
Emperor of Japan

As he lived his life there was joy until his family was killed in a freak accident after getting over that the world broke out in war it started with Pakistan and India fighting like usual but after India won they felt proud their technology started to increase until they dwarfed America they then with there huge population that increased to 2 billion dwarfing chinas 1.4 billion after the war with North Korea china was serverlet weekend to the point of no recovering North Korea used nukes on there once ally that is when North Korea started to having a hard time after wasting all there nukes on china came in and took over then they took 75% of North Korean women and raped them in front of North Korea then murdered them all thinking that it was revenge. After that India invaded the USA stepped in but they couldn't do anything India conquered most of Asia but they couldn't conquer japan most people started moving to japan after India landed in North America but that year it all ended an exspolisn bigger than the antarctic causing the marina trench to break open tremors started a new side off the heart but after that, all the countries started moving there people they're trying to escape from India and then India blue up the continent but after that, the ozone layer broke and the sun rays started burning people alive. This is my first book go easy on me

Sword_of_oblivion · Fantasia
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8 Chs


You could see a boy with a blank face with dead-like eyes you could tell he had been through something nobody should have he had been through hell he lived an average life he never dated he never has loved someone with his full heart he never felt what people call love. but he was someone who would always smile when he is around his family but it all ended when he watched his family die but it wasn't a simple death it was the worst kind it was by the person he trusted the most his best friend a Yankee as my dad calls him he moved to the neighborhood on sunny street Arizona.

We would always play together do everything together we were like twins but at some point, he became jealous of me for my family his family treated him bad they made him stand on a skateboard and hold a board on his head and every time he dropped it or got off the skateboard they would put a birch on there but my family was different my mother was American and my father was also American but he grew up in Japan so he started calling American Yankee like the Japanese in his town. He didn't punish my sister hard she was one year younger than me so 17 but they punished me had like hitting me on the back with a stick it wasn't an average stick but a cactus stick that was getting off easy I won't tell you guys the rest.

But on an average day that had nothing suspicious we were walking down the street with my family because I said that I would bring them out to eat when I ran into my friend he said that he knew a good place but the sun was killer today so we just filled him until we ran into a dark alleyway he said if we go through here we will get there so we followed but when we reached a dead-end he grabbed something from his pocket and pointed it at ous and said put your hand up we did what we were told he put tip ties around our hands and tape on our mouths and we were told to sit but he soundly went and grabbed my sister and pined he against a wall and raped her I tried breaking the tip ties but I couldn't my sister in pain stopped breathing I tried to yell but then he shoots my father and shoot my mother he then heard sirens but at the ended he said see you in hell and shoot himself

------------[Police Pov]-----------------

We got a call from someone about gunshots but when we got there we saw something terrifying a man with a taped mouth and hands tied sitting in a pool of blood and bodies surrounding him and a body of a girl that had no clothes on I rushed over to the man sitting in a pool of blood and untied his hands and took the tape off his mouth but the man started to scream like someone who had just gone crazy

----------------[Mc Poc]--------------------

what's the point of living in a world with everything taken away from you what is the point every one betrayed me no matter what I should just forget about that you cant stay in the past forever it has been three years I should join the army so I forget about my past and never have to go throw that again even in my life I would never want to go through that hell again even in a thousand-year so that is what I should do.

[3 Years later]

You could see a man sitting on a couch watching tv when he goes to the news channel and sees news he thought he would never see India beat Pakistan the two nations that were throat and throat are not at war anymore. That was surprising to everyone in the united stated this was a war that would go on forever if no one won.

[10 years later]

North Korea had a fight over Land ownership North Korea said this land is are and china said this land is are but it started to break out into a fight the Koreas then fought china this is the first time in a long time the Koreas worked together but they started to lose so the leader of Korea Ken shoguko His father was the leader of Korea Kim jun and his mother was a kidnapped Japanese he was made fun off in most communities but he felt at home with the Buddhist who were the only ones who were nice to him he knew in his next life it wouldn't be good so he launched nukes at china half of which were knocked out of the sky but the other half landed in chinas land killing millions after that chinas men came in beating past seul the Chinese men raped the Koreans for revenge.

After that war, India came back to the spotlight and attacking Bhutan and nepel and mymar with better technology even beating America in that factor but the only place that held out was Bhutan who fought in the mountains that they lived in so they knew how to get around them. until they breached by bombing their cities and destroying their economy. They started to Invade the rest of Asia.

[10 years later]

The world was being conquered by the Indias and japan is the only safe spot just like the Mongolians the Indians tried to shoot nukes but they were all shot down when they got close but they were shot down by Japanese ground defense when they tried to land but they have a solution to blow up nukes underwater they brought all their nukes near japan and then blew them up causing an explosion bigger than Antarctica 1 billion died but what was worse was the after tremors the broke the Marian trench up and causing a new contiant to emerge and all the nations moving there even our mc but India had found an abodand old Chinese nuclear war house and sent the nukes to the new contain were our mc mercasley survived but later died after he suns UV raze burned him alive after the ozone layer broke.


Thank you for reading comment and I will comment back