
Chapter 31: EXPLOOOOOOOOSION!! and The Summoned Being

Chapter 31

Lei: "Come on! Let's go on our date already!"

C: "…!?!?"

Ceres and I was dumbfounded from the words that just came out of Leira's lips. Even the surrounding adventurers heard the loud voice and turned their ways towards us. Murmurs have started to erupt inside the Guild House.

Oh no. We're drawing attention.

H: "Uh… Come again?"

Lei: "Tch. Are you deaf?? I said, let's go to our date already!"

I get it now. I get that she wants to go on a date with me. But what's with that 'Tch'? Does she really want to or not? Or rather, why 'our' date? I don't remember making plans like that with her yesterday.

C: "Hmm…~~~ Hans, you met her yesterday night, right?"

Hey, hey, Ceres. You're eyes are turning into that of Anya's.

H: "Yeah. Well, actually she attacked me."

C: "Attacked!?"

Lei: "Why are you making me like a bad guy? I was just testing you."

'For what?' or so I wanted to ask but I just swallowed my words, since it may end up prolonging the conversation. And this situation is killing my gut.

Adventurer: "Hey, look. It looks like someone is confessing."

Adventurer: "Isn't that the Black Sheep?? Damn him, he's so popular. I want to be popular too."

That's not my fault, you guys. And I can hear you loud and clear.

Amidst those whispers and gossips, Lily appeared the same way just like before. She then jumped up and sat on Leira's head like it's the most natural thing to do in the world.

C: "…!"

On the other hand Ceres, who's by my side, kept shooting glances at Lily while fidgeting. Hmm… does she want to pet her?

H: "Lily."

As per my call, Lily jumped down from Leira's head and onto the table. She snuggles up in my hand as I pet her head and stroke her fur. She looks like she's in a bliss. Maybe she found a solitude in me who's from the same world as she is. That's why she's like this towards me.

Lei: "Hey, don't just get affectionate with my summoned being all of a sudden! And what are you dilly-dallying here?? Let's go now!"

H: "Ceres. Want to touch her?"

C: "*nod!* *nod!*"

Ceres nodded vigorously and excitedly. So I held Lily on my arms and let her touch her. She gingerly reached out her hand and slightly slide her fingers across Lily's body. Lily, in response, purred like an actual cat she is.

Lei: "Don't ignore me!!"

C: "Waah… It's so soft…"

She gotten smitten and absorbed in an instant. Does she love cute things? It seems so, as I find her really interesting to watch while she's focused on caressing the black cat.

H: "I know right?"

Lei: "Why are you the one being proud?? And Lily! Come back here."

Lily jumped out of my hands and went back to Leira's head. It looks like that's her special spot. And at the end of the day, Leira is still the master. I guess her command is the most absolute.

C: "Ah…"

And now Ceres here looks so disappointed and lonely.

Adventurer: "Wait a minute… The girl who confessed… I feel like I've also seen her before."

Adventurer: "Right. Same here. That silver hair but is without a doubt human because of her ears. And most importantly, that weird animal that keeps following her every command."

Lei: "You there!!"

This time, it was Leira who heard the whispers of the other adventurers.

Lei: "I don't know what you guys are talking about, but gossiping is not good!"

Adventurers: "AHH! It's the Fiera Lily!!"

Adventurer: "You're right!! That Fiera Lily of the 5 S Ranks in the whole Kingdom!! And to top that off, she's also a Great Magi! Damn it!! I'm so jealous! To be confessed to by one of the legendary figures!"

H: "… Huh?"

S rank? A Palladium Rank adventurer? Leira is??

Lei: "Hmph!"

Leira looked at me with condescending eyes. As if to show her triumph against everyone in this place. She folded her hands and looked down on me.

H: "Well then, let's go?"

Lei: "Wha-?!"

I stood up from my place and asked Leira, who's now almost fuming with anger for being ignored. It's not like I'm not surprised at all. But if I entertain all the surprises I encounter in this world, my mental health won't last.

Hmm… But to think a Great Magi is in the rank of Palladium. That means everyone in the top must be that powerful. Those 5 people on top must be someone out of everyone here's league.

Lei: "Don't ignore me!!"

But if I can learn more from Leira, that should be enough for me.

C: "Say, Hans. Are you really going on a date with her?"

Saying so, Ceres tugged on the hem of shirt while looking me with worried eyes.

Oh, right. I haven't told anything yet about my business with her, since the flow of the conversation only went with Leira asking me to a date.

But, why is this girl asking me on a date in the first place? I thought she would be explaining to me how a person could become a Great Magi.

H: "Nah, we won't. And if that's the case, why do you think I also asked you to come along?"

