

After reaching the orphanage Abraham explained to someone working their how he randomly stumbled a pone Atlas, his apparent lack of memory and how he set an add telling stating that he'll be staying in an orphanage. After he finnished telling his story the lady, went up to Atlas, and reached out her hand, like she was trying to pet a stray scared puppy, and said in a soothing voice, "Well why don't you come hear, and let me show you around your new home". Atlas still wondering why Abraham talked about his eye color couldn't help but look at her eyes, and was surprised at the bright red color, that greeted him. Startled by the hand that suddenly entered his field of vision he took it and followed her deeper into his new home.

As they walked about the orphanage Atlas couldn't help but notice how, the lady whose name he learned to be Dalia, would flip a switch and light would enter a room through a panel in the ceiling. Atlas would later learn more, about the marvels of electricity, as his stay in civilization prolonged. After the tour of his new home Atlas learned the rough layout of his new home but most importantly where his room, that had a desk and bed for two people inside, was along with the library, cafeteria, and the training ground where according to Dalia, they would practice their spearmanship, even after school was over.

After the tour Dalia, found another child close to Atlas's age and told him to help Atlas until he gets his bearings, on how life was going to be now that, he was living here with them. While talking with the boy, Mark, Atlas learned quite a few things about him quite quickly, the most obvious of which was how much Mark hated school, except for two classes which he loved, being, spearmanship, and phy ed. which gave Atlas mixed feelings towards school as on one hand he was excited for whatever spearmanship and phy ed would have in store for him, but at the same time was terrified of what the rest of school was going to be like. But before Atlas could even ask Mark went on to another topic and then another, to Atlas it seemed like Mark had no end to topics he could talk about, this belief was only further deepened when Mark only stopped when Dalia came around and told the two of them that they should go to sleep.

While laying in his bed Atlas couldn't fall asleep due to a mixture of fear and apprehension towards the next day, his dreams, and everything that Mark had said about seemingly everything in existence, except topics related to what happens at the other classes at school and why eye color is seemingly so important. But in the end the wooden orphanage that he started to call home, brought him just enough comfort to wait for the next day to get the answer to all the questions that he had and fall asleep.