
Endless Quest: Unfated Pawn

In a world where magic is as common as the air we breathe, a young man named Leo finds himself facing an unbreakable cycle of destiny,. Well, it's not just one Leo, but two! Both Leo’s, after an unfortunate and shocking demise in their past lives, died by being shocked or shook to death. Leo awakens in a world were magic reigns supreme. But by the twist of fate, Leo is no hero. The fate of the world had conspired and gave him the title, ‘ - - - - - Emperor’ , while his dearest friend has been chosen as the world's hero. As Leo navigates this bewildering world, he discovers that his every action is preordained or some kind of prank. Fate, like an ever-present shadow, relentlessly pushes him towards malevolence. Determined to break free from the chains of destiny, Leo and his friend embark on an epic journey to challenge the cosmic order. They uncover secrets about the gods who dictate fate and learn that the world's existence hangs in a precarious balance. As they encounter formidable foes, uncover ancient relics, and navigate through treacherous places, the bond between Leo and his friend grows stronger, or is it? The fate of the world teeters on a razor's edge, and they must confront powerful forces beyond their understanding.

HastySeptemberPH · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
3 Chs

A Shocking Turn Of Events!



In a quaint little village nestled between rolling hills, Leo was leading an utterly ordinary life. He was a teenager at age 18, with unruly dark hair and a perpetual look of bemusement on his face. Leo was the kind of person who found humor in the most mundane situations. He had a knack for turning even the dullest of tasks into comedic escapades.


One fateful day, he was in the village's bustling marketplace, haggling with the local bakery over the price of a particularly fresh bread. As their playful banter continued, Leo's keen sense of humor manifested in an unexpected way. With a funny look, he proclaimed, "This bread is so fresh and soft that I can eat it whole!"


Laughter erupted from the market crowd, Leo then began to test something and looked at the crowd and said, "Watch me eat it whole bread!" then, he shoved the whole bread in his mouth. As he munching the bread and was halfway done, he saw some strange light in front of him and was stunned as he forgot that he's eating a bread that he choked to death while standing frozen in shock. As the people laugh and make fun of him, something bizarre occurred. A strange light enveloped him, a surreal dance of colors that turned the world into a swirling kaleidoscope. Then, just as swiftly as it began, the chaos ceased. Leo, who stood there eating a half-done bread, was just a body without a soul.


The crowd fell silent, their smiles turned to laughter and after a several seconds, was replaced with a collective gasp. Leo, still have the bread in his mouth, had transformed into a statue of sheer astonishment. It wasn't the response he'd anticipated from his humorous antics.


"Did… He….. Is He de-dead? Did He really die after just that?!?!"


The realization came swiftly—Leo was, in fact, dead. He had been shocked to death by his own joke. An absurd and ironic end, one might say, but it was Leo, after all. The villagers stood in hushed disbelief, casting sorrowful glances at the frozen figure, while Leo's spirit looked down on his own demise with a mix of disbelief and dark irony.


"….. Did I just die?"


Then, in a flash, he found himself floating in an indescribable void, a surreal space between existence and nothingness. Panic gripped him as he contemplated the absurdity of his predicament. 'Is this the afterlife? Or perhaps the pinnacle of all comedic pranks?'






Meanwhile, in the quiet suburban neighborhood of Willow Creek, the night sky raged with thunder, and torrents of rain cascaded down like a waterfall. Leo, a young lad of average build and an unfortunate sense of timing, had just arrived home after an exhausting overtime shift at his stagnant job. He had barely escaped the clutches of the storm's wrath, but fate had other plans for him.


As Leo stepped into his modest living room, the flickering lights illuminated his tired face. He sighed, glad to be home and away from the tempest outside. The aroma of leftover pizza lingered in the air, tempting him to surrender to the couch and call it a night. However, as he sank into the cushions, his stomach growled a reminder that dinner still awaited attention.


Leo groaned, realizing that he had forgotten to pick up groceries earlier. Reluctantly, he decided to brave the storm and make a perilous journey to the corner store. Clad in a worn-out raincoat and armed with a battered umbrella, Leo stepped back into the maelstrom.


The narrow lane leading to the store was dimly lit, with shadows dancing wildly in the rain. Leo trudged forward, his umbrella struggling against the wind. The distant howls of the storm echoed in his ears, but he was determined to conquer this treacherous quest for dinner ingredients.


As Leo approached a particularly dense thicket of trees lining the lane, a sudden gust of wind sent his umbrella spiraling into the abyss. With a resigned sigh, he continued without it, rain-soaked and increasingly miserable. In the midst of his culinary odyssey, Leo's mind wandered to the absurdity of his situation. He couldn't help but laugh at the irony of battling the rain and wind for a mundane grocery run.