C: "So it's not a date…?"

H: "Yeah. I would be the sickest bastard if that were really the case. Though I think I already am."

Ceres didn't respond be just gave me a light wry smile. Really, it makes me think why I am still prolonging this stupidity of mine and just couldn't go out with her. It's not like I hate her. Or actually, if someone asks me if I like her or not, I can say that I like her.

But to return her feelings… Or love…? Heck.

I don't even know love myself.

But let's be honest, I really wanted Ceres when I was kissing her, when I had to drain the mana of the Goddess out of her. I felt that I wouldn't mind if time won't flow anymore and feel her lips on mine forever. I almost felt I wanted to push her down. I'm a guy. Of course, I would feel that. I can feel lust just like anybody else.

But when I think that I only felt that way because of our physical connection that time…

Is that love? Or do I just want her body?

C: "Hm?"

I once again looked at Ceres. She smiled as she looked back at me. Her lips that seems so soft, floated in my mind, as if to remember what happened before. Her black smooth flowing hair. Her eyes that shines perfectly in the day. And her skin, like it's sculpted perfectly by a great master, it looks smoother than anything I have ever seen.

H: "…"

She's really cute… and beautiful.

But… Do I think so just because of what happened? Or because I kissed her? Then what about the time when I transferred my mana to Florensia?

Thinking about that, I can't help but feel that I'm only attracted to her because of her looks, and not because of who she is.

… I don't want to accept Ceres feelings when I'm like this.



Lei: "Eh?! Isn't a day out with a man considered a date?!"

H: "Well… You're not exactly wrong, but…"

We're already out of the Guild House. I don't know where our destination will be but for now, we're just following Leira. Ceres follows beside me, wearing a complicated expression. She's like a growling cat, being on guard against someone she's wary of.

I feel like she's already about to grow ears on top of her head when I look at her like this.


Fumu. That's cute.

If she has a tail now, I feel like it's already striking upwards in the air.

Lei: "Then how is it that I'm wrong?! Make it clear already, will you??"

I told her that what she said earlier shouldn't be said casually. Though I think I did so to before, but never mind that. That is that and this is this.

Then as I was explaining what a date is to her, she blushed extremely and denied it with every fiber of her being. Saying that she was told that when a man and a woman goes out together, it's called a date.

H: "Like I said, you only ask someone you like into a date. Not just because you're having a day out together. It's a special day to couples, other factors considered."

C: "EH!?"

Crap! What am I saying?!

H: "Ah! Th-That's not it, Ceres! Aaahh… I-I like you of course, but not that kind of like. And it's kind of different, and it was your p-punishment or something…"

What the heck am I doing and saying?! I want to go back a few seconds ago and punch myself to death!

C: "… *sigh* I know already, idiot Hans."

She just smiled and sighed… *sigh*

Lei: "Hm? Aren't you two lovers?"

C: "*choke!* Wha- *cough*"

Please read the mood, Leira.

C: "W-We're not."

H: "Ahh… Leira. This is Ceres. She's the head chef of the restaurant where I'm working at. Ceres, this is Leira Eleine. A Great Magi."

I almost forgot to introduce them to each other. It's not like they'll know each other's name out of the blue. Well, maybe Ceres already knows her name because I was talking with Leira since earlier as she listened beside me. And not to mention, the adventurers were talking about her earlier too, so I think there's nothing to worry about telling Ceres that Leira's a Great Magi.

Lei: "Ah… Nice to meet you."

C: "Y-Yes. Nice to meet you too."

Haha… What is this weird feeling? They instantly got tamed. I thought they would be at each other's throat.

H: "Well then, Leira, can you tell us now where we are going?"

Lei: "Hm. You told me you want to know how to become a Great Magi, right?"

C: "…"

Ceres looked at me with bewilderment. No wonder, since we're talking about becoming a legendary being in the first place. Though, in that sense, I feel like being a Great Magi is not that legendary after meeting Leira. Most adventurers know about it, on top of that.

H: "Yeah. And if possible, I want to learn magic."

Lei: "Listen… I'm not the type of person who acts out of charity."

Figures. We need some bargaining chip then.

H: "I'll tell you what you want to know about the world where I came from as a compensation."

Lei: "…"

Leria then folds her arms into a thinking position. One more push…

H: "I'll pay you with my body."

C: "…!?"

H: "Ah, I'm talking about work. You can ask anything."

C: "Phew…"

It seems like Leira thought of something as if a light bulb appeared above her head.

Lei: "Then, I want to do research on you!"

H: "Research?"

