
First Day

When I was six years old, my parents were murdered by someone very close to me, and that person was my own relative, someone who was full of pride. I couldn't remember his face since I was still young and was in so much sorrow, I also barely ever seen his face never once has he come to my house without feeling a bit jealous of my own father.

But that was 9 years ago, now I'm 14 years old and ready for my high school life. Eversince my parents passed, my aunt took me in and paid for my school funds, and for those few months, I can't really feel anything, and I mean emotionally. My parents were my whole happiness, I can't believe they were murdered so brutally, that's when I realised that the world is rather cruel and nothing is always filled with happiness. I was just a child, and witnessing such a scene would make someone as young as I was would definitely make them realise that the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows.

Now, it's already present day and I'm walking towards the school gates to start my new high school life.

"So, this is going to be the school I attend? Seems normal." Is what I thought, that is until someone was yelling out some harsh words right outside the school.

"I said I'm done with you! You don't even consider my feelings!"

It was a girl and a boy having some sort of arguement outside the school while making a huge commotion.

"Great... Drama to start my new day? I didn't expect that to be the first thing to happen on my first day of highschool."

The girl stroms off running towards her classroom crying. Obviously, this does not concern me so I shouldn't get involved. So I continue my day pretending that didn't happen.

As I continue to proceed towards the hall ways, I reached a bulletin board that has the name of all the first years in each row. My name is under class 1-1.

"Hmm... Looks like the first years are at the 2nd floor. And my class should be at the far end near the staircase." I stopped thinking and decided to walk to my classroom.

I climbed the stairs and reached the class.

"1-1... This should be it." I said to myself.

I gently swing open the door and everyone was either chatting and laughing. I walked towards an empty seat and calmly sit down

"Sigh... My life won't ever change... My whole life."

My mind started to turn blank as the noise started to fade. That is until someone next to me started to speak.

"Excuse me?" A voice of a boy spoke next to me.

I simply looked at him as he spoke.

"Sorry, but that was my seat."

"Is it...? Sorry I should move then." I said in a calmly manner and slowly get up from my seat, but before I could fully get up, he interrupted me.

"Oh no no, it's fine... There isn't seat assignments so you can have it." The boy speaks with a smile.

I raised an eyebrow and spoke back...

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'll sit next to you, it doesn't seem occupied or claimed yet so... Why not right? Hehe if you don't mind that is."

I shaked my head and let him sit down.

"Thanks... My name is Ryuji Akiyama by the way." He extends his hand to me. And asked "And what's yours?" He says with a genuine smile.

"My name is Aoi Fujiwara." I shake his hand with the same blank expression.

Ryuji seems please after hearing my name and asked.

"Do you mind if... You and I become friends?" He seems nervous when he asked me. I didn't really thought too much about his request and nodded.

"Sure... I'll be your friend."

My words made him shed a tear and he smiles even brightly, this made me very confused, so I asked.

"Sorry... Did I said something I shouldn't have?"

He shakes his head and speak through his tears.

"Sorry... It's just that, you're my first friend ever, thank you for accepting me, Fujiwara-kun." He smiles brightly then before

To be completely honest, I never really understand why he's crying shouldn't he be happy that he's got a new friend? Human emotions are often hard to read.

"Anyways... I never had a friend actually, even during middle school, I was just a loner who couldn't even make friends."

"You couldn't make friends? Couldn't you just go up to them and ask for their friendship like you did with me?" I scratched my head to show that I don't really understand what he means.

"Hehe, you see... I was, the school's most hated person back then." His voice and smile darkens. I could tell that he didn't had a good life in middle school.

"I see... Well, you don't need to worry about that, you made a friend in highschool, you can just leave the past as the past."

"You... Thanks, Fujiwara-kun."

I nodded and the door swings open and a tall beautiful woman walks in with a couple of things in her hands.

"Ehem, settle down class." As she said that, the whole class stopped what they were doing and sat back down in their seat.

"Good, now then. Let's start with introduction and then we will start the class."

Before she could even flip open a file, there was a huge commotion outside.

"Just leave me alone! I said I hate you and I don't want to be with you!" A feminine voice echoes throughout the whole school.

Everyone got out of their seats to see what was the big deal while I stayed in my seat.

"Hey, Fujiwara-kun, don't you want to see what's happening down there?" Says Ryoji with a worried face.

"No, and before you ask whether I'm curious or not... I'm not." I said with a dull face.

"Oh... Okay, I'll just go out and see what's happening." Ryuji left and went out with the others while leaving me alone with my own thoughts.

"What is up with this morning? I already had a terrible start to my high school years, and now suddenly the whole school is involved."