However, fate had another twist in store for Leo. Just as he chuckled at the cosmic joke, a colossal oak tree, battered by the storm, chose that precise moment to give in to gravity. Leo, oblivious to the impending calamity, continued his mirthful march.


The tree crashed down with a deafening roar, the branches reaching out like skeletal fingers. Leo, in an unfortunate blend of bad luck and comedic timing, found himself directly beneath the arboreal monstrosity. In a surreal moment frozen in time, he looked up, wide-eyed, at the impending disaster.


As if choreographed by a twisted comedy routine, the tree landed with a perfectly timed thud. Leo, meet a tragic end. The tree positioned itself in such a way that the branches formed a makeshift canopy atop him. He stood there, soaked and stupefied; a human marionette entangled in nature's whimsy.


Passersby who witnessed the spectacle could only gape in disbelief. Leo, who was a little bit unluckier earlier, miraculously became more unluckier and unintentionally sheltered by the fallen tree, well, sheltered to death. 


And so, on that stormy night in Willow Creek, Leo's ill-fated quest for groceries turned into a tale of comedic misfortune, leaving the neighborhood with a story that would be retold about an unlucky person and bewildered faces for years to come..






In the aftermath of that historical incident, Leo found himself in a mysterious void—an interdimensional space that defied explanation. Well, one can call it nothingness. There, in the midst of his own existential confusion, he couldn't help but sigh at his historical death joke that had led to this comically unusual demise.

But in this void, he was not alone. Another figure was seen and introduced himself as Leo, who had met a similarly absurd and comedic fate, shared this surreal liminal space. The two Leos stared at each other, their expressions a blend of disbelief and amusement. It was as if the universe had a grand sense of humor, and they were merely players in its cosmic farce.

"Sooo….. You also died that way, huh." Young Leo said amused.

"What also died that way?" Adult Leo confusedly said.

"Wait, You're not a comedic person?" Young Leo shockingly said.

"Well, I was.." Adult Leo hesitantly said to the bewildered Young Leo.

"What do you mean 'I was'?" Young Leo curiously asked the Adult Leo.

"I've stopped doing such comedic tricks when I found the harsh reality of Life." Adult Leo downheartedly said.

"Hmm, I don't know what happen to you back there but both of us are dead now. So, can you tell me some of your comedic feats?" Young Leo scratched his head yet what waited to him was that he was intangible, making him in awkward state but still eagerly asked Adult Leo.

"….Sure" Then Adult Leo told his legendary feats to the Young Leo who was shocked and amazed, making him want to prostate himself to Adult Leo.

"...….." Adult Leo dumbfoundedly looked at the envious face of Young Leo. Leo faked a cough and said, "Leo, damn it's weird to say your name-"

"BUT IT'S ALSO YOUR NAME!! WHY IS IT WEIRD?!" Young Leo strangely looked at Adult Leo.

"Okay okay, So Leo, I know you from that look of yours that you are jealous of some of my comedic feats when I was a younger but past is past. I know you are kind of proud in your glorious comedic death as when you've heard about my death you became envious, like, damn, I hate to die such way." Leo said to Young Leo who is still looking at him with such envious look

"Then it's decided. You'll help me have a good comedic show if we can return to either my world, your world or other world!" Young Leo's eyes shone with some kind of strange light and look at me with an intense look and said, " Let's create a glorious and comedic death together!" Young Leo excitedly said. 

'I'll just make this little kid happy.' Adult Leo thought and said to Young Leo, "Sure, Sure."

"YES! YES! YES! YES!" Young Leo happily shouted in the void. But after several seconds, he then quiets down and said, "How can you help me though? And leave this place?"

"Umm, by merging together and leave this place with our combined strength?" Adult Leo jokingly said.



In an unexpected twist, the two Leos began to merge, their memories and personalities intertwining. The void itself seemed to respond to this fusion, as if it were part of some grand prank of all ages.

Suddenly, with an unruly burst of energy, the two Leos were thrust back into existence. Their laughter echoed through the void as they found themselves occupying a singular body, a melding of their former selves, hurtling back into the realm of the first Leo with an absurd and dizzying jolt.

As they navigated the baffling re-entry into the world, they retained their individual memories and comedic sensibilities, yet they were now united in one, navigating the modern world with a fusion of humor, chaos, calmness and a perplexing sense of destiny. 

Suddenly, a blinding headache engulfed him, and his awareness expanded exponentially. It felt like his mind was cracking open, and a barrage of memories flooded in. These weren't their own memories but those of someone else—memories of another life, another time.


