
Emperor in the broken world

This world is doomed. Our hope and our light had gone astray. However, I refuse to accept it. I will create a new legend from the ashes. Every race and every beings will unite under my iron rule.

SaintKing · Guerra
Classificações insuficientes
269 Chs

Chapter 65 The mission

" We will see it in the capital. Most of the people should be fine but I believe some radicals think bad of demi races."

Agam answered with a calm face, knowing some had a prejudice against the demi-humans and nonhumans due to the past when conflicts were many. The old doctrines of the alliance had something like humans were superior but after last celestial descent, they changed the books completely to accept other living beings.

Especially god of love and the God of the moon made their stance about the races that had wars with humans. They criticized humans for being narrow-minded and sent their apostles which terrified the elders in the capital during their descent.

" But be careful of nobles. Some of them still hide their corruption despite the alliance investigation. Even holy kings had shady stories in the past."

Qattara agreed with him on this, the holy kingdom wasn't as pretty place like it sounded and she saw many disturbing things as a mercenary that sent chills down her spine even though she was a divine weapon user.

" As long as you don't get out from our eyes. We can still protect you."

Regina said with a serious face, knowing others wouldn't be able to touch the envoys of other countries due to diplomatic issues. Especially their country was one of the most distinguished countries in their continent. However, there were still some fools who didn't know about their status and Licht was worried about them.

After a few minutes, they went to the dining room where they saw the high priests and Selena who were waiting for them. They prepared deluxe dinners for their guests, making colorful tables with a variety of dishes that originated from both the south and West.

" Please enjoy."

Theseus spoke gently, looking at them with a warm smile that calmed their spirits. He seemed to have a gentle aura that calmed and healed others, unlike Rammes who had a powerful destructive aura.

Contrary Horus seemed to radiate wisdom that went beyond any humans like those archwizards or archmages. It was difficult to tell whether he was a cleric or a mage.

" I thank you for your hospitality."

Regina bowed with proper etiquette as others followed her suit to show their gratitude.

" No, you don't have to be so formal. Please relax. Besides, you might have a hint of the reason why we called you here instead of delivering it to your chamber."

Theseus smiled softly, gesturing the paladins to leave the room with them as priests created a barrier to isolate their conversation.

" I had a guess."

Regina replied calmly despite being observed by the most powerful people on the continent. As a ranger and a captain she had keen eyes, so she was able to confirm her guess after looking at them.

" Clever. No wonder they call you the sheriff of the north in your kingdom. If you are wondering how we got your information, there are quite big information guilds in our continent. We knew everything about your continent, including the empire which is expanding its territory to other countries. Obviously, our reason isn't empire."

Theseus explained the things with a calm face while taking out a big map that showed the entire world.

" This is the southern continent where multiple races live in coexistence while this is your western continent where the powerful mutated humans appear. This is the eastern continent where the spirits reside while this is the far eastern continent where the dragons and other powerful creatures live with mysterious humans. Currently, we found a hatchling of a far eastern dragon near the islands of the southern continent. I assume it had been abducted by the raider mercenaries and had been lost there."

Theseus pointed at the islands near the capital which had an x mark.

" Then what is the problem? You can talk with dragons to quench their anger, right?"

Daemon asked with a confused face, not thinking deeply about the situation because dragons were intelligent beings. They wouldn't necessarily slaughter all beings without reason.

" The problem is that the hatchling has been garrisoned by the empire's former General and he is using it to anger the dragon. I assume he is trying to destroy the trade between South and West."

Horus said with a serious face.