
Chapter 92

Pov: Bash

Location: Forest Empire

The fear in the guard's eyes stroke no emotions in me, we don't have time. We have to make it to the exit as soon as possible.

"Be careful, don't underestimate the guards, one of them might have a core," Priya said, her eyes looking at me from her shoulder.

"You handle the guards in the west, I handle the guards in the east," I whispered to her, my eyes narrowed to a group of three guards in front of me.

From the back, two arrows were launched, one to my throat and the other to Priya's forehead, aiming to get an easy kill on us.

I sidestepped escaping from the arrow and Priya launched a mini needle, the needle collided with the arrow, creating an orange spark before it changed its direction, heading straight through the skull of an unsuspecting guard.