
End of an Ordinary Life: Remake

Yoshida Asato is a normal academy student until he encounters a monster on his way home. After his first meeting with the monster, his normal life is suddenly over as he must take care of the monster and all who followed her. -------- This is a remake of the story. I wanted to rewrite it in a much better way. The original story is still up if anyone wants to read it then come back to the remake

AisuruOfficial · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs


Yan Mei dashed toward me and went for a palm strike. I looped my arm around hers and countered with a back wrist strike then palmed her stomach, knocking her back. She slid backwards then stomped on the ground extracting small rocks from the ground then hurled them at me one by one. I slowed down time and dodged the rocks then time moved back to normal.

Yan Mei looked at me and smiled. She got into a stance then ran toward me and surrounded her hands with fire energy then threw quick jabs at me. I dodged the first one then pushed her hand away on the second jab. I blocked the third jab then used my Gale Energy to make the air pressure stronger. She grunted and fell onto one knee. I hit her with a spinning back heel kick, knocking her away.

She recovered by flipping off one hand then landed on her feet. She stood up straight and noticed me hopping up and down. She smiled then her Chi disappeared. "That's enough for the day."

"Eh? Already?" I asked.

"You've shown improvement. Lots of improvement. I think you're ready to rank up already to rank up to E Rank. I'll tell Himeko to set up the Rank Battles. All the other students are also preparing for their Rank Matches. It's about that time as well." Yan Mei said then stretched.

"So the Ranked Matches are against five of the strongest people in the same rank huh. And it's random as well?" I asked.

"Yeah. So you can get anyone as an opponent. So far...it seems like your battles will most likely be against Rimuri, Karasu, Bachiko, Mae, and Orimi. Because of that I'll have Himeko make some changes to how the Rank Battles go, but I am interested in how things will go. Fujin is strong but he admitted that he doesn't fight often, but I am interested to see his battles." Yan Mei said then walked toward me.

She held my arms and looked directly into my eyes. I looked back into hers and slightly blushed. She smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Come on, let's go take a shower." Yan Mei said.

"W-Wait, together?" I asked.

"Come on..~ There's no harm besides you've seen my body..~" Yan Mei said.

Melody watched us and smiled a bit. She did feel a bit jealous but just ignored that feeling. "I'm gonna go check up on Mina and Himeko. They did say we were going to get a visitor soon~"

"Alright, I'll see you soon, Master Melody." Yan Mei said, looking at Melody.

Melody nodded and stood up from her seat and left. Yan Mei put her attention back on me and smiled. She was serious about us taking a shower together.

"Come on..~" She said and led me back to the mansion.


We walked into the bathroom together and she locked the door. I watched her walk forward and prepare the shower for us. Yan Mei took off her clothes and leaned over to check the water, almost like she was doing it on purpose.

I blushed as I looked at her body. To think someone like Yan Mei...a woman of pure Inner Peace and Tranquility was capable of such adulterated actions.

Yan Mei stood up straight and looked back at me. "Are you done checking me out..?~ I can't be the only one naked here..~"

I felt my heart skip a few beats then I began to take off my clothes. Once I got my clothes fully off, she walked toward me and grabbed my hand then pulled me into the shower with her. She had me facing away from her.

She grabbed a bottle of soap and a bathing sponge then lathered the sponge with soap. She got closer to me and pressed her body against me and began to wash the front of my body.

"Hey...what is this for..?" I asked as I watched her hand.

"This is...a part of training.." Yan Mei said and blushed a bit. "Melody said Monsters are naturally sexual creatures like Humans but ten times more sexual. Monsters gain more power from interactions like these somewhat. Actions like these activate a hormone within called Aphrodisiac Hormones.."

"And you want to awaken that within me..? Why..?" I asked.

Yan Mei blushed even more and began to glide her hand lower. "Because I want you to grow stronger...I have Monster Energy within me because of my connection with Theora. That means I also have this hormone within. I am partially Monster by technicality...because of that I have the desire to breed as well.."

I watched her clean my shaft and my breathing hitched a bit as she slowly rubbed my shaft. "R-Really huh..?"

Yan Mei nodded and put down the sponge. She turned me around so I could look at her. I stared at her then felt my body tingling. I held her cheeks and she pulled me closer then pecked my lips. She gently pushed me against the wall of the shower and kissed me. I was a bit surprised, but soon kissed back. We began making out and I could feel my aphrodisiac blood awakening within me.

