
Emmitter Of Doom

Brian Strider is supposed to be the heir to the powerful family that protects the Earth's royal family but unlike the others he is anything but strong.He goes through a lot to get acknowledged by his family and that's when he meets a mysterious man who gives him a mark that steers him back to the duties of his past life.can he overcome the obstacles that he may face and fulfill his duty to the multiverse as the emitter of doom.

Council_of_sages12 · Fantasia
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22 Chs

Chapter 19: Making Preparations

The commander turned and started to make her way out, but she left Ramsey with her final words;

"Don't get second thoughts now Ramsey, remember who you're doing this for"

After she had left, Ramsey was still staring at the prisoner who was suspended in the cylindrical tube.

"These people are crazy, all of them, doing as they please with their powers and hurting innocent people", he signed and then started to leave himself, "I'm sorry kid, the path ahead you will be thorny until your inevitable end, but I'm just doing what I have to do , I can't be worrying about other people's problems".

  When I finally came to, I was greeted with an intense pressure crushing me from every direction, though most of my internal injuries had healed, I still had a fair amount of them left to heal, the crushing pressure intensified the pain from my injuries that I could not help but let out a loud yelp. I realized I was floating in some kind of cylindrical tube and from my surroundings it was obvious I was in some kind of special facility, the memories from from what had happened before I was captured began to flood my mind like a river, Ramsey and his men had taken me by force since I had refused to come with them.

I tried moving my body but I could not even a muscle budged under the intense pressure and it was only inducing more pain. Even in my situation I began to worry about my father who suddenly froze back then, they might have done  something to him, then again I don't think that man would be done in so easily, I have to worry about myself right now, I need to find a way to reduce the pain I'm feeling. It would be easy if I could use Pulze-overdrive, but ever since I got injured I've not been able to activate it because it takes a massive toll on my body, and my body is not exactly in the best shape anyway. However I'm going to force it, I have to heal quickly and prepare, whatever the military is planning to use me for I won't let it happen easily.

I bet I'm worthless to them right now so they are just going to break my meteor link so that another person can make a link, the problem will be what they do with me after, no matter what I can't let them take the power. I began to focus all my attention into activating Pulze-overdrive, so much that my brain had to shut down other functions, my hearing was fading, my eyelids forcefully closed and my thoughts were growing quiet, it was like I'd fallen into a coma, this was the opportunity cost of forcefully activating Pulze-overdrive.

Two young person's walked into the room where Brian was being held, their lab coats reached all the way to their knees and there was a soldier behind them as a guard. He had his gun pointed at the large cylindrical tube that was at the center of the room, or more precisely at the boy who was suspended in it.

"I thought you said subject 564 was awake, Dr Smith?"

"Affirmative, about twelve minutes ago he let out a shout, moreover his cells spiked and the energy within them has been steadily rising"

"Could it be that he is now undergoing sleep state, I heard he established his link not too long ago".

"The sleep state?, Where an apostle who just made a meteor link goes into a deep sleep for averagely three days in order for the body to be modified by the meteor energy and get accustomed to it, I thought it was just a theory".

"I'm just saying it's possible since it has been seen in ninety percent of people who go through apostlification".

"You may be right doctor, that could be the case and it explains his rising cellular energy levels"

"This is perfect, I was wondering how we were going to perform the pulze extraction since drugs like anaesthetics don't work on apostles, now that he's in sleep state he won't wake up till the process is complete, we have three days to complete our pulze extraction".

"Then I'll make the preparations immediately ".

"I'll leave it to you Dr Smith, I want to begin as soon as possible, get things ready by tomorrow".

"Will do Dr Russel, then if you'd excuse me". Dr Smith then left Dr Russel staring at Brian with a passion in her eyes.

"Who could have thought that a one in a gazillion person like you would emerge after I had searched for so long, this must be a reward for all my efforts from nature. His bond is unstable, many pulzators would have read his bond as a mutual bond but he actually has a 60:40 pulze ratio, he is made up of more pulze energy than human cells, and it's because of this fault that his bond is not strong enough, which is why he can't use an ability, otherwise he would have been a monster. With such a weak bond I can easily separate his pulze from his cells, I can finally extract pure pulze energy, something that has not been accomplished yet, finally I can complete my research, and even advance with my other ideas. Make sure not to wake up during the extraction 564, otherwise you're going to be in a world of pain that will be enough to make your brain explode Bye for now and see you tomorrow"...