
Hot Weapon

Joy filled Elva, Liv, and Tilda's faces when they saw Fromund's flaming fist reach its target.

Even if Adam had partially blocked the damage by sacrificing his needle, it meant nothing.

No one expected Fromund to be able to win with just one attack, not just his sister, but many viewers were sure that it would be enough to hurt Adam badly.

The flames burned Adam's right shoulder and part of his arm up to the elbow and that was only supposed to be the beginning.

The fire burst in a wave headed forward, leaving a black trail on the ground and smashing into the wall. If Adam tried to dodge, the scarlet stream would engulf him, nailing him to the confines of the arena and gradually burning him.

It wouldn't be fatal, but fighting as an equal after something like that would be an impossible task. Adam's entire body would ache like hell, distracting his mind.