I flipped the position and began to kiss her neck. She held my shoulders and tilted her head, making soft sounds. As I kissed her neck, the tantric energy within me grow stronger. I gently groped her breast and pulled away from kissing her neck.

Yan Mei panted a bit and felt her desire to have me grow stronger. "Monsters...have tantric sex...this allows them to become one. The purpose isn't to reach an orgasm..."

I noticed her look into my eyes. "What's the purpose..?"

"It's to unify with one another...Your Monster Energies unify...therefore making your partner whole. With your power, it does more..." Yan Mei said then wrapped her fingers around my shaft. "It brings forth True Power. It brings forth Pure Energy...making their energy and Monster Aura pure..."

"What will it do for you..?" I asked and felt her slowly rub my member.

"It turns my Chi into Pure Chi...but it also brings everlasting happiness for both parties. It brings pure satisfaction...I want that...I feel jealous every time I see you kissing Himeko, Rimuri, Karasu, and Mae...I want that form of attention...I want you.." Yan Mei said then pulled me into a kiss.

I kissed back and felt her raise her leg. I held her leg then we heard my phone ringing which broke our immersion. We looked at each other and she closed her eyes.

"Maybe next time.." Yan Mei said sounding disappointed.

I nodded and felt disappointed, but I remembered I had a date to get going to. "Next time when I'm actually free.."


I got dressed and fixed my hair then put in my earrings that I bought during my date with Bachiko. I smiled at myself in the mirror and left my room and hurried downstairs to meet with Orimi at the front.

"Big Brother!~ Are you finally ready?~" Orimi asked.

I nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I am~"

Orimi giggled and grabbed my hand. "We're heading out!~"

"Have fun!" Fujin waved as he carried a few papers for Himeko.

Himeko looked at us and smiled. "See you two soon!~"

I nodded and we left the mansion to head into the city together. Orimi hummed happily as she held my hand and walked beside me.

"So, where do you wanna go first?" I asked and looked at Orimi.

"I was thinking we can go to an amusement park~ It's been so long since we've been to one!~" Orimi said.

I nodded and smiled. "The last time we went was when we were living with Naora."

"I still miss Mama, I wonder if she's still doing well." Orimi smiled and watched the birds soar in the sky. "Oh, and I've got to say Big Brother, your energy has been really calm as of lately~ Yan Mei's training must really be working!"

I chuckled softly and nodded. "Sitting under a waterfall for hours and listening to the tranquility of the forest helps calm the mind a lot. I can think more clearer and not impulsively as much."

"I like it..~ It really soothes me as well..~" Orimi said then interlocked our fingers together.

"I'm glad..~ I don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable~ You are the most important person to me in this entire universe..~" I said.

"You are too..~ That is why I've been training with Rimuri and Karasu to get stronger!~ I've learned how to use Abyss Energy and Gale Energy!~" Orimi said and smiled brightly.

"I'm impressed, you'll probably be stronger than me in no time~" I chuckled.

Orimi giggled and shook her head. "I doubt it, you're leagues ahead of me..~"

"Have you found out what kind of energy you have?" I asked.

Orimi nodded. "Himeko said I was connected to Cosmia, and I could control Cosmic Energies along with the Monster Energies up to a universal scale! I don't know how to use it though, so I've played it safe by learning the Monster Energies first."

"Good call. I've recently discovered I'm capable of evolving my energy along with others to a Divine Scale. Yan Mei and Melody told me your energy and my energy are the only two energies capable of evolving through normal means like training." I said.

"Then let's get stronger together and protect Earth and the Good Monsters!~" Orimi said with excitement.

"Yeah, this is our calling after all. We have to do our best~" I smiled.


We made it to the Yahoma Amusement Park and Orimi's excitement skyrocketed. She began to drag me onto all the rides she wanted to get on. I followed her like a guardian trying to protect their partner. Her excitement caused Himeko to contact me.

"I see Orimi's stats are all maxed out to the brim~ I can tell she's having a lot of fun with you~" Himeko giggled.

"What do you expect? We've been together our entire life, no one can share the bond we share with each other." I chuckled and watched Orimi stand in line to get something to eat.

