

♦︎Come back of Hell♦︎


(L)ight filtering through my window woke me from my slumber caressing me with a soft, warm glow.

Again, a quiet peaceful morning. I thought a bit surprised. I would have never thought that I could get up twice in two consecutive nights without any nightmares. Sitting up near my bedside, I dangled my feet down and let them touch the cold surface of my parket.

Still no feeling. I walked to my bathroom , closing softly the door behind me. Then I went to stand in front of the mirror.

The look I had ? Well, I was a disheveled little mess. I wondered what other normal girls' morning head looked like? I thought cocking my head to the side. I knew from witnessing it, that there were some people - namely Margie and Elias - who even after running a breathless sprint and jumping head first into a torrent, could keep their perfect curls or their jellied hairstyle completely intact and without breaking a sweat. If that wasn't witchcraft I didn't know what is.

Something in the mirror stirred, thus capting my attention. I approached to look closer. My image on it started to blur. And before I could understand anything , a horrible pain burning my whole being , makes me blurt out an awful scream that scared even me.

I quickly covered my mouth. No one must hear me. Then it suddenly hit me, the voice with which I screamed, it-it wasn't mine! The realization made me lose my balance and fall down on the hard floor. Ohh no not again.. I thought desperately.

Ohh yes again, answered me another voice in my head. T-the one that screamed. It wasn't me anymore . My vision was starting to fail me , I couldn't hear any sound. No.. No ..No ! No! Please help me ! What's happening?! Help!!

And again I was death trapped , all alone.


My sister is taking a hell of a time just getting out of the room. Or maybe she's taking her bath.. Then something clinged together. P-perhaps perhaps..

She's.. She's lost herself in her own contemplation like it happens to any normal girl when they stay too long in the bathroom !

I nod my head to myself. Oh yes, this must be the reason. Either it's that or she's simply fallen asleep in there. But .. But that would mean we're going to be super late for school and Miss Sabrina is going to scold me whereas she's my favorite teacher and... Hey! This is exactly what I've always wanted to do ! I'll just ditch school! Either way I got to go wake her out of her dreams. If I'm going to ditch school I will at least need my partner in crime. She will hear me this time though. Making me wait that long for her as if I was her date. I huffed, and started resolutely climbing up the stairs four steps at a time.

When I reached her door, I was surprised of the fact that I heard no sound at all , pasting an ear to the door. I started to feel worried. Normally , even as sick as she could get she would be singing her heart out like an idiot. Besides her door wasn't closed from me. Which was even more scary. I opened slowly the door to her room my heart pounding in my ear. She was nowhere in sight. Okay. Then she should be in her bathroom. I went to the bathroom door and knocked on it.

" Ena? Are you in there ? " No answer.

" E-Ena? please this is no fun. Don't play with my nerves I'm a little girl." I said again almost crying from fear.

Still, no answer. Okay . Now I was really crying from fright. I opened the door to the bathroom to have a look in and what I saw almost made me faint. I leaned onto the door for support, covering my mouth in awe.

- Dave

I went straight to stop in front of the school gate . The other students walking past me and looking at me like I was mad. I knew better than to give into their provocations. This is because of who I am. One of the leading and brilliant student of the school. Though I scarcely come to school people still seem to know me. Maybe from the fact that they plaster my face on the A-list board all the time.

I ignored them and went my way in the school yard. I was well late. Which meant the other students I saw out were surely troublemakers. Only people of those kind would linger outside our school after the bell rang. But being late wouldn't be a problem in my case because no one ever cared what became of me. And since I had nothing better to do, I went in class. And lucky for me I knew no one of my other classmates would attend the biology class since they thought themselves t smart to go. Which gave me a good opportunity to search for the Ena-girl and not be inconveniently spotted by the others.

" ... then there's a crossing-over between the chromatids during metaphase..."

Tic tac 10 min left tic tac.. The day has been calm. Way too calm. There had been no talk about the acts of that mysterious girl no one knew the name of. Perhaps she didn't come to school today. I won't hide it.That girl both scared and fascinated me. I couldn't understand why someone with such weird behaviors would want to come to a school where everyone badmouthed and feared her. Why would she accept to be bullied by everyone and still not complain? I mean wasn't her acts, from what I've heard, reasons enough for her to avoid mingling with people ?

