
EMINENCE IN POWER: 10000X Multiplication

[Ding! You have fused with the orb of darkness and your orb of darkness has been enhanced to Heart of darkness.] [Ding! You have acquired the throne of technology and has been enhanced to Divine throne of technology.] [Ding! Your inferno dragon bloodline has been enhanced to Supreme dragon bloodline.] [Ding! Your skill inferno blaze has been enhanced to crimson blaze.] [Ding! Your Twin Swords of Doom have been upgraded to Twin Swords of Ending.] When Adrian was reincarnated to the Agni planet, he activated the 10000x multiplication system and supreme dragon bloodline. Later on he accidentally obtained the power of a dark lord. From items to equipment to skills and abilities, he could receive 10000x multiplication. A few months later he had the power of the supreme Lord of Technology, a Supreme Dragon and the power of a dark lord. From this moment on the entire world starts to run amok... ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Blackstar_101 · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs



The system began appraising the blood, and since it would take a while to finish, he decided to set some goals to accomplish in the near future.

First I have to find out who sent the assassin this time. But first, I need to catch that damn assassin. She is the only clue I have to catch the mastermind behind my assassination. A cold glint filled with immense killing intent flashed across his eyes for a second before disappearing.

Next I have to deal with elder Rose, she's a major suspect in this assassination since I found out about her secret. I don't believe it's a coincidence I got sent such an assassin two days after discovering her secret. Besides, she has the power to assign such a deadly assassin so fast. A lewd smile appeared on Adrian's face, from his expression it can be said that whatever he is planning for the elder dragon is not something good.

Next I have to deal with those bitches, so called wives. They are gonna pay for every bruise, every broken bone, the depression I have suffered, they will pay dearly. Though now what do I do with the innocent ones. Though not completely innocent, they at least didn't send assassins to harass me.

Next I'll have to deal with the royal family.

While thinking of how to deal with his parents and siblings, he heard a notification from the system.

[ Ding! procedure complete. ]

[ Ding! Innate talent unlocked. ]

[ Ding! 10000X multiplication system activated. ]

Another mechanical voice sounded in his mind.

[ Ding! Main system functions has been enhanced to alpha level. ] Main system refered to Zero.

Adrian felt dizzy with all the system notifications ringing in his mind.

" Status."


System: Dragon system.

Host : Adrian Crimson.

Race : Dragon.

Bloodline(s): Royal dragon bloodline (sealed).

Cultivation : Second order.

Classes : Swordsman.

Hp : 300

Mp : (Sealed)

Stats : Str(50), Agi(45), End(55), Int(60), Charm(40), Luk(10).

Free stat points : None.

Experience points : None.

Abilities : basic sword mastery.

Skills : None.

Equipment(s) : None.


[ Ding! Does the host wish to awaken bloodline? ]


[ Ding! Congratulations to the host for activating the inferno dragon royal bloodline. ]

[ Ding! Activating the bloodline the host has gained some skills. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations host for getting the skill inferno blaze. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations host for getting the inferno dragon innate ability, inferno dragon affinity. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations host for getting the ability inferno scales. ]

[ Ding! Congratulations host for getting the inferno dragon innate ability, inferno breath. ]

[ Ding! Awakening dragon lineage has increased host's stats.]

[ Ding! Vitality (+100), mana (+100), Str (+50), Agi (+50), End (+50), Int (+50), Charm (+50), Luk (+50). ]

[ Ding! Congratulations host for getting the passive skill, calm mind, from Swordsman class. ]

When all the ringing sounds disappeared, Adrian no longer felt any weakness. Previously, he could not even stand properly, but now he felt his entire body full of energy.



System: Dragon system.

Host : Adrian Crimson.

Race : Dragon.

Bloodline(s): Inferno dragon royal bloodline.

Cultivation : Second order.

Classes : Swordsman.

Hp : 400

Mp : 300

Stats : Str(100), Agi(95), End(105), Int(110), Charm(90), Luk(60).

Free stat points : None.

Experience points : None.

Abilities :

-Inferno scales.

-Inferno breath.

-Inferno dragon affinity.

-Basic sword mastery.

Skills :

-Inferno blaze.

-Calm mind.

Equipment(s) : None.


" Damn, compared to before, I feel like I have been reborn." Adrian could feel it. A new kind of energy was flowing along with his blood. He was slightly surprised by the new sensation. The new energy was his mana. He couldn't feel it before because his meridians were damaged, as such mana produced by his heart couldn't flow normally. It seemed was quite lucky his meridians were damaged, if they were broken he would have become a cripple.

What he didn't expect was a new round of notifications with new surprises.

[ Ding! Your inferno royal bloodline has been upgraded to supreme royal bloodline. ]

[ Ding! Your dragon race has been enhanced to supreme dragon race. ]

[ Ding! Your class Swordsman has been upgraded to War master. ]

[ Ding! Inferno scales has been enhanced to supreme dragon scales. ]

[ Ding! Inferno breath has been enhanced to supreme elemental breath. ]

[ Ding! Inferno dragon affinity has been enhanced to supreme elemental affinity.]

[ Ding! Basic sword mastery has been upgraded to weapon master.]

[ Ding! Inferno blaze has been enhanced to crimson blaze. ]

[ Ding! Calm mind has been enhanced to tranquil mind. ]

[ Ding! Detecting host's race change to supreme dragon race, system has been upgraded to supreme dragon system.]

[ Ding! Awakening supreme dragon lineage has increased host's stats. ]

[ Ding! All stats +500. ]

Adrian felt like he was strike by lightning.

" rumbling!" He was taken out of his stupor by the rumbling of his stomach, as if telling him ' let's celebrate.' He decided to check out the new system changes after having a good meal.

" It feels like I have not eaten anything for ages." He felt like he could devour anything at this point. Without wasting time, he got out bed and walked out of his room. From the memories of the previous Adrian, he reached the dinning hall.

" I should get something to eat in the kitchen."

" Young master? " Adrian was about to head to the kitchen when he heard someone's voice.

Turning around, Adrian widened his eyes slightly seeing a figure sitting on the chair, he was surprised because he hadn't detected anyone in the room when he came in. Perhaps he was so engrossed in his own thoughts. He quickly recovered his expression gazing back at the figure on the chair." You're...

He tried remembering who the individual was from the memories of the previous Adrian while questioning her but failed to recognize who it was.

The individual on the chair was shocked to see Adrian.

Isn't he supposed to be unconscious at at his deathbed. She asked herself in her mind.

" Who are you?" Adrian questioned her with a calm tone of voice while studying her attentively. At the same time she was also studying him the same way. Though she was quick to hide her shocked expression, it didn't escape the eyes of someone like Adrian who had lived several lives and delt with beings as powerful as gods. So seeing her change in expression, he was ready claim her life if she had any ideas for him.