
End of the World Safe Zone

Shen Tian kicks the bucket, squashed by a truck – yep, totally cliché. But hang on, death's just a pit stop. Meet the "world administrator," a cosmic dealmaker. Shen Tian's back on the land of the living, but with a twist: he's in a zany apocalyptic land now. World savior vibes incoming! Shen Tian's job? DIY – Build a shelter for humankind, in case zombies RSVP for lunch. Step one: quests! Think scavenger hunts with a twist. Shen Tian's treasure? Blueprints for a fortress that even doomsday would think twice about crashing. Shen Tian's a modern-day MacGyver, mixing brains and brawn to gather survivors. Call it a post-apocalyptic party, where monsters crash – and Shen Tian's the bouncer. Mission: Secure snacks, save humanity! Danger's the new normal. Will Shen Tian raise humanity's last safe haven, or will zombies crash his crib-warming party? Get ready for a zombie-zapping, apocalypse-building joyride!

skycasamerano · Ação
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33 Chs


Seeing the dust scattered everywhere, Li Qingshan came to Shao Haoran's side.

"Did you defeat it?"

Shao Haoran didn't reply, but he kept looking at the place where the zombie was thrown to.


A low growl answered Li Qingshan's query.

"This guy's durable!" Mo Jun commented as he approached his companions as well.

The zombie stepped out of the debris, still growling at the three humans who dared to touch its body. It took a step forward and growled again.

Shao Haoran, Li Qingshan, and Mo Jun took their stance, ready to attack or defend in the next second.

The three men were expecting the zombie to dash toward them for an attack. However, what happened next was beyond their expectation.

The zombie, with sharpened claws, stabbed into the head of the dead zombie nearby. It then started to feast on the rotting brain matter and blood it just pulled out off the said zombie. As if unsatisfied, it stabbed again at another dead zombie and did the same thing.

"Stop it!" Shao Haoran ordered with urgency. Without waiting for his companions to take action to his words, he had already dashed forward toward the zombie, with all the intention to attack with his superpower.

Dematerializing his knife and opting for a free-flowing lightning attack, Shao Haoran threw one strike after another towards where the zombie was standing. It was quick to react, though. It jumped away and continued to feast on the dead zombies it came close to wherever it jumped.

"Shao Haoran!" Li Qingshan alerted him as he raised a tall wall to limit the movement of the zombie.

He understood why Shao Haoran ordered them to stop the zombie. He understood that right now, what they're facing is not just regular zombie but one with intelligence. It knew how to attack and evade. More importantly, it kept harvesting the crystal cores of the dead zombies, which means that it knew what it needed to do to get stronger. Crystal cores, for zombies, are power enhancers, after all.

Such zombies should be eliminated as early as possible. Otherwise, if it gets too powerful, it would be strong enough to eliminate a small base even on its own.

As soon as the wall was erected, Shao Haoran leaped toward the zombie again, striking with his lightning covered fist.

"ROARRR!!!" The zombie screamed at the sky, evidently angry at its attacker. It had no choice but to stop feeding and parry the barrage of attacks coming toward his way.

"Incoming!" Mo Jun shouted at the top of the newly erected wall. He was raising a big solid rock and aiming it toward the zombie.

Seeing Mo Jun's action, Shao Haoran directed a lighting volt towards the zombie to immobilize him in place. The zombie growled in pain, its muscles twitching as high voltage coursed through its body. Without further ado, Mo Jun threw the rock down.


The solid rock hit the zombie head on. Upon impact, the zombie fell on its knees, but it was still alive. It still had the ability to strengthen its body, which it did when it realized that a rock is about to hit it and that it has been immobilized.

Li Qingshan made his move again. This time, instead of erecting a wall, he manipulated the soil to create a soil prison, locking the zombie's waist, knees, and hands down on the ground.

In this gap, Shao Haoran knew exactly what he needed to do. Tightening his grip on the lightning knife he had just finished materializing, he swung it toward the zombie's neck. Despite the zombie activating its body strengthening, it was no match to Shao Haoran's power.

The zombie's head flew off with that final swing.

Hello! Sorry for the late and short chapter today! Chapter 31 was the last of my stockpile and I'm currently writing some more chapters now so I'll have chapters to publish in the next days.


Thank louppy_lou, G_Mango, and Chill27 for the power stones!



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