledge as a real phoenix to hunt the monster. He saw the tracks from the snake.

Red easily flapped his wing and avoided the attack. Red countered with a normal attack of the Ice Phoenix. He kept his distance and sent another ice bolt to the enemy.

"Wow! The Ice Phoenix managed to encounter a snake monster this fast. It is a good beginning for P-Tigre. Wonderful dodge. He counters the snake. Woooo! The first buff in the game for P-Tigre. Do not worry! I still confident in my bet. V-Light will gain the tempo later."

Red continued to fly until he met a big stone golem. It was easy for him to avoid the Golem. He used a standard dodge and counter. Sometimes he also used the phoenix's skill. There was a delay, skill cooldown and mana point, MP that he needed to consider.

Ten minutes into the game, Red had leveled four times. He used them to unlock two levels for the Ice Phoenix's second skill and two levels for the Ice Phoenix's third skill. The Phoenix needed to be at level eight before he could unlock its ultimate.

The second skill was Ice Pillar, it could block the path for the enemy and support his friend. The third skill was Ice Wave, it could freeze everything around him.

He went until he felt something strange. Red looked into the area around him. His instinct told him of danger.

"Look! Look! Look at that! The Ice Phoenix slowly reduces his movement. He found something."

Red finally saw some light trace of a humanoid creature. It jumped into the tree and made tracking became more difficult for him. However, Red decided to maneuver and rolled in the air.

"What is that? Do you see that? Ahhhh... Fack! Fack! Fack! The bird is lucky. He managed to dodge Shining Elf's first skill, Triple Shot. It could slower the bird if he gets some hits. It is almost the first kill. A slow phoenix is a dead phoenix."

Red saw an enemy. Behind him a support, Dwarf Healer appeared. While the elf was beautiful, Dwarf healer was fat, bulky, and short middle-aged man. His beard is very long, and he used large staff to cast long-range attack.

"It's a gank. It's a gank at the beginning of the battle. We had too many fried orcs today. Will we have a skewer bird this time? Oh No! Oh No! The bird tried to run while the Shining Elf started to chase. Their disabler, Troll Shaman also moved from the central line. He would support the Elf while the Viper still waiting for a wave.

"The Bird is in danger. The Bird is in danger. Mayday! Mayday! We will have Bird BBQ Party now. Incoming FUCKED bird!!!"

Thank you for reading! I made this to introduce some MOBA terms. It is hard to write both for MOBA player and veteran. So I had to simplify many things.

Please check my main novel:

Endless Universes - Young Master Path - The 1368th


MasterRabbinkcreators' thoughts