Lab coats and weird chemicals in test tubes appeared in my head after hearing the word research. Recalling the time when I had experienced being in such place first hand, I felt a shiver run up my spine.

I feel like a trauma of mine will resurface because of this, but there are no other choice. I have to learn magic no matter what and get stronger. I don't want to repeat the same things again and again, where I was left clueless about what to do in certain situations.

Just like the time with Ceres.

Lei: "Yep! You see, I'm researching on magic. And of course, that includes summoning magic!"

H: "Hohoh… I see, I see."

I felt relieved somehow after hearing it's about magic.

H: "If that's the case, then I'll gladly help."

Lei: "We have a deal."

C: "Muu… Hans."

Leira walked faster than us, perhaps we're nearing our destination. Then Ceres tugged on my sleeve and found her wearing a pouty expression once again.

H: "Hm?"

C: "Do you still want me here?"

Hmm… Is it just me? Or did Ceres get a lot negative lately? I feel like her confidence plummeted after everything that happened during the times I'm with her…

Somehow, I think it's my fault, if that's the case.

H: "Yeah. Stay with me. But… If Ceres doesn't want to, then I won't say anything."

I want her to stay always with me. Or is that being me a bit too much selfish on my side?

I think so. But along with my worry, because of what just happened recently, I really feel anxious than ever before when I can't see her. I can't calm down. Like, I always want to see her there beside me, or I may think that she's in trouble again.

I know it's just me being paranoid but… I don't want her to leave my side. But if that's what causes pain for Ceres furthermore, then I'll just have to deal with this selfishness of mine alone.

C: "Mm… I see. I'll stay."

H: "… I see."

I felt relieved. At the same time, loathsome.

About myself.

Lei: "We're here, both of you."

Prompted by Leira, we faced her direction only to find a huge mansion. It somehow resembled the one where I saved Ceres and Tia from the killer, but this one is perfectly clean and the surrounding space where grass, bushes, plants, and trees are carefully trimmed to a design. It's a lot different from the usual house you can see around the Lunaria Café and is made with proper materials like cement and intricately carved wood. It's a perfect mirror of a wealthy person's house.

Looking back, it seems we took the direction of the East Street where most of the nobles are housed. Passing through some houses that are also grand in their own way, upon arriving to this one, it's on its own league.

Wait… Does that mean?

H: "Leira… You're a rich lady?"

Lei: "What do you mean rich lady? Well… my parents are somewhat wealthy, is all."

Somewhat, you say… But this house can't be on par from what I've seen so far in this world. Actually, maybe this is the first.

Lei: "This is one of the houses bought here by my parents. I'm using it for the time being. Just while I'm here."

H: "Rich…"

C: "Mm."

Lei: "…"

Leira reached out her right hand in front of the gate and chanted something under her breath. Few seconds after, a 3 foot sized magic circle appeared in front of her hand and disappeared after rotating accordingly. Then with a click, the metal gate opened, greeting us with maids and butlers bowing their heads towards us. Or more like, to Leira.

H: "I feel so out of place here."

C: "…"

Ceres and I looked around like lost children. According to what I've already heard from them, Ceres and Anya only lived a normal life, not rich nor poor. Just your average family you can find anywhere. Maybe for Ceres, this is also one of her firsts.

Lei: "Don't mind the trivial stuff. Hmph. Let's go. Sebastian, we'll be using the backyard."

Oooh… Sebastian. Now that's a common name from the comics and novels I was reading for old butlers. To add more to that, he also has the perfect description. An aged man with a muscular built, pushed back white hair with a white mustache to pair. Let's not forget the monocle on his right eye.

Seb: "Very well, Milady."

'Milady'! Darn it. She's the real deal.

The gate behind us closed and the maids and other butlers dispersed. Some went to resume their work in the maintenance and some followed us quietly inside the mansion.

Sebastian opened the large double swing door with ease, as if he's done it a number of times already.

Per the opening, we were met with a grandiose entrance hall with a lot of golden lights spreading across the ceiling. Two sets of staircases encircles the center, filling corner of the wide room with a door at the middle. Above the stairs, different kinds of painting are hanging on the wall, with a noticeably huge on in the center of the hall.

H: "Is that Leira?"

Lei: "Hm? Ah… Yep. That's me and my parents."

She said so nonchalantly. And looking at it…

Her mother's an elf… But her father is a human. So she's a half-elf? Based from what I read before though, half-elves are condemned because of their blood. Like, they aren't accepted by both races for being an impure.

I guess, that's not the case in this world.

H: "Are they not here right now? If possible, I want to greet them first.

I said so, while looking around for other figures aside from the maids and butlers.

