
Endless Change

A bartender and a mafia leader love story. Asaka is a mafia leader who falls in love with Levar, a trans bartender.

We_are_here · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
88 Chs


(Levar Point of View)

I see her sitting up on the bed. I didn't think she would be awake yet. I thought she would have been sleeping more but I guess I was wrong. Wait, that means she might burn herself on the food. No. That's not what I wanted. I wanted to make sure it would still be warm when she wakes up, not to be this hot and I know how hot it is as I can still feel my hand burning a bit. The ice is helping with the pain and keeping my hand cool, which is good. I watch as she adjusts herself so she is back under the blanket as she smiles at me before she stops. Did she see my hand? I don't want her to worry about me when she is now missing a leg. I hope she doesn't worry too much about it and can focus on letting herself heal, after all, she does have a lot more injuries than just her missing leg.

"Hi there darling, what are you doing? And what happened?"

I guess she did see my hand, there is no point in lying. "I made you breakfast. I didn't think you would be awake yet. You didn't seem to be in good condition when you came in so I thought you would still be asleep for a while. I burned my hand while making you your plate."

Oh. So he was surprised about me being awake. Wait, who let him out of his room? He should still be in his room, after all, I locked it when I left so he should still be in his room. I didn't leave the key in the room, I know I didn't. "Quick question, how did you get out of your room?"

"What do you mean? The door was unlocked when I woke up and I didn't have my leash on." She just stares at me confused and worried? Scared? I can't tell. But she isn't saying anything as she stares at me. Did I do something wrong? Is she okay? Did she hit her head? Did she not do that on purpose? What's going on? Should I be scared? "Baby? Are you okay?"

"Yes, I am. I was just worried about you leaving and you stayed." So she did think I was going to leave her. I wouldn't. I feel safe with her and I love her. I can't just leave. 

"Did you not mean to leave with my door unlocked and my leash off?"

"No, I didn't. I had to rush to work and I was half asleep so I didn't think about it and just assumed I did it." Well, that explains her reaction to all of this. 

"Oh. Should I have stayed in the room?"

"No, you are fine. Now, why don't you come join me?" I smile at her. I set down the tray so she can eat before crawling into bed. I make sure to do my best to not get in her way as I join her in bed. It feels better with her awake. "How about we deal with your hand?"

"Alright. We can do that." So it looks like we are going to deal with my hand. I think I did okay so maybe we will be able to deal with this fast and then move on and this will help the food have time to cool down since it is still hot. 

I let her take off the towel as I watch her. My hand doesn't look bad and the pain is better now. My hand is mainly just red so it should be able to heal. I don't think there are any blisters. "How is the pain?"

"It's okay. It hurts less now. It was mainly the burning that hurt." It is nice that she cares this much about me. It is really nice. I'm really glad that I have her. 

"I'm glad." She rewraps my hand before looking at me. She looks so pretty right now. I don't know why but she does. "So what did you make for me?"

"Well, I forgot what the English word for omleta was so instead of making an omelet I made oatmeal so when I realized my mistake, I made you an omelet as well."

"That's very sweet of you darling. It does look good." She doesn't seem mad at me and my mistake.

"Thank you. I did burn the oatmeal a bit so hopefully that is fine."

She kisses my forehead. It feels nice. I missed this. I missed her. "It is darling." She really is okay with my mistakes. I watch her as she starts eating. She seems to like it. I might have done good then. I must have. "Where did you learn to cook?"

Where did I learn how to cook? This is going to be a bit odd. I was never really taught, I just watched and copied. Well, when I moved out I had to learn and I did so I could eat different foods. Well, When I was younger I did make some meals but that was rare so I guess that counts. "Well I learned how to cook when I was young but that was mainly just the basics and I didn't cook much until I started living on my own, where I learned how to cook a bit more and more things."

I see her look down at the food. Did I say something wrong? "Oh? Well, you definitely do know what you are doing when given a recipe." I guess I didn't, she is just looking at what I made. I'm glad I did good and she likes it.

"Thank you. I did my best. So how are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. Today or yesterday was hard. Whenever I was at work, I will have to call in to explain what happened"

"Does your boss not know?"

"No, he doesn't. He just knows that I was out." That's odd. I thought it was her boss that called her but maybe it was a coworker. Her boss should know but she needs to heal and get used to missing a leg. I do also want cuddles after she eats. Maybe I can do it for her. 

"Why don't you finish and I will try my best to explain? Then you don't have to worry about it and if your boss has any questions, he can ask you later."

What? Why would he do that? I mean, that would be a big help and then I can think of my lie a bit more and also talk to Frey about this all, after all, they don't even know of my condition yet. "Sure. That works out great."

"Perfect, then where is your phone?"

"I don't know. I think I took it to work with me so it is either destroyed or in the bedroom."

I nod my head before heading into our bedroom. I should be able to find her phone and if not, we can deal with it later. Since her phone isn't here it would have been destroyed and I don't know if or when she will be able to work again.