
Emperor of Mankind

Wishing to become the Emperor of Mankind, the MC is allowed to consume some Essences which grant him the abilities of the man. As he grows up, he will journey to the Star Wars, DC and/or Marvel universe, in between the terrible Age of Strife, to begin his preparations before he returns to Warhammer 40k and unleashes the might of Humanity on the Universe. This is an AU and some if not quite a few things will be wrong. Don't take this as an offence, but as for me simply not knowing something and making it up as I go. If you have something to add or give me things to implement, please do.

DaoistWDfd8h · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs


Tell me what unit you would like to see Revan in.


(3rd Person POV)

The Phalanx starts to move. Using his powers, which still work normally in this new universe, the Emperor opens a giant portal for the Phalanx to fly through. In the next moment, they reached Hyperspace. Hyperspace is an alternate dimension that can only be reached by travelling at or faster than the speed of light. Hyperdrives enable starships to travel through hyperspace lanes across great distances, enabling travel and exploration throughout the galaxy. 

Hyperspace interested Neoth very much. He was still looking for better ways to travel the Universe in Warhammer, that didn't include the Warp. And Hyperspace might be a solution to that.

The reason for that is because, at any rate, Hyperspace is a dimension of space-time alternative to that of realspace. This means that it is separate from the Materium and the Ruinious Powers couldn't get to it, theoretically. In hyperspace, the normal laws of space and time did not apply, and beings travelling through hyperspace sometimes used stasis fields to slow the passage of time onboard a hyperspace-going vessel in order to have the pilot only age as fast as the rest of the galaxy.

Hyperspace was coterminous with realspace, meaning that each point in realspace was associated with a unique point in hyperspace, and all adjacent points in realspace were adjacent in hyperspace as well. Additionally, every object in realspace - such as stars, planets, and asteroids - had its "shadow" counterpart in hyperspace.


After a time, the Emperor opens another portal and the Phalanx exits Hyperspace. In front of them lies Yavin 4 where the coalition of Imperial and Republic forces, under the command of Darth Marr and Satele Shan, join together to combat the Order of Revan and their leader Revan.

Against a common foe, even enemies may stand side by side. The Emperor, seeing the situation, commands his forces mentally and prepares for what will happen. A group of Custodes and three Psykers prepare to enter the battle. We aren't going to just fight Revan after all. Another larger group will board the ships of the Republic. You can never have enough information. 

Bron opens a portal to the battlefield, where the coalition is about to face Raven himself. 

"Shae Vizla?"

"Wouldn't miss a fight this good.", the Mandalorian says as she lands on the ground with her jetpack. 

"Bring as many fools as you like. You won't stop what must be done.", Revan says. 

"You don't know what you're doing. The Emperor is too powerful."

"No! Not any longer. I have set my will against this creature for centuries. Only I can destroy him.", Revan says.

"That would be incorrect.", I say as we step out of the portal and face Revan. 

"And who are you?", he asks me and Bron is the one to answer him. It is time to reveal things and set the plans in motion. 

"You are in the presence of his holiness, the Emperor of Mankind. Ruler and founder of the Imperium of Man."

As Bron reveals my title and of course adds his personal feelings to spice things up, the others are wary of me. They thought that I was someone rich, but not that I was an Emperor. This changed things as it meant, a new player had appeared on the board. But they were wrong.

"You are an Emperor? You tricked us.", Darth Marr says. I however don't pay him any attention and only look at Revan. 

"The wannabe Emperor Valkorion will die very soon. The Sith will also suffer, I will make sure of it.", I say, playing the part.

"Do you think you could just walk in here and spout such nonsense? Let me teach you a lesson.", Darth Marr says and jumps into action. Swinging his lightsaber, he rushes towards me. But his strike never reaches me. A Guardian Spear intercepts his lightsaber and pushes him back. 

The Adeptus Custodes' eyes shine red and then everything becomes chaotic. The Custodes and the Psykers fight against the Sith and also the Republic. 


"I will go forth with the plan. I am the only one who can kill the Emperor for good. There is nothing you can do to stop me.", Revan tells me when we are facing each other. In the background, everyone is 'fighting'. But it is more like my forces are entertaining the others for a while before they will utterly crush them. 

"You are wrong on both accounts. You are neither the only one who can kill the Emperor nor am I unable to stop you."

"Fool.", he sighs and then uses the Force to try and push me back. 




But nothing happens. His Force Push does absolutely nothing to me. Not even my hair is swayed by his use of the Force. This is embarrassing. 

"What ... is going on?", Revan asks as he tries to use more power to push me back. His anger increases with his failure to do anything. 

"Ragh!!", he shouts in anger and then I feel him use 'Force Choke' on me. I can feel the tug on my neck. But even without reinforcing myself with psychic power, my muscles are too hard for him to do this. This won't get us anywhere. 

"Let me show you how it's done.", I say and use Biomancy. I command the muscles of his neck to constrict and then raise him into the air. I haven't moved from my position and still just stand there. This doesn't take any focus at all. I could wage a war while still maintaining this and forget I am doing it. 