 '- - - - - EMPEROR'


In these vivid recollections, Leo found himself, well themselves, fainting inexplicably in the same place of where the Young Leo. His last thoughts filled with confusion and disbelief. He saw his lifeless body crumpling to the ground, surrounded by onlookers with faces contorted in shock. 





A world of magic, spells, and otherworldly creatures swirled in his mind. Leo was both a stranger and somewhat familiar in a land where reality and fantasy intertwined in inexplicable ways.

'So there really is a magic in this world! I thought they are only stories of the old folks of this village of ours!'

As the throbbing headache subsided, Leo became acutely aware of his surroundings. He was no longer in the void but had, inexplicably, assumed the role of the other Leo, Well, the same Leo with the other Leo. With his new fused body, He felt different as his senses heightened, and the memories of this new existence that is known as the - - - - - Emperor became more vivid with every passing moment.


'- - - - - EMPEROR'


He looked down at himself, examining his transformed appearance. He had retained the name Leo as both Leo have the same name and there is no need to change name, but everything else was profoundly altered. His hair, once chestnut, was now a deep shade of black, cascading in thick waves around his face. His crimson eyes sparkled with a mysterious allure, hinting at untold secrets. His skin, a shade of white pale as moonlight, seemed almost ethereal in the dappled sunlight filtering through the trees.


Leo marveled at his new reflection, a handsome visage that bore no resemblance to his former self. This body felt different, stronger, and brimming with latent power. It was a far cry from the unassuming, humorous soul he once was. His characteristic of also full of pranks seemingly change as since that 'Something Emperor' that he can't see the name showed in his soul, their combined soul became somewhat serious but still have that mischievous attitude. 


Now, both a stranger and acquaintance of the strange world, Leo could not escape the realization that his life had taken an unexpected, and quite possibly cosmic, turn. The memories of both Leo's lives and seemingly fragmented Emperor's life swirled in his mind, painting a vivid shade of a world defined by magic, fate, and destiny. He had been thrust into a realm where the laws of his former existence, the modern world and the world inside the village, no longer applied.


With a newfound determination, Leo contemplated his next steps. What would it mean to be the unfated pawn in this perplexing world of magic, heroes, and unyielding destinies? Little did he know that his journey was only beginning, and the forces of fate had designs for him that defied all expectations.


But before any of those, He looked at the people at the village and said, "What mages are you talking about? Before that, Can I have some food first? I'm starving!"




" Come here Little Leo, listen to what I'm going to tell you as it'll be important when you go out of this village." Stated by an Old Man who is 'our' Village Elder here at Willow Creek Village. 


As I follow the Old Man, I saw someone bringing food to me and before I even grab the food, I saw something in front of me when I look at the food brought by some middle-aged lady, who by the way, is a person closed to Leo. Aunt Fae.


( Willow Whisperer Soup - A comforting soup made with mystical herbs and vegetables from the village gardens of Willow Creek Village. It was rumored to enhance one's ability to communicate with magical beings. Low Quality )

( Faery Fruit Salad - A vibrant medley of fruits said to be blessed by local faeries. Each bite is rumored to bestow a touch of magic, bringing joy and good luck. Middle Quality)

( Creekstone Honeycomb - Harvested from bees that dwell near the village creek, this honey is infused with the essence of the babbling waters. It is believed to bring clarity and sweet fortune to those who consume it. Low Quality)




"What are you staring at the foods like that Leo? Quickly, grab some while we listen to what the Village Elder wants to say." Aunt Fae urgingly said to Leo. 


"Uh, Oh! Okay, Aunt Fae!" As I said that to Aunt Fae, I quickly thought, 'Is that a description about the food? Is it like Appraise or something?'


"Everyone! Listen to what I'm going to say! This is passed by the Village Elders of the past to each succeeding Village Elder! I, Thessarian Sageborne IX, will tell the story of our first Ancestor, the Hero's descendant, Thessarian Sageborne." The Village Elder declared.


As He looked at everyone who has gone silent from shock, he then looked at me for a while then nodded in satisfaction. He then stated, "I only know something what our predecessor passed to me which is about our situation here in our Village. I'm going to tell you now all first is Magic." He then looked at me again and said, "As you all know, Leo, who died with a comedic death yet was revived….. Ehm…..Well, gained a what we called Nirvana."


"Elder! What is Nirvana? And how is it related to him reviving and having magic?" A young boy loudly said as he raised his tiny arms in the air to get attention.