Lei: "There's no need. My father already died and my mother is busy working at the Kingdom as one of the [Council]. I haven't seen her for years."

… Should I apologize? But it seems like the person herself doesn't mind it. I'll just keep it to myself and be considerate. There's no telling what she still feels about her parents and all.

C: "…"

I don't know why but, Ceres smiled gently while looking at Leira. Maybe she saw herself at Leira at some point. They both have their own circumstances about their parents after all.

We entered the door in the middle of the two sets of stairs. It's the same as the double swing door and it's also opened by Sebastian. Following that, a hallway that looks as if it will lead us to another dimension greeted our eyes.

There are no lights other than the one Sebastian is holding. And after a few minutes of walking in silence, we apparently reached the end of the hallway.

H: "This is…"

Lei: "It actually leads outside the walls of Florensia Town, but it's still registered as the backyard of this minor."

What met my eyes is a wide plains. Grasses that are trimmed properly to a perfect height covering the whole area. A few number of trees grow out from here and there but the size of the plain makes them smaller than how they actually are. The mountain range is very visible from here, although a bit smaller than when we were at Atleir Town. Just looking up at the sky, I feel like I'll drown from how blue it is, with only a number of drifting clouds are spotted.

This is a beautiful place to relax. I can already feel my soul being cleansed just by looking at the scenery. Somehow, it also resembles the usual image in the computer when I got one for the first time when I was I child. I mean, when you install the old version of Macrohard.

C: "…"

Ceres was also left in awe after seeing such scenery. Is she not that used to traveling? I mean she always had to travel to get to the cemetery, right?

Lei: "Listen, Hans."

We stopped after walking some meters away from where we got out. Sebastian holds an umbrella for Leira, who also stopped and twirled to face us. She then flipped her hair as usual. A habit, huh?

H: "Yeah?"

Lei: "Out of my benevolence, I will teach you first about magic. Consider yourself lucky!"

H: "Ohh… It's my honor, Milady."

I placed my hand on my chest and bowed. I'm really getting good at playing along these kind of things. I'm kind of enjoying it too.

Lei: "Umu. Well than, what do you know about magic?"

H: "It goes, whoosh! And bam! And it's super cool."

I expressed it using gestures with my right hand.

Lei: "…"

Saying that, Leira looked at me as if looking at someone pitiful.

C: "…"

C: ["This is the guy I fell in love with… *sigh*"]

Ceres too?! But I'm really clueless to magic! I don't even know how it works and why it works! It's like asking me what I know about breathing under the water!

H: "Ah, but from my observations…"

Lei: "Those will do, tell me."

H: "Roger. First. A chant is a must. I recalled that every time someone used a magic spell, they say something first to activate it."

Lei: "Umu. That's correct. That chant is called [Causa], meaning 'Plea.' It's you pleading to invoke the mana inside you. It is said that whenever you use magic, you pledge your alliance to the Goddesses, who gave the residents of this world the gift of magic for us to use freely. Well, it's also like a prayer of gratitude is short term."

Hmm. I see. It's not like you're saying it to activate the magic, but it's a means of plea to the Goddesses to let you use magic.

H: "So it's like, asking them if you can use their power for the time being."

Lei: "Yes. That's right. There are some who trained their lives away to use magic without saying the Causa. But the moment they perfected it, they've already wasted all their life, they all end up just waiting for their death."

H: "So it's not virtually impossible, is what you want to say?"

Lie: "Umu."

But if you think about it, it's kind of inconvenient to chant every time you have to use magic. For example, I have to fight someone who boasts with speed and agility. If I can't use magic in time for his next attacks, then the magic itself is useless.

H: "Okay, next. Somehow, every time I see someone use magic, a magic circle appears."

Maybe I was already using magic with Mana Burst after all. Since whenever I use it in its maximum capacity, a magic circle appears under my feet.

Lei: "That is the 'Gate.' It channels your mana into the spell itself."

H: "Elaborate please."

Lei: "… It can't be helped then. I guess you really are an idiot."

I just wanted to understand it a little bit more!! Why am I already an idiot??

C: "*nods* *nods*"

Again, Ceres too??

Lei: "Listen carefully. The mana inside you is just a mana. Meaning, it's in its original state. It's like water. If you drink it normally, you wouldn't taste anything. But if you put sugar, or coffee, or fruit extracts, or anything that can give it taste, then the end result is the magic spell. To use mana and transform it into magic, you have to give it some taste first before serving. And the one responsible for giving that taste, is the Gate, or is also called the Magic Circle."

H: "Hm. That's an easy to understand explanation."

Lei: "Hmph!"

H: "Say, Leira. Do you like to cook?"