That thought brought a flashback of a time , I was sitting under my tree drawing Malie , as she was modeling for me, when I suddenly heard a scream. The prospect of someone being in danger propelled me unto my feet and I dashed to the source of the voice which brought me to a place farther from my usual spot in the school's immense courtyard, a place where I've never been before. I saw lying and writhing on the ground a fragile looking girl. Suddenly she arched her back and bellowed in pain. This surprised me, making me loose my footing, I almost fell on my butt. Amidst her cries I could hear her repeat 'help me someone, ... please help me...'

I blinked, a few times and the world came focusing around me. I wiped my hand at the sweat that formed on my forehead. The slanderers probably made superfluous rumors about her - like she flew in the air one time while howling like a werewolf - because they never actually witnessed of one them. These ... these acts. I wasn't even sure what to name them. The memory of what I've witnessed still weighed heavily on my chest. I couldn't help but pity the girl , and somehow still regret that I didn't step in to help her. I felt bad about it even though I never knew her.

" ...The fetus cells now starts division and in the case of twins there appear two main nucleus..."

Tic tac 7 min left, I counted throwing a side look at my watch. And that girl from yesterday. Ena. I couldn't help but think about our encounter. It was quiet the coincidence. At lunchtime I never left my quiet, secret spot which was not secret anymore now. That girl, Ena . What a weird name though. She had that same mysterious and taunting aura about her. I wonder what is there for her to hide. What kind of secret she has?

" ...Whatever class just go back to daydreaming..." The teacher said in an aggravated tone noticing our lack of interest in the lecture.

Tic tac 2 min left. A new encounter with her wouldn't be that bad. Rather , it would be quiet interesting to know more about her.

59 sec .. 56..40..38..sec. Still some seconds away from deliverance. I swear sometimes it just looks like time slows down when you need it to pass quickly.

20..10 sec . And Malie that hasn't come home yet since yesterday. I'm kind of worried even knowing she couldn't get lost because she knew every part of the school ever since she was a newborn.

9..5..4.. I'm sure she went to stay with that Ena. Well this would make a good reason to see her again wouldn't it ? The bell rang with its high pitched sound. Finally.

~End of courses~

I went to search for her at the spot where we had last seen each other after lunch time. The place was engulfed in magnificent rays of sunlight giving an unreal glow to the nature surrounding it. Just like it has always been. I looked everywhere around , but the girl was nowhere to be seen. I should probably ask someone who knew her. Um..That would be hard given her face and what I've seen of her character, she wouldn't be the kind to have much friends. But I will give it a try. In the course of my thoughts I spotted a nerdy looking girl swiftly coming my way. I stopped her.

" Um excuse me did you see yesterday a girl that was carrying a white little rabbit in her arms ? She had long brown hair and hazel eyes." I asked expectantly. For some reason I had a feeling that girl could give me potential informations. But she looked back at me like she's never seen a human. Her jaw was literally dropping down to her feet.

"Did ... you hear me ?" I asked hesitantly waving my hand in front of her. The girl re-adjusted her pink glasses that had slid down her nose and put on a normal face thus making me notice her look. She had extravagant pink hair, brown eyes and a bundle of books in her arms. She also wore the school uniform which meant she wasn't an elite.

" Um yes I heard you it's just... I-I'm not habituated to people showing me interest..." She said blushing lightly , looking at her feet.

Having interest in her? Is she thinking as far as that or is this just nerd language ?

" Okay. So I'll ask you one more time did you see today a girl that had a little white rabbit with her yesterday ?"It was getting annoying to be repeating myself and I found it improbable that she knew Ena-

" You mean Ena? Well sorry, no I didn't see her today " She said more confidently.

" Are you sure ? Wait how do you know her name ? " I said shocked. I would have never thought that anyone knew her. I mean she doesn't look like the kind to socialize or even have any friends. I mean she was sitting by herself eating alone. Besides it's not the same as me . I actually just happened to want to stay alone for a moment when she met me, but still I liked being around people from afar and found observing them entertaining; though I didn't have any real friends myself.

