"I-I do not know at all, to be quite honest, my head hurts and I remember nothing at all from these past few hours." Damian Rose said to Leon Vergil which greatly confused Leon. "Are you sure about that?" Leon Vergil kept pestering him about it in order to see if he was just faking it at all or something. Damian Rose kept on telling him about the sufferings and the abuse that he suffered under the hands of the Apostles as he was being held captive in the Solstice that was currently being taken over by Lunaseekers, each and every single word that Damian Rose had let go off of his mouth was like a stinging type of pain that deeply hurt Leon Vergil, as he knew that he was just doing nothing while all that type of abuse and what not was happening to his friend in Solstice. "I am really sorry for not getting there sooner, Damian. I know it sounds like I am only really coming up with excuses, but this is the truth." He said to his best friend.