Lei: "H-How did you know…?"

Just as I thought.

H: "Nah, just thinking. Of all the possible examples you gave, you used something that concerns the palate."

Based from that, I think she often thinks with flavors and taste in consideration. I guess, I wasn't far off then.

Lei: "Well, I do! You have a problem with that??"

H: "Nothing. It's not something to be embarrassed of, no?"

I mean, if you love it, then just stick your chest out and say you love it.

Lei: "… But… I can't cook anything other than pastries and drinks…"

Ah… I see.

H: "Well then, the next information I know for magic…"

Lei: "Wha-? Don't ignore me!"

I felt like the conversation will get longer if I ask more about it so I forcefully pushed the topic aside. I know I'm the one who brought it up, though. So to make up for it, I'll ask about it later. And I possible, I'll teach her then.

H: "I also noticed and learned after asking a bunch of magicians, there are elements used in magic spells."

Lei: "So you'll still set it aside… Well, whatever. Right. There are a total of 6 elements, used in magic in this world. 1.) Fiara. It is the element of fire which is also the embodiment of destruction. 2.) Meria. It is the element of water which embodies peace and is the element that have healing properties. 3.) Grudan. It is the element of earth which is the embodiment of protection and guarding. 4.) Wisona. The element of the wind. It is the only balanced element that can destroy, heal, protect, and enhance but is low tiered compared to the other elements. 5.) Astre. The element of light. Its main purpose is purification, may it be from ailments or curse. And lastly 6.) Dastre. The element of dark. Its main purpose it the obstruction of the enemy's abilities. It can inflict ailments and curse."

H: "They're a lot complicated than I thought they would be. I once thought if it's magic then they're all used for attacking."

Lei: "You're not wrong about that. But, they all have their own specialties which bring out their best potential. So if you use Meria magic for other than healing, its effect may be lower than the other elements, like Fiara, which focuses on damage."

H: "I see."

So each elements have their own way of dealing with kinds of approach. But they have their own specializations that are best for them.

H: "Well, the last thing is that I know they uses mana for supply and that you have to be taught first by someone to learn how to use it."

Lei: "Fumu… You're basically knowledgeable about magic then. I wonder what that 'whoosh' and 'bam' are for… *sigh*"

… Don't mind it.

Lei: "Anyway. I'll teach you magic. But don't forget about the deal. I'll use your body, and dry you out to the bones!"

Wait a minute, Milady. That could really cause a misunderstanding. So I prefer you choose your words carefully.

H: "Sure, sure."

A bit cautious, I took a short glance where Ceres is and found her under the tree near us. I guess she got bored and read a book instead. She's now leaning on the trunk of the tree with a small book in her hand.

Lei: "First, observe."

Saying that, Leira positioned herself and faced an open space, the opposite of the tree where Ceres is reading and I stand. Of course, Sebastian also went this way to give way to Leira.

She raised her hand parallel to the ground, with her palm pointing directly at the range. Then not after a while, the wind started blowing disturbingly around Leira, gathering nearby blades of grass and fallen withered leaves.

Lei: "Arise and engulf the warmth, struggle with heat, bathe in the lake of fire…"

After chanting her Causa, the surrounding place have gotten warm. Or rather, hot. The wind continued to blow nonstop but it didn't ease the heat at all. And with one final surge of wind, appeared a huge 'Gate' in front of Leira's palm, much larger than the ones she had when opening the gate of the mansion.

As if the light gathered around the Gate and sucked everything that reflects light into one point. The place got a bit dim because of the extreme light produced by Leira's Gate. But when I took a careful look at it, the Gate moved, as if gears are fixing their place into their befitting position.

It's just like what she did with the gate of her mansion…

Then with a click…

Lei: "Endora Flare!"


Comes out from the Gate is a concentrated ball of flame, fired directly to one of the lone trees. It didn't even take a few seconds to reach its destination and the moment it touched the target, it exploded with an unbelievable range.


H: "Whoa…"

If I were in that place, I wouldn't get out of there unscathed even if I did use Clad Armis… That's how the explosion went. If you compare it to bomb explosions, you could already see a mushroom shape smoke and fire reaching hundreds of feet in the air. Even the heat is reaching our place and the wave from the impact pushed us all the more.

Ceres couldn't even handle the pressure and hand to hold onto the tree to support herself, preventing herself to be blown away. But as expected of Leira's butler, he still seemed unfazed from all of this. He's used to this, it seems.

The explosion almost lasted a minute and even though the flame is dying down, the heat is still here. The impact of the explosion left a huge crater that had the same size of the mouth of an average volcano.