"I thought she had no friends." I continued eyeing her suspiciously.

" Well I know many people and she's kind of 'known' because she's an A-lister. She's like 2nd and no she doesn't have any friends, I'm certain of that and I'm not one of them either. I just happen to be the kind of person who pays attention to the people around them." She said her face very serious. It almost made me laugh. Almost.

You mean that stalk on them ? I had the urge to say, but another thought had picked my interest . So she's an Elite ? That shy girl ? Who knew? I know the other A-listers were actually arrogant and overly confident idiots. Those of the kind who liked to impose themselves on others. I knew each of them but I never noticed Ena to be one of them. She never exactly made it a point to be remarked.

But then , I still would have never known about her since I only ever came to school but for the exams and disappear right after without waiting to see the results. I always knew what they would be anyway.

"So if you haven't seen her, where do you think she could be ?"

"I don't know you, but I'd guess that if she isn't at school then she should be home?" I raised an eyebrow at her. Does she really take me for an idiot? Why did I come and ask her for help anyway? I turned around determined to try and find out where she lived on my own.

"Okay... my name is Lydia. If you care." She yelled to me because I was already far away.

"Sorry for you but I don't." I said running off already getting bored with her.

Then something came to my mind. I didn't know where the girl lived. I turned back to ask the girl.. um.. Lydia,if she would happen to know. But she was gone already. Ohh scheißen ( Shit).

- Lone

"Ena! Ena are you alright ? answer me!" I cried desperatly to my sister lying unconscious in a pool of blood, her eyes open, some of it dried on her mouth. Shaking to the core, I rushed to her and held her tight in my arms.

" Please, Ena you can't do that not after papa monti is already gone , I don't want that again , I don't want .. I don't want it, you can't go..." I repeated , my voice a broken staccato, tears streaming down my face. I rocked myself backward and onward , my sister still craddled in my arms. Then I continued crying until I had no tears left. When my tears stopped , I shakily breathed in the silent air reeking of stale and metal.

I delicately laid my sister down and passed a hand on her eyes to close them. I stared a bit at her unmoving form. Was she really dead ? I went to cup some water in my hand and poured it on her face. No movement. I knew I should have gotten terrorized by now but I felt nothing but simple, utter calm. No rather I felt numb. She couldn't be really dead could she ? I laughed humorlessly to myself. This was all such a sick joke huh. I kicked Ena in the butt.

"Wake up Ena." I voiced to the silence. She really wasn't moving. I felt tears well up all over again in my eyes.

" Ena , stop playing around. Wake up already stand up, laugh at me , insult me. Please do something Ena !" I yelled but my voice broke at the end. I crouched down and held my trembling hand to my mouth, though I could barely stifle the sound of my heart crushing into bits.

" What am I going to do without you Ena ? Do you want me to die too ?"

It's was in the midst of my despair that I heard something murmur nearby. I thought it was my imagination. But I sensed from within that it was real and didn't dare turn my back to face it. But the noise was insistent and I had no choice but to acknowledge it turning my head to look at my sister's figure on the ground. Then the murmurs turned into audible sounds and I felt suddenly attracted to it.

" Well..well come to me now little girl." Called a slow , somber but soothing voice. I saw Ena's mouth move in time with the voice, speaking boldly, her eyes back open were looking emptily into the void. I started shaking, my heart racing until as if it would burst out off my chest. I thought I was going crazy.

" Please if this is a joke stop please ! I've had enough!" I yelled out to no one in particular, pressing my eyes shut and tightly covering my ear. I was still half expecting someone or something to show up behind me with a camera.

I wanted to run out of here. But Ena needed me. Maybe , I-I don't know , perhaps the voice could tell me how to save my sister.

"Little girl look into here. I need to speak to you." The resolve to help my sister gave me courage to opened my eyes and I found that Ena wasn't talking anymore. Instead the voice came from the bathroom mirror behind me. So I approached it with ginger steps to look closer. What I saw made me jump in surprise but I expectantly turned around on me back only to find no one standing behind me. S-so how was there a woman's reflection inside of it ?