As if the Village Elder knows someone will ask that question, He stated that, "Nirvana, an event that commonly happens to a member of Phoenix Clan and those who are chosen by fate which are rare to happen in the ancient times, especially to the Human Race. Well, anyway, "Nirvana" could be a transcendent state where individuals chosen by fate have the ability to surpass the traditional cycle of life and death, experiencing a unique form of revival and gaining profound insights from each life-death cycle." He looks at me again with a look of awe and said, "Leo happened to be someone like that and I don't know what he gained but from what the predecessors said, "those who attain Nirvana and transcend it are commonly found with magic and some other unique traits.""


'Is that why I have gained Appraisal skill or is it just something different?' Leo thought as he digested what the Elder said. Leo quickly shook his head and said, "Then Elder, how can I know what magic attribute I have?" 


"To know ones attribute, one needs to feel the magic power inside of him or her. We can also call that magic power inside of us as "mana". " The Elder continued, "For your case, those who have transcended life and death can instantly gain control of his mana, or rather, their mana were nearing inexhaustible though it can be depleted by constant usage of large amount of mana, using high or peak grade magic and using forbidden or divine grade spells." The Elder generously said. 


"So, can you tell what magic I have?" Leo agitatedly said to the Elder with an expectant look.


"Yeah, Elder! Show us his magic!" the Villagers quickly shouted in unison.


"No need to be impatient, I'll do it now. Hohoho." The Elder looked at me and serious said some chants in air which brings a feeling of sacredness from the Elder's words. 


" By the grace of the Creation God, Aetherius,

In the sacred dance of cosmic threads, delirious.

With a whisper to the ethereal wind, mysterious,

Reveal the magic in each soul, luminous.


Through the tapestry of fate, we journey profound,

In Aetherius' light, true enchantments unbound.

Eyes of the divine, a mystic gaze unwound,

See the magic within, where secrets are found.


Blessed be this spell, from realms celestial,

A glimpse into realms, both mortal and ethereal.

Aetherius, guide our vision, pure and quintessential,

See the magic within, oh, powers elemental.









-Leo's POV-

Under the looks of the villagers, where world seems to whisper secrets and the light bathed the world in ethereal glow, I stood alone, looking at the mystic presence approaching.


With a solemn invocation resonating through the air, I saw the Village Elder intoned, "BY THE GRACE OF THE CREATION GOD, AETHERIUS," as if calling upon the very essence of the cosmos. The words seem to wove into the fabric of reality, creating ripples of magic that embraced me in an unseen embrace.


I felt a gentle touch upon my forehead, a sensation like a breeze from unseen realms. As the chant continued, "IN THE SACRED DANCE OF COSMIC THREADS, DELIRIOUS," my eyes began reflecting the constellation of a certain pattern.


"WITH A WHISPER TO THE ETHEREAL WIND, MYSTERIOUS," The Village Elder continued, his voice echoing in the magical symphony. My senses heightened, and the air shimmered with untold secrets. 




The mundane world around me seemed to transformed into a realm where magic flowed like a river, revealing the latent enchantments.


"REVEAL THE MAGIC IN EACH SOUL, LUMINOUS," the chant reached its crescendo. Sacred energy wrapped around me, gently unraveling the unseen threads of magic within me. My mana, five radiant lines previously unseen, pulsed with an inner brilliance.


'Red, Blue, Green, White, Violet... Black? There's six?'


While I was deep in thought about my magic attributes, due to the soft glow of Aetherial Revelare, my features became a canvas painted with the colors of my magical attributes. The Village Elder beheld my hidden strengths, the dormant potential, and the cosmic patterns etched upon my very being.





"BLESSED BE THIS SPELL, FROM REALMS CELESTIAL," the elder nearing concluding the chant, his voice now a soothing benediction. As the last echoes of the chant faded into the night, I stood there, touched by the divine magic. Aetherial Revelare had revealed not only my magical attributes but also some kind of unknown essence of my existence—an illuminated testament to the enchantments woven into the fabric of my soul.


-Normal POV-


"It's a success, Elder!!" shouted the people in joy.

"It's truly a success, hmm? What is this?! Six magical Attributes?!?!" the Village Elder shockingly said.

"What's the matter with that, Elder?" Leo questioned.

"Yes, Elder. What is the problem with six magical attributes?" a middle-aged man confusedly asked.

"Hero..." the village elder muttered softly.

"WHAT!!!!" Leo and the people shouted in unison.

"... is what I want to say but, the there's only one Hero in every three generations and the Hero was born 18 years ago." The Village Elder said while looking at me strangely. He looked at me for a moment while I am feeling tense. He then muttered some words that only he can hear, " A Divergent befitting to defy fate….. or is this arranged by fate itself."