H: "I-Is this okay…? Destroying stuff and all…"

Seb: "Worry not, Young sir. This is place has a barrier erected to prevent any form of destruction affecting the rest of the place. Of course, that also includes the town."

Lei: "Yep. So even the sound, or the heat, it won't reach the town no matter what."

Hoh… That's pretty convenient. But looking back…

H: "Leira… Are you perhaps an extremely powerful magician…?"

Lei: "Hmph! Too late to realize, aren't you?"

Followed by a smug face. Sure, I get it now, so remove that expression now.

Lei: "Well, did you get it?"

H: "What did I get?"

Lei: "How to use magic!!"

H: "How could I?? I was focused on how powerful the spell was!!"

I couldn't even carefully think about how it happened, I just stood there struck in awe after being shown something like that. Honestly, I was remarkably amazed. It's the first time I saw somebody else create such destruction aside from the Mana Burst I used before.

But Mana Burst is not a magic spell, it's not something comparable to what she did… Darn it… I'm so jealous, I want to use it too.

Lei: "Well, experience is the best teacher, just try it."

H: "Hm… Makes sense. Well then, Ceres, I'm off."

C: "Eh? Ah… Mm. Take care."

Waving back at her response, I distanced myself away from them and stood from where Leira was standing earlier.

Lei: "Acting cool like that… Are you sure you two aren't dating?"

C: "… I'm sure. After all, he rejected me."

Lei: "…"

I looked back at them checking if they're ready, but squinting my eyes, I saw Leira widening her eyes with her mouth agape while looking at Ceres. From here, I can't hear what they're talking about though…

Anyways, I'll try doing the same thing as Leira's.

Lei: "Hans! Don't forget! Channel your mana first to the gate! Then don't forget the Causa!!"

H: "Got it, got it."

First, I raised my right hand forward parallel to the ground. At times like this, I usually fold my left arm to brace myself for an impact, but this time, there's no way I could do that.

Directing my palm towards the target, which is the one where Leria hit earlier. Fortunately, the whole served as the perfect target point.


Gather the mana around my body.



Okay, step one covered. I can feel the same flow of mana that I feel when I used Mana Burst and Clad Armis. It's like something like a liquid or air is flowing in strands inside my body, going their way to where I want them to go.

And secondly, gather the mana around my hand. But this time, not to suppress them at one point to create a bursting effect. Instead, let it flow naturally to the 'Gate.'

For now, I'll use Fiera element, since I've already gotten the skill for Fiera Affinity. That will make it easier to cast Fiera type skills. I suppose.

For the magic spells itself, I'll copy Leira's Endora Flare.

Slowly… gather the mana into the Gate…

H: "*inhale* … *exhale*"

The same feeling when Leira did it appeared. The hot air, the rumbling of the wind, and the blinding light from the magic circle in front of me…


Is it just me or it's much larger than Leira's? No matter, I'm doing a great job up until now. I should continue doing it at this pace.

Calm down… Wait, the magic circle is not glowing the same color as Leira's. Am I missing something?


That gear like movement in the Gate! But how do I do that…?

I closed my eyes. I focused all my fibers in my body on the same spot where the Gate is being manifested. Doing that, I felt as if I've come across some sort of puzzle.

It has 7 parts. 6 of them look exactly the same, surrounding the last piece. Each piece forms an incomplete arc. Elaborate designs and scriptures are written within each, but they all differ in color. And the last one of them is also an incomplete arc, but is blank. Nothing is written or drawn in it. But if I picture a perfect image for them, they all come together to form a single piece. It's a magic circle.

But looking at it this way… It's still different. Let's see if I can move the piece. I'm pretty sure these colors represent the elements. The red one being the Fiara… So… If I place this incomplete red arc into the blank one to form a circle…


Now the magic circle is being panted with glowing red. Somehow, deep inside me, I know what I should be doing. It's like I'm already used to it. Anyways, I've done the necessary steps, the last thing that should be done is…



Oh, I remember that one crazy little demon tribe girl with a weird name from one of the novels I read. She was wearing an eyepatch and is basically diagnosed with an 8th grader syndrome.

Her magic spell kind of resembles the one Leira used.

I think, it was…



I forced the mana to eject from the Gate. And with a click…


… it successfully activated.


AHH!! THE CHANT!! I FORGOT THE CAUSA!! Moreover, I didn't say the name, I just used the name of the only skill that the demon girl with a weird name had!

But the carefully checking the situation, it was successful. The huge ball of flame appeared and instantly fired off towards the target place, creating another explosion. It was even a lot powerful than Leira's in terms of the range and heat. It covered more of the land than what Leira's magic did.