"Cough ... gak!", Revan chokes in the air and I feel his anger and fear when he feels himself slipping into unconsciousness. But before that happens, he experiences a rather big boost in power as his anger reaches new heights. He reinforces himself with the Force and then unleashes a 'massive' Force Lighting towards me. 



The lighting hits me and he tries to make me spasm. But I can be tortured by all four Ruinious Powers at the same time and not flinch at all, so this is ridiculous. Before he loses consciousness, I use Biomancy again and then control the lighting his own body produces to electrocute him. 



He screams and to finish things, I shoot his body into the wall and then finally release the hold I have over him. He crashes into the wall at high speed and breaks almost all the bones in his body, before losing consciousness. 



(3rd Person POV)

Meanwhile, Satele Shan is fighting one of the Psykers. She is confused. Somehow she doesn't feel anything from this man. He is not Force-sensitive and yet he wields powers equal or even greater than anyone she has ever seen. He tries to use Force Push, but her push is met with one of his own and hers loses against him. 

She uses her speed in combination with her lightsaber and tries to strike the man, but he blocks her with a sword of his own. It is a strange weapon and unlike anyone she has ever seen. It can even block her lightsaber. His skill with the blade is impressive, but not as high as her skill with the lightsaber. 

What truly makes him dangerous is his strange powers. His telekinetic powers are truly dangerous. But not only that, he can even use the equivalent of Force Lighting. 


She uses her lightsaber to block his lightning attack. But she can't hold herself. She is closely pushed back. She reinforces herself with the Force and manages to stand her ground. 

"We don't have to fight, Satele Shan. The Emperor has deemed you a non-threat. You may walk away from here.", the Psyker tells her. It is the nonchalance that unnerves Satele a bit. If she were a Sith, this would enrage her. Thankfully she is not, so she can control herself and think about what he said. 

"What do you mean? You come here and attack everyone.", she says. 

"Wrong. We only attacked Sith Lord, Lana Beniko and Sith Lord, Darth Marr. The Republican forces were the ones to attack us. And anything that attacks the Imperium, is an enemy to be exterminated. You are lucky to get something so valuable.", the Psyker says. 

"Valuable? What do you mean?"

"A second chance. Very rare. Now, will you call back your forces, or will you continue and die?", the Psyker asked her. He was not really asking her, but telling her that she would die the moment she attacked again. Judging from the fight they had until now, Satele managed to understand her opponent's strength. And from what she gathered, she is aware that they would certainly lose. 

She can also see how the Adeptus Custodes are manhandling the two Sith. So she steps back and turns off her lightsaber. 

"We will retreat.", Satele says and the Psyker nods his head and then leaves to deal with the Sith who were already about to be taken down. Sighing, Satele commands her troops to retreat from Yavin 4. 



(Marr POV)

Lana Beniko and I were not having a good time. The psychic warriors and the golden menaces were playing around with us. Nothing we did was working. The strength and overall skills of these warriors are breathtaking. I can feel my anger rising as my helplessness becomes more and more apparent. There is no way I will allow them to continue mocking me like this. 

"RAAAAH!!", I scream and unleash my most powerful Force Lighting at the psychic warrior. Then I jump into lightsaber combat with one of the golden beasts. He is much taller and more massive than me, but he seems to still be nimble and dexterous. He outclasses me in everything. I hate this ... I hate him ... and I hate that wannabe Emperor!!!

The beast of a man blocks each of my strikes and then twirls around his strange spear. With speeds that surpass all of my senses and even the danger sense with the Force, he cuts something and then simply looks at me. 


Then I feel it ... Pain!! I look to the side and see my arm ... my missing arm. He cut off my arm!!!



Everything turns black. 



(3rd Person POV)

Darth Marr has been subdued and Sith Lord, Lana Beniko as well. The Custodes made sure not to kill them because the Emperor still wanted them for his research. Midi-chlorians only existed within the living. These two would be important for experiments later on. 

On the side of Revan and the Emperor, the big E was standing above the broken form of Revan. He used his powers and sent a jolt of lightning at him, to wake him up. 

Revan woke up and groaned since his entire body was hurting right now. He opened his eyes and saw the hulking and intimidating figure of the Emperor standing above him. There was something in the way the Emperor looked at him, that unnerved Revan. It was like a father looking at his child in disappointment. 

And he was right. The Emperor was more than disappointed. With this amount of power, Revan couldn't even defeat the Psykers he had with him. But he knew that it would get better after Revan underwent the 'program'. 

"Are you ready to fight for something worth fighting for? A grander cause.", the deep and powerful voice of the Emperor was heard and caused Revan to flinch. He thought about the words and then asked him. 

Revan wanted to ask the Emperor what he was talking about. What was this cause he was supposed to fight in? Why should he even agree? Why did he ask him? Was he strong enough? Would he be betrabed and tortured again? Was he even worthy of that? .. Would he even take me?

All of those questions ran through Revan's mind and the longer he thought about it, he felt like there was nothing better in the world he could do. Nothing would be better than accepting the Emperor's offer. And so ...

"I ... am ready."

"Then come ... Revan."