"I know..~ It's a pretty unique bond from your typical sibling bond~ She wants to grow more intimate with you. Are you ready for such a responsibility?~" Himeko asked.

I looked at Orimi and smiled. "Although she's my sister, I don't mind it. After all there will come a time where I have to tame her as well and she will probably have to tame me. She also has aphrodisiac blood within her and the only one who can fulfill those desires is me."

"Ahh so they told you. You hold a lot of responsibility. The MPT can only help you acquire the monster, it's up to you to tame and save her in any manner possible. I was just tapping in to check up on you two..~" Himeko said.

"Everything's okay..~" I smiled.

"Alright, I'll see you soon handsome~" Himeko said then hung up.

Orimi came back with some food and sat next to me. She slid some food over to me and smiled. We began to eat together and talked a lot. There was never a moment where we had an awkward conversation. I enjoyed talking to Orimi about everything. That's what we would normally do before we go to sleep. As we talked, a conversation sparked up.

"Have you ever wondered where Mama is..?" Orimi asked.

I gave a slight smile and nodded. "I do and I think I know where she is."

"Where?" Orimi asked.

"She has to still be in Kimotari. That was where we saw her last before moving to Fujitori." I said.

"Wanna go check?" Orimi asked.

I looked at her and noticed her hopeful and determined eyes. I nodded. "Let's go."


Orimi and I asked Himeko to drive us to Kimotari. Himeko happily agreed and we got into her car and she drove off to Kimotari which was a two hour drive from Yahoma.

"If Naora is still in Kimotari, she has to be in that old abandoned work lab she used to always work in. If she isn't...I don't know where she could be." Himeko said.

"I'm certain she's still there. I'm 100% sure. She wouldn't move without telling us." I said.

"Yeah, Mama wouldn't abandon us like Apeiron and Seiko!" Orimi said.

"I know she wouldn't. She took care of you all for 13 years from what Namiyo told me." Himeko said.

"Yeah, we consider her as our real mom. We were really antisocial back then though, but even still she loved us as if she gave birth to us." I said.

Himeko kept driving to Kimotari then soon we made it to the old lab she told us about. She parked her car in front of the building and I noticed how bad the building looked. It didn't look like the same lab I remembered it being.

We got out of the car and Himeko led us inside. We looked around the lab and noticed it still looked decent on the inside.

"Detecting unauthorized beings! Executing Defense Battle Mode!" An AI Voice said then all the lab equipment descended under the floor and into the walls and a robot appeared from the floor.

"Ah shit. I forgot you two have never actually been inside here. This part of the lab was restricted. I didn't even bring my Weapon Key." Himeko said.

I hurried in front of Himeko. "We'll take care of this!"

"Yeah, hang tight!" Orimi said.

The robot dashed toward us and its arm changed into a blade and it slashed at us. I made a blade from Gale Energy and blocked the attack. Orimi rushed forward and struck the stomach of the robot with Gale Energy surrounding her hand then launched the robot upwards with a force of wind.

I summoned a void and caused the wind to suck the robot inside the void. Another opened and blasted the robot to the ground. Orimi ran forward and bellowed and kicked the robot with a powerful side kick infused with her Monster Aura, launching the robot into the wall.

"What the hell is going on here?" A woman asked and stood on the other side of the room.

We looked at the woman and noticed an undeniably beautiful woman with pale skin, gray eyes, and dark circles beneath her eyes. She had a slender and athletic frame with a fair bust size. She wore a white lab coat over her green button up shirt that was tucked inside her white pants. She wore black heels on her feet and a black bracelet on her wrist that seemed to help her stabilize her energy.

She looked at us and her eyes widened. "Yoshida? Orimi? End Defense Mode!"

"Defense Mode Deactivated." The AI Voice said.

"Mama!" Orimi said happily and ran toward Naora and hugged her. Naora hugged her back and smiled happily.

"Naora.." I said and walked toward her quickly. She looked at me and ruffled my hair gently.

"Oh I've missed you both so much..! We have so much to catch up on and Himeko, it's been quite some time since I've last seen you~" Naora smiled.

Himeko smiled at Naora and had her arms crossed. "It has, we have a lot to talk about. How about you come back to our place and we can talk with some nice tea and snacks."

Naora nodded and smiled. "Alright."