
Unlimited Blade Works..

"So this is the island called Scrap Garden, huh.."

That's right, after three days we pulled out on the next island, which literally is a magnified version of the Gray Terminal.

I docked the ship by a forest instead of the docks. Anyone living here would probably be looking for the chance to rob a pirate ship.

I walked over to the ladder and began climbing down, but I didn't hear any footsteps following me, so I climbed back up and peaked over the edge.

"You not coming?"

"I don't think I would be of much help in a scrapyard. I will stay on the ship in case anyone tries anything."

I nodded and slid down the ladder, before turning around to walk.

As expected, the world wasn't all rainbow and sunshine like the anime portrayed..

I would go into details, but I will explain it in three sentences.

While walking through the island, I saved 4 girls from being raped.

I saw dozens being robbed, like it was a regular occurence.

Caught thieves got killed.

The rest should be pretty easy to imagine, but that would be a bit too adulterated.

I really didn't like this place, but diamonds are not found on the surface, gotta dig deeper if I want some.

Basically, there should at least be one person worthy of being in the crew.

Or maybe there isn't.

Well, there might be. I vaguely recall Baby 5 being from a trashy place like this, and she was pretty strong.

I walked through the streets, after trying it once, I learnt to avoid alleys. Disgusting.

Good thing that Esdeath decided to stay behind.

Sniff sniff..

Hmm, what is this?

No, impossible, it must be an illusion.

A good smell on this island?

I jumped on top of a building, before thinking back to my roots.

Skyrim, sneak 100…

Sneaky, sneaky, sneak, SNAP..

Why the fuck is there a branch here..?

There aren't any trees in like a 1 kilometer radius!!

"Oi, scram."

Fuck, someone heard me. He told me to scram, but nah, I am the badass Emiya, I can make the motherfucking excalibur if he tries anything funny.

"Hello there."

I peeked around the corner to see a VERY familiar man!


"I said scram, you looking for an early death?"

The tall white haired man wearing tight red pants and a short red jacket. Both being made of leather.

You can probably guess who he is, right?

The man, the myth, the legend.

The immortal knight-turned thief.

The fox sin of greed, Ban.

"Nah, but I'm looking for a member for my pirate crew. Do you think you could fit that role?"

"Not interested."

Aww, couldn't he just make it easy for me?

I saw glanced at what he was cooking, and it looked delicious. How can you even cook something like that with the ingredients on this island?

Ohhh, that's a good idea.

"You can fit the role of cook. Yeah, that sounds good."

He frowned at me irritated.

"I said I won't join."

"Of course, I knew that, but I have a very good reason for why I want you to join."

He didn't look amused at my continued conversation… weird. He's usually more drunk and laughing and stuff in The Seven Deadly Sins..

"You see, first of all, you look strong. Second of all, I want to eat food that doesn't rely on low percentage betting on the food to come out right."


"You see, my cooking skills are about as good as a sea king. I'd rather just eat something I don't prepare. Not that it'd be any better if I did cook. And my crewmate is a princess, the only thing she has cooked, her whole life, is pancakes. And the first time she cooked pancakes was today."


After all that?! I tried to pressure him into joining on guilt, how is he still fine?!

"If I beat you in a fight, will you join the crew?"

Now he looks interested, huh? Damn battle junkie.

"I will beat you, without making any destruction to the area around us."

He looked excited now, for fuck's sake.

"And I will beat you without taking a single scratch."

He stood up from his chair, and brought out a pair of nunchucks, and began spinning them.

"You ready?"

"Are you?"

His damn smirk is pissing me off.

With an unsaid signal, we both knew the battle had begun. He jumped for me, and I started evading.

"I am the bone of my sword."

"Steel is my body and fire is my blood."

I dodged the annoyingly quick and hard to dodge blows of Ban's nunchucks.

I could also tell that he was getting stronger, while I was getting weaker. I guess he has some kind of devil fruit ability.

"I can create thousands of legendary blades."

Ban, after his confusion about what I was saying passed, got fiercer in his attacks. Seems he realized that I might be doing something dangerous.

"Intimate with life, but well known to death."

"Grazed with the void, but blessed by the gods."

"I do not know restraint, for I shall become great."

Ban had chills running down his spine, he knew something was about to happen right now.

I grinned, this was my first time doing this, adjusting the chant was done by instinct.

Let's get myself a chef.

"Unlimited Blade Works!"

"Where the hell is this?"

The world around us was not the same as it was before. The clear sky, was not blue, but orange, filled with gigantic gears, shining like gold. The ground was filled with swords, upon swords, upon swords.

"This is my world."

He turned around to look at me, much more serious looking than before.

"Now that you are here, I have won. But tell me, how did you drain my strength earlier?"


He ran straight for me, much faster than before, but I just shook my head like a badass, and with a single thought, a gigantic sword appeared in the sky, slashing down straight for him.

His eyes widened, and he gasped in surprise before quickly throwing himself to the side and dodging.

"In this world, every single sword I have ever seen exists. I have seen thousands different swords, a few of them being… special. Let me give you an example."

I materialized the sword I have wanted to use for so long, in my right hand, before grabbing it with both hands.

"You better dodge, or defend yourself with all you got. If you don't, you'll die."



The sword started shining in gold, and a beam, or a golden extension of the blade shot out.


Ban stole as much strength as he could from me instantly, and I swung the sword as hard as I could, reinforcing myself with magic.

Ban discarded the nunchucks, pulling back his now extremely muscular right hand, before punching with all his strength.

Ban was lying on the ground in a mess. Bleeding a lot, but he'll probably be fine, he was still awake after all.

"You lost, so now you join my crew."

"Ugh, got it, cap'n."


"Hmph, don't think that that makes me happy, baka!"

I lifted him up over my shoulder and began walking to the ship. Can't wait to see Esdeath's face when I come back with a bloody Ban on my shoulder.

Don't know if you agree with my decision to have Ban as the chef, and I don't care. I can't see someone like Nakiri Erina on a pirate ship. She couldn't kill a fly, I'd say. Ban is also a fun character, though I am not sure if I can get him in character, we can only hope. See ya!

Kouucreators' thoughts