
Emotional Psycho

What will you do if you can sense another creature's emotion? Well, anyone with that ability likes to see everyone's emotions. But what if there is a reason for you to get those powers? See what our MC does with his power.

DaoistPlLdIZ · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Celestia (1)

Stepping into the building with a mind buzzing with unanswered questions, I found myself in the reception area faced with an unexpected sight – a rather elderly-looking elf, peacefully slumbering but with a surprisingly noisy demeanor. This wasn't your everyday scenario; it was my first encounter with a being resembling a human yet distinctly elven in nature.

As minutes ticked away without any sign of the elf waking, my impatience grew. Deciding to dispel his seemingly eternal nap, I took an unconventional approach – I closed his nose, leaving him with no choice but to switch to mouth breathing. To say I was baffled would be an understatement.

In a fit of frustration, I couldn't contain a rather explicit exclamation, a vocal manifestation of my irritation. Unperturbed, the elf remained in his deep slumber. That's when I took matters into my own hands, quite literally. A gentle nudge wasn't going to cut it, so I unceremoniously tipped his chair, resulting in a rather abrupt awakening for our drowsy elf friend.

"May I inquire about your identity, sir?" inquired the elf.

"I am Mark," I replied.

"Mark? Please follow me this way," he gestured towards a staircase looming ahead. "Your room is on the topmost floor, the 20th floor."

Curious, I asked, "Who reserved a room for me?"

"Reserved? What are you talking about? These rooms are specially designed for individuals like yourself."

"People like me?"

"Yes, those who participate in GEC."

"What in the world is GEC?"

"Oh! You seem to be unaware of what GEC is, right?"

"Yeah. Can you enlighten me?"

"It's not my duty. Your personal assistant will provide you with all the details."

"I have a personal assistant too?" I exclaimed in surprise.

"Absolutely, sir. Your personal assistant is there to cater to your needs. Just express your requirements, and he'll ensure they're promptly met," reassured the elderly elf.

"Alright then, guide me to my room," I responded.

He led me to what appeared to be the entrance of a portal. Upon stepping through, a sudden shift in surroundings signaled that I had been swiftly transported to the 20th floor.

Intrigued, I couldn't help but express my surprise, "Using a portal just to ascend in a building? That's quite something."

He nodded, offering an explanation, "Well, given that you hail from Earth, you might not be acquainted with this technology. Portals are a standard means of travel in Celestia. That's how advanced our realm is."

His words sparked a realization about Earth's technological shortcomings. It dawned on me that in a hypothetical all-out conflict with Celestia, Earth would find itself woefully outmatched. It prompted me to ponder the audacity of humans considering themselves the most intelligent beings in the vastness of the universe.

"By the way, how did you figure out that I'm from Earth?" I inquired with curiosity.

"Well, humans are originally from Earth, aren't they?" he responded.

"Ah, yes. I completely forgot about that," I admitted, a momentary lapse in memory surfacing.

As I stepped into my assigned room, a peculiar sense of forgetfulness lingered in the air. The exterior, deceivingly small, gave way to an expansive space that could rival the size of a large car factory. The clever use of highly advanced technology played a role in creating this illusion, but to my amazement, it wasn't just a visual trick – the room unfolded into a genuinely vast expanse, allowing me to move freely within its seemingly boundless confines.

Contemplating the intricacies of the building's advanced design left me in awe. It begged the question of what the surroundings beyond these walls might hold. If a structure hidden in such an obscure location could be this sophisticated, the thought of what lay beyond was almost unfathomable. It painted a mental image reminiscent of what many on Earth might envision as the planet's appearance after a hundred thousand years – a realm of unparalleled technological marvels.

The sheer incredibility of this unknown planet continued to captivate my imagination, sparking a sense of wonder about the unseen wonders that awaited exploration beyond the confines of my room.

Filled with curiosity, I embarked on an exploration of my room, eager to unravel the mysteries it might conceal. To my surprise, within this seemingly expansive space, I discovered five Murim-style abandoned houses. Four of them appeared fairly standard, but one, notably larger than its counterparts, emitted an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine. My own abode, situated a bit apart, stood as pristine as a newborn.

Driven by an insatiable curiosity, I couldn't resist the allure of the mysterious houses. My journey began with the four seemingly normal structures. However, these houses turned into neglected realms, overrun by a burgeoning rat population. The once promising exploration turned into a peculiar encounter with a planet of rodent inhabitants.

My insatiable curiosity persisted, undeterred even as I neared the completion of my exploration, fueled primarily by the enigmatic aura emanating from the imposing building. Summoning my courage, I took a deep breath and began the journey towards the structure that had been giving me strange vibes.

To my disquiet, as I approached the building, eerie apparitions of nightmarish memories from my past seemed to linger in the air. Despite the unsettling sight, I reassured myself that these were events of the past, and I was here to seek answers.

Closing in on the door, my first skill, the Emotional Sensor, sprang to life. It detected an overwhelming sense of hostility from behind the door. Though fear crept in, my possession of superhuman strength provided a semblance of reassurance. Bracing myself, I took that decisive step and cautiously swung the door open, ready to confront whatever awaited on the other side.

In the darkness, I discerned a humanoid figure moving with astonishing speed, outpacing my reflexes. To my bewilderment, it wielded a sword in its right hand and a blade in its left. Even my heightened senses seemed dulled in its presence. In an instant, it executed a flurry of strikes, cutting through me a hundred times, each incision sending waves of mind-numbing pain.

Desperation took over, prompting me to hurl myself away in an attempt to minimize the onslaught. The pain was so intense that consciousness teetered on the brink of fading. Just as my awareness waned, a surprising sight unfolded – a green-hued creature, dressed like a Murim master, approached. As it drew near, I identified the unexpected visitor as a goblin, introducing a new layer of intrigue to the already perplexing situation.

My consciousness faded, and upon awakening, I found myself in my own house, wrapped in layers of bandages. Recollections of the intense encounter with the monstrous entity flooded back. As I rose from my resting spot, a tempting aroma led me to the source.

Intrigued, I decided to sneak up on the person cooking using my high speed and agility. However, my attempt to surprise them took an unexpected turn. Instead of finding a child, I was met with astonishment as I laid eyes on a creature with a middle-aged human face in the place of the cooking child. To my surprise, the individual I had initially mistaken for a child turned out to be a dwarf.

"Aaaagh!" he exclaimed in shock.

"Aaaaaagh!" I echoed his shout, a mix of surprise and confusion resonating in both our voices.

"Master, you scared the hell out of me," exclaimed the dwarf.

"Master?" I pondered, and then it hit me – I had a personal assistant. "How long was I unconscious?" I inquired.

"One day," he replied with an almost uncanny speed, as if he anticipated my question before I uttered it.

"It's only been an hour outside this room," he added.

"Huh? How is that possible?" I questioned.

"I don't know the reason, but time in here runs slower than outside," he explained.

The concept seemed perplexing, but given the advanced technology I had witnessed, it wasn't entirely implausible. Deciding to shift the focus, we began our introduction. Surprisingly, he already knew everything about me. Curiosity led me to inquire about him first.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"I don't have a name yet. You have to name me," he responded.

"Really?" I exclaimed, surprised by the unusual proposition.

"Then I will name you Slubby!" I exclaimed enthusiastically.

"From now on, my name is Slubby. You can treat me however you want," he declared.

"You'll be my companion from now on, just like friends," I stated. However, a sudden realization struck me.