After a few seconds to a minute, everything settled down aside from the falling rocks that was lunched upwards because of the impact.

I feel like I just did a Mana Burst with a Fiara Element.

<Explosion skill acquired>

And it's actually names 'Explosion' in my skills?! Hahahaha…

H: "Leira! How is it??"

I ran towards them while feeling the balance in my left side being off.

Lei: "…"

C: "Leira. There's no use getting surprised by him. That's just how Hans is."

And somehow, Ceres and Leira got closer all of a sudden. Just as I thought, they have great affinity with each other. Mainly because of their personality.

Lei: "*sigh* … I see. So that's what you meant, Ceres…"

Leira placed her hand on her forehead and shook her head. Wait… What? Did I do it wrong, perhaps?

H: "Did I do something wrong…?"

Lei: "*sigh* And he's not even aware of it… It's the opposite. Opposite. You did it too perfectly. Ceres told me earlier to prepare for something unbelievable. And to think…"

Leira then faced the direction where the remains of our attacks are. The place that was once a perfect view of a landscape that will definitely ease your heart, is now a picturesque of chaos and destruction. No grass and trees were left unscathed, everything was obliterated.

Lei: "… What you did is far greater that what I did… This is all your doing, Hans."

H: "I see…"

Lei: "And Hans. You didn't use a Causa, did you?"

Leira stared at me with peering eyes.

H: "Haha. I forgot."

Lei: "…"

C: "I told you, right?"



Lei: "Well then, now that you've learned how to use magic… Well… learned too perfectly even without teaching you that much… *sigh* My confidence as a Great Magi…"

Leira's shoulder slumped and hanged her head. It seems like I've done something no one could ever done before, that's why she's saying that I'm making her re-evaluate herself as a Great Magi.

First, I activated the skill without chanting a Causa. Even Leira, who's already an experienced magician on top of being a Great Magi, still cannot quite do it yet. And there I was, did it on my first try.

Hmm… If I'm ask if I feel good about it, I'd answer yes. But being it mysterious overwhelms that feeling. Why, a human like me, moreover, from another world, can execute an almost impossible task effortlessly?

It's actually unnerving to think about.

Second, the output of the magic spell greatly surpassed hers. It's not the level of a little, it almost doubled her own output.

That, I think, is because of my mana. I took a quick look at my mana points and saw a billion was scraped off of it.

And lastly, I did it without having her to teach me the technicalities. Later I knew, that the image I saw while casting the spell is done to incorporate the element to the mana. It's already the transformation of mana to magic. I thought it was because of my Magic Affinity skill, that's why I did it in a cinch. But then Leira explained to me that there are actually complex ways of executing that. The pieces that I saw were already simplified.

That being said, the difficulty of the spell is also related to the complexity of the puzzle. But this time, what I did is a high-tiered magic.

H: "Well, well. Don't mind it."

Lei: "Tch. That tone irritates me. Hmph! I'm sure it's only a beginners luck!"

We're now resting under the shade of the tree where Ceres was reading a book. Though even now, she's still reading. Sebastian prepared us some snacks, and that was the change in Ceres since earlier. Now she's reading while munching on those sweets like a small animal. I really like seeing her like that. I'm being healed~

H: "So you'll tell me now how to become a Great Magi?"

I didn't have any particular motive when I asked Leira how to become one. But now the interest in being one is growing inside me. I really feel like there will be more to it, than just having a title of a Great Magi.

Lei: "Yes. But don't forget the deal."

H: "Of course."

Leira stood up from her place where a small handkerchief was place, serving as a mat. Twirling around as she usually does, she flipped her hair that reflects the sunlight that is now almost setting.

Lei: "You just have to have a summoned being."

H: "Meaning?"

Lei: "Just cast a summoning spell. I got my title as a Great Magi after summoning Lily. But let me tell you first. Summoning magic requires a vast amount of mana."

H: "If that's the case, I have plenty of it so no worries."

I followed suit and stood up from my place, leaving Ceres still reading and biting off on some sweets.

H: "Well? What should I do?"

Lei: "… Let me ask you first."

H: "Hm?"

Leira's tone suddenly got serious so I was a bit taken aback. Her air is now different than how she usually is.

Lei: "… What are you going to do after you become a Great Magi?"

I see. Well, there's no room for consideration about that. I only have one goal for now. And that is…

H: "To protect those I consider important."

Lei: "…"

She then looked at me as if she's looking straight at my soul. I don't have anything to hide, so stare back at her as serious as I can ever be.

It's true that I'm interested by the power I can gain from being a Great Magi, and the things I can do with it. I'm having fun at these new experiences.

