
So weak


Silvana's fist slammed right into Adam's chest, she didn't hold back in speed or strength, trying to replicate the illusion the Evolution Tree had plunged her into.

However... illusion would always be just an illusion, a pathetic copy unable to surpass and even more unable to replace reality.

Was Silvana's punch strong or weak?

Well, everything was relative.

For a mere human, her punch was too strong. Even Max, using all his experience and strength, wouldn't be able to produce something so powerful and fast, despite the incredible difference in their mastery as two fighters.

It was also proof that Silvana was actually using energy that was not available to normal humans, which she wasn't 100% from now on.

Silvana was still human, hundreds of times more so than Adam and any other Phantom and even more so monsters, but humans couldn't use energy, especially other people's energy.