With this current turn of events, the introduction was out into a hold and the teachers had to take care of the two students about their sudden drama.

Hours later into school... It was already lunch time and everyone was already gossiping about the event earlier, I even started to hear about these events that it has been happening for ages now.

"Hey, Fujiwara-kun, wanna eat together?" Ryuji asked while holding his bento box.

"Hmm? Sure... But I'll need to use the restrooms first."

"Go ahead... I'll be waiting."

I walked out of the classroom and made my way into the restrooms which was a floor below my class.

"I can't believe I forgot to bring my bento box, well I guess I should quickly swing by the convince store nearby and..." My train of thoughts was suddenly interrupted by the sounds of sobbing.

The sound was coming from below the stair case. Without a thought or reason why, I went over to it out of curiosity. And there it was, a girl crying while balling into a corner. I wanted to ignore her cries but I accidentally kicked a broom and it alerted her.

"Who's there!?" Says the crying girl.

I slowly got out of the corner and revealed myself, it's pretty pointless to run now, it's best to just confront her immediately and clear up some misunderstandings.

"Sorry, I was just passing by." I said calmly.

The girl didn't look like she believed me and had a doubtful expression.

"Passing by? There's no way you could've just passed by around here without a reason."

"That... Is true." I said in a defeated tone.

It is true, I can't simply make an explanation that I came here for something knowing full well that I'm new and I don't quite know where is anything to begin with.

"So... Why are you here? Wait... You're that boy at the front gate."

This made me wonder and her face immediately made me remember who she was.

"Oh, you were the girl who was having that argument with that guy."

"Yeah... I was." Her voice had a hint of sadness in it.

"Well, I'm going to the convince store, it's been nice talking you."

Before I could go anywhere she stopped me by asking...

"Wait... Aren't you going to ask what happened?" She got up in haste.

"Hmm? Why should I? It's not really my place to ask."

"But... Normally people would..." I stopped her before she could continue to speak.

"Normally, people would butt into other people's personal affairs, but guess what? I'm not that type of person, and neither should anyone because butting in when your not supposed to is very disrespectful."

This made the girl confused and said...

"But, not everything has to be personal, well my arguement with my boyfriend was a bit personal."

"Oh, so he was your lover...?"

"Yeah, lover, boyfriend it's the same. He's always so determined when it comes to his anime and stuff, but never determined to make our relationship better. He always neglects my feelings and never once he ever thinks about how lonely I get whenever he doesn't responds to me messages."

I continue to listen to her ramble while actually listening. To be honest, I understand what she means when it comes to being lonely, I too desire to be in the spotlight, but one in the people of who I trust and call friends.

"I see, so you have been feeling lonely? Even in school?" I asked politely.

"Yeah, whenever it's break time or lunch time, he's always with his friends, and he can't really find the time to be with me much less talk to me. I always wonder that, maybe he just lost interest in me." She continues to cry and curled up into a ball.

"I understand why she feels so much sadness, but what I don't understand is the feeling of love. She's in love with this guy yet scared of losing interest in him. If you're losing interest in him, doesn't that mean you just need to move on and forget about it? Forget about your own feelings?" My mind started to trail off and then I started to remember what my mother used to say.

My mother used to always tells me stories about her love story about her and my father, on how they met and how they used to treat each other, the first thing I wanted to understand... Was the reason why romantic love happens. My mother wanted to teach me the meaning of romance, and I couldn't get the chance to understand more from her.

Returning back to the present time, I immediately understood why she's down, so I walked up to her and get onto her level. I gave her a handkerchief to wipe her tears away.

"Here, this is for..." She grabbed the handkerchief before I could finish my sentence.

"I know what it's for..."

"Good." I sat beside her and try to think of words I could say to comfort her.

"Sigh, when my parents used to see me cry, they would always tell me that each tears that drop would make you're vision go blurry."

"Excuse me?..." She says in confusion.

"Which means, you shouldn't really waste your tears in matters that isn't important in your life, like your love life. It isn't the end, there are plenty of chances in this world, you just have to take it when the opportunity arrives."

This made her stop crying and looked at me with a face that shows that she's just amused on his words.

"Is that so...? Haha, maybe you're right. I shouldn't really waste my tears just because of a boy." She chuckled a bit and I just tilted my head.

She got up with a smile instead of a gloomy face.

"I'm going to reconsider my life choices and think ahead instead of behind."

"Good... For you?" I was uncertain if my words made an impact on her.

"One things for sure is that, this school is full of drama, and I'm stuck in this school, sure you might say I could just move schools but I don't have any other school nearby my place so I'm stuck here for the next three years."