But, it's also true that I want these power so that I can protect those who are important to me. I don't want to repeat the same thing with Ceres. If possible, I want to prevent anything like that ever again.

Lei: "Is that so? Then I wonder why did you reject Ceres? If that's how you think?"

H: "Urk… That's… a different matter, Milady."

She just hit it where it hurts, this girl.

Lei: "Let's begin."

H: "Roger."

Using a fire type magic spell, Leira draw a magic circle that resembles a transmutation circle from that one comic I've read where the main character has a metal arm. I'm having a bad feeling about it, remembering how their mother's resurrection failed and resulted into something horrifying.

I hope that's not the case here.

Lei: "This will be the gate way for the summoned being. It will also open on the other side, transporting them to our world. But first, I need your blood and drip it into the magic circle."

I recalled the time when I had to form a contract with Tia. Sebastian handed me a sharp knife. Knowing what comes next, I let Sebastian hold the knife as I ran my palm on the sharp edge of the knife. I can't hold it, after all.

H: "Will this do?"

Lei: "… Yes."

The blood dripped from my hand down to the lines of the magic circle and in an instant, it ran around the magic circle, coloring it with the hue of my blood. After filling it enough that the magic circle is completely dyed in red, it instantly glowed, as some form of confirmation.

Lei: "Touch the magic circle and pass your mana. As much as possible. The more the mana, the more your summoning will be successful."

H: "Got it."

I did so per instructed and crouched down to reach the magic circle. Somehow, I feel like the mana is not just being transferred from me, but also being sucked out from me. I forcibly injected my mana and I felt like I saw an image of a bar filling to the brim.

Thinking it's not yet enough, I poured another batch. The magic circle sparked with something like an electricity. The glow reached the surrounding place, darkening the day, as if it's already night.

Lei: "… This is… Just who in the world are you Hans…?"

H: "I'm often asked that, you know. I'm a chef at Lunaria Café and a rank F adventurer."

I answered after looking up towards Leira. She just sighed with resignation.

Lei: "Alright. Create an image in your mind to what kind of summoned being you want. Mind you, this summoned being will be bound to you as a [Servant] and you will be its [Master]. Don't forget that even what kind of being you end up summoning."

I may summon far more ferocious than a cat, after all. Okay, let's do this.


I want someone who can fight by my side.


Like a flash bomb accompanied by a smoke grenade, the place where the magic circle was drawn is filled with obstructions.

Did it succeed?

Lei: "It succeeded, Hans. Congratulations. But… To think you summoned a…"

From her voice alone, I can sense her astonishment. What kind of being did I summoned anyway?

??: "… Eh?"

Then followed by a voice from the inside the smoke. Wait, voice?? And to top it off… It's the voice I'm familiar with… I'm having a weird feeling about this…

After a short while, the smoked cleared and everything is now visible. But what followed that scene is something I could not believe…

I just can't…

Why… are you…

??: "… C-Commander…?"

… here?

H: "Pola…"

C: "…!"



Chapter 31 End


Mana Points: 9,999,999,999/9,999,999,999

Name: Hans Alius Schmidt

Race: Human

Class: None


Contracted One, Black Sheep, Mana Specialist, Witch's Prince


Strength: 912


Agility: 164


Intelligence: 3996


Defense: 30



<Active Skills>

Mana Detect Lv. 10/10

Crush Strike Lv. 10/10

Beast Soul Activation Lv. 1/1

Mana Burst Lv. 8/10

Telepathy Lv. 1/1

Mana Transfer Lv. 4/10

Mana Drain Lv. 5/10

Clad Armis Lv. 1/5

Explosion Lv. 1/10

<Passive Skills>

Status Lv. 1/1

Harden Lv. 8/10

Damage Resistance Lv. 8/10

Beast Soul Link Lv. 1/1

Mana Manipulation Lv. 7/10

Mana Absorption Lv. 1/1

Magic Affinity Lv. 1/10

Magic Resistance Lv. 1/10

Dastre Affinity Lv. 1/10

Dastre Resistance Lv. 1/10

Fiara Affinity Lv. 2/10

Fiara Resistance Lv. 1/10

[Crystal Points: 469]

[Name]: Hans Alius Schmidt

[Class]: None

[Sex]: Male

[Level]: 100

[Race]: Human

[Rank]: F


Black Sheep


[Active Skill]

<Telepathy Lv. 1/1>

[Passive Skills]



[Party Members/Raid Members]


Pola is here!! Pola just came!! Pola is summoned!! Pola is the servant and Hans is the Master!! WHOOOOOO!!

What do you guys think of this development??

Gomi_Sakkacreators' thoughts