
Emperor of Mankind

Wishing to become the Emperor of Mankind, the MC is allowed to consume some Essences which grant him the abilities of the man. As he grows up, he will journey to the Star Wars, DC and/or Marvel universe, in between the terrible Age of Strife, to begin his preparations before he returns to Warhammer 40k and unleashes the might of Humanity on the Universe. This is an AU and some if not quite a few things will be wrong. Don't take this as an offence, but as for me simply not knowing something and making it up as I go. If you have something to add or give me things to implement, please do.

DaoistWDfd8h · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

The first Battlefield I

(Neoth POV)

Rs'wurn III is a world under the Eldar or Aeldari Empire. After a millennium of work, I am finally ready to use the Imperator Sominium. I have recreated the necessary fuel and ammunition for the Imperator and also spent a long time gathering the necessary recourses to create the first batch of my Adeptus Custodes. 

1'000 Adeptus Custodes were standing ready, along with close to 2'000 workers who operate the Imperator Sominium. I don't need that many workers to be honest. I learned how to operate the Imperator Sominium on my own. But it is good to have them now since I will fight on the front line soon. 


Well, after spending a millennium gathering the necessary resources and creating the Adeptus Custodes and guiding humanity, I have come to realise, that it is far too much work. I need something else and I found the way. I know how to create the technology of the 'Golden Age of Technology' of humanity up to the 41st millennium. But the production of that technology is rather tedious and takes far too long. So I have come up with a better solution, to jump-start things and 'invest' in the future. 

The answer?

Maiden Worlds...

A Maiden World, or Lilaethan in the Aeldari Lexicon, is one of the lush paradise worlds originally created through advanced terraforming techniques from lifeless Dead Worlds by the Aeldari before the Fall of their race's ancient interstellar empire in the 30th Millennium.

The creation of these worlds involved seeding formerly barren planets with lifeforms using advanced terraforming technologies, gradually transforming them into lush, life-supporting paradise worlds. The seeding of worlds was part of a colonisation program intended to provide a long-term solution to the ancient Aeldari Empire's need for more living space, and the result was intended only to be seen by much later generations of Aeldari.

This was simply perfect. I will use this technology and any other technology I find, to push humanity and the future Imperium forward. 


I spent a very long time looking for a world belonging to the Eldar Empire, that was still relatively to the edge of their empire. I didn't want to take on the entire Empire right now. That wasn't possible, especially since the Eldar Gods are still around right now. Asuryan or Khaine are still too powerful for me to take on ... for now. 

The world I have found is called Rs'wurn III. A rather small world with a race of Xenos, subservient to the Eldar. And as luck would have it, I know that a group of dark cultists will land on this planet to do the unthinkable, in search for great pleasure. I have grown rather powerful over the millennium. I didn't just work but also trained in the powers I now wielded. I even entered the Warp at some point, but more on that later. 

"Orders, sire?", a Custodes asks me as I get the message, of the approaching Eldarian vessel. We were lying in wait and I was coating the Imperator Sominium with my psychic power to hide from the Eldar senses. I could tell that they had some powerful Psykers on board their rather giant spaceship. I didn't know yet, but according to my knowledge, I would say either Warlocks or even Farseers. 

And although Farseers would be the bigger challenge, it is one I welcome. 

'Notify the others, we're going in as soon as they have exited the ship.', I say to him telepathically. He nods his head. We already went through the plan and they have been conditioned to survive various scenarios, but this would be their first serious battle against a powerful force. This was the time, before 'She who thirsts' existed and the Elder Psykers didn't have to hold back in fear of her consuming them. 


I feel the things happening on the planet's surface. The dark cultists have already started their 'sermons' and are preparing for the bloody 'feast' if you will. I can read their minds, even from here. The Eldar are all powerful Psykers, but there is nothing they can do against someone of my calibre, at least not the 'normal' soldiers. 

"Fire.", I command the workers who were waiting for my command. At once, the Imperator Sominium's powerful weapons fire at the Eldar Spaceship's thrusters and take them out. I don't want them to leave the world right now and I also don't want to destroy the spaceship, because there is bound to be valuable technology and intel on there. 

These actions alert the Eldar to our presence though and a covert mission is now impossible. Not that I was planning on hiding myself. Not with my stature and golden armour and the flaming sword. 

The Custodes and I have already boarded the smaller vessels and landed on the ground, behind the spaceship and the Eldar. I don't want us to fight on multiple fronts and instead, we will mow through them directly in a frontal clash. I am in my full golden armour that I have been gifted thanks to the Essence, together with my sword. Combined with the Adeptus Custodes, we make a terrifying picture, for any enemy. This picture will one day send people nightmares and cause them to piss themselves. 


The Eldar have begun to mobilise and have all grabbed their weapons and gotten into some strange formation. I can tell that they weren't expecting to fight a bloody battle today. Their own mistake. In this universe, you better be prepared for death at any time, otherwise, you'll be utterly demolished. 


As we march forward, hundreds of Eldar or rather Aeldari as they are known right now, approach us. In the front is what looks like a spiritual leader of the dark cult. He comes towards us and raises his arms. Then, he begins to shout in the Aeldari language. I can understand him, due to my unlimited trains of thought and beyond genius-level intellect. This is what he says to us.

"You stand in the presence of the great 'Blood Cult of Wadium' of the Aeldari Empire and have dared to interrupt our holy ritual of cleansing a world of their prisons and sad lives. State your purpose for doing so. If we find your reasons to be lacking, you will be exterminated and if we find your reasons to be sufficient ... we will kill you either way. We will drain your body of all your blood, to use it later in-"


The Aeldari's head suddenly turns 180° and he falls to the ground ... dead. This causes the rest of the Aeldari to be shocked and they aim their weapons at me. I see Shuriken Catapult and Shuriken Pistols in some of their hands, but ironically, blasters and ranged weapons, aren't the most common in the Aeldari I see before us. 


They were planning on spilling as much blood as possible, to then go into an orgy of some kind. So guns weren't their choice of weapons. There are biting blades and other Chainswords, Direswords, Executioners and many more. However, I can feel that this is only a small fraction of the weapons they have at hand. The spaceship they came on, should have much more. Not only that, but I also feel Night Spinners, War Walkers and Falcons in there. 


Good. We will get much to take home. 


One of the Aeldari who is pointing a Shuriken Catapult at me speaks and only says one word.


After that, the others begin to laugh. At first only lightly and then harder until they are almost rolling on the ground. Mon-keigh, is Aeldari and means 'mammal'. This is supposed to be an insult to us, but what does it matter?

I don't say anything and just raise my flaming sword at the Aeldari. And then ... all hell breaks loose. 





The battle has begun. The Aeldari, not expecting such a heretic act as these 'mammals' to attack the glorious Aeldari Empire, are not prepared and lose the initial advantage. My Custodians are using their Guardian Spears and the bolters, to kill anyone standing in our way. 

The Guardian Spear should have been the signature weapon of the Adeptus Custodes by the time of the Unification Wars in the 30th Millennium and in many ways their symbol of office. I have created it almost 35 millennia in advance though.

Elegant and deadly, it is a potent and unique design incorporating a Power Blade and a highly advanced integrated bolter weapon, and in the hands of a Custodian Guard, it can strike and parry at blinding speed despite its size. More rarely, these weapons mount not bolters but advanced, specialised sub-weapons such as compact Meltas or even Adrathic Disintegration Beamers, issued against the deadliest of expected foes.

Custodian Armour was customised exactly to the task, and was produced without any regard to the consumption of resources or rarity of components or lore required; to arm and outfit the Custodians to the optimum, nothing was spared. This supremacy was evident from the auramine-alloy-reinforced armour the Custodian Guard wore, each a planet's ransom in worth.


The Custodians are mowing their way through the Ancient Aeldari right now. We are taking advantage of the rather few ranged weapons, such as Shurikens and guns. No matter how nimble and fast the Aeldari are under normal circumstances, now, they are under the effect of narcotics or alcohol or both and are no problem for us. 

I observe the battle as it is going on. I can feel the panic going through the Aeldari ranks and them slowly understanding the situation they are in. Compared to our rather small force of 1'000, there are about 9'000 to 10'000 Aeldari and other bigger war vehicles. They didn't bring enough men. 

But the fight isn't over. 

I raise my sword and block the attack of an Aeldari. His Power Blade clinks as it hits my sword. I can feel his strength and have to say, it is impressive, for a dead man that is. As if it had teleported, my sword suddenly appears in a horizontal position and before he realises what is going on, his head is severed and falls to the ground. 


Three Aeldari attack me without worry for their lives. Two of them have Chainswords and the last one holds two Mirror Swords. 


I block the first one with my sword again and grab the Chainsword of the second one. The Aeldari holding the Mirrorswords seems to have mastered a deadly ambidextrous form of melee combat that uses the paired blades of two matching Power Swords. He is fast and appears in front of me. With 'unmatched' speed, he cuts but he doesn't cut me, but his two friends. He suddenly 'wakes up' and looks at his two friends in shock. 


"Kcha!", the Aeldari exclaims as my sword impales him. He has no idea what just happened it would seem. And here I thought that the Aeldari knew how to use the Warp. I used something called 'Distort vision'. A rather simple trick, where I disappeared and my image reappeared in another space. I overlapped his perception and pulled an Itachi Uchiha, making him kill his two friends.


I begin getting more active. The observation part is now over and I go nuts. I appear all over the battlefield and cut one Aeldari after the other. I make full use of my Power Claw and cut them into pieces. I try not to do that often, as I still want to salvage the weapons and armour after the battle. 

I tilt my head, dodging the blast of a Bright Lance. 



I look to the front and see a Wraithlord, also called an Iron Knight in the distance. But not only that. There are War Walkers, Falcons and Wave Serpents approaching as well. The giant spaceship the Aeldari came here with, must have had these things as standard equipment. 


And yet that is not what gets my attention. It's the powerful Psykers who are approaching. Warlocks and or Farseers. 


How was this? I have tried to explain and also show fighting as best as possible. In future chapters, I won't have to do that anymore and maybe the readers can post pictures, when necessary. Thx.