
Chapter Ten

Ken appeared before a ten story building properly secured both digitally and physically with security personnels patrolling round the building. He followed his map which was leading him to a secret tunnel to the building avoiding the security.

Only few people knew about the secret entrance to the building, he crawled through the holes and crannies of the building till he got to the sixth floor where the man was kept. He successfully avoided the security cameras but could not avoid the security guards in the area, they were many he would not be able to fight all and leave the building alive so he drugged them silently one after the other and hid them.

He continued following his map which lead him to the man's location. Seeing the least of the person he expected, a weak and harmless man with his face covered with mask and he is tied to a chair connecting him to numerous laboratory equipment which drained his blood and at the same time processed to a black substance.

He could not bring himself to kill the man then he remembered Sandra's words not to feel pity for the man as it is one of his tricks to take one unguarded. Ken unsheathes his sword as he walked closer to the man, the man began moving he couldn't talk and Ken noticed it and wondered why. Something fell from the man's cloth as he was struggling to avoid Ken's sword which was familiar.

– – –

Marshall had completed his training in the division and has become one of them. Two men escort him through the passage of the building until they got to a door with an inscription of his name on the lintel. One of the men opened the door and to Marshall's surprise it was a bedroom. He never knew such thing was in the division. He walked into the room amazed, it was the least he expected.

"I thought I'll be at the warfront by now, what I'm I still doing here?" he asked.

"That's not the way it works" the man looked left pointing at the black leather clothes at the table "these are your clothes you should put them on, you will be called soon. Welcome to the society" he said and left with the other.

Marshall walked to the table touching the clothes one after the other as he is in thoughts.

– – –

"Oh man! I can't do this, this is not my thing!" Uther yelled at his instructor

"you are angry because your friends left you. But you see, life doesn't always work the way you plan it, everyone does not reach the peak at the same time, keep that in mind" he pat Uther's shoulder walking out of the hall, he halt and looked at Uther "put more effort, your friends did" having said this words he left.

Uther still on his rage with his eyes red as if they are about to shed tears with his palms on his head and his elbows on the table. He thought of how to get through this stage because he was going crazy.

Marshall is dressed in leather suit waiting for Sandra's call when one of the men walked in.

"Sandra demands your presence now" he said and left closing the door behind him. Marshall stood from his bed walking towards the door.

In a minute, he was at the secret room not realizing any difference from the previous time he entered the room only that there was just two men standing beside her. She smiled broadly to that he became uncomfortable with the smile.

"What do you want this time?" he asked as

Sandra's smile turned to a loud laughter.

"What's funny" he asked again

Sandra gave him a stunt look "everything is funny,young man" she said

"You now work for me or haven't you realized? Welcome to the society" she moved closer to him offering her hand for a handshake but Marshall refused

"Get away from me devil! and go straight to the point" Marshall said

Sandra still laughing took back her steps "you are to kill those who killed your family" she said

"Who is that?" Marshall asked

"I like you" she said moving closer to him as she spoke into his ears "kill the special adviser to the governor" she whispered stepping back with a smirk on her face.

"What!" Marshall looked at her and she nodded in affirmation

"And how do you expect me to do that?" He asked

"You should be grateful I ask you to kill the governor's righthand man and not the president" she said

"Oh ma'am please I need another assignment" Marshall begged

"Uhm… Marshall I think I'm done with you,close my door behind you" she sat down on her chair.

"please I need a glass of wine" she said as one of her men prepared her wine.

Marshall left the secret room jittering

"Oh no! It seems I'll die before killing this governor's man" he stood for a while thinking "oh no! Oh no! I'm jittering. Oh God please help me in this" he prayed.

The blue sky can be clearly seen from the glass window,sun rays finding their way into the room and birds singing melodiously. Ken is fast asleep as Marshall barge into the room. Ken woke aiming for his gun.

"Oh! Wait man! Is me Marshall" he said with both hands on the air.

Ken dropped the gun by his side looking at Marshall as he laid back on the bed "man you should learn to knock before coming into my room or else I'm gonna blow your head off one of this days" he stood up and walked to the bathroom and with his fingers he signaled Marshall to sit down.

"Mehn! I've got a problem" Marshall said as he sat on the bed.

"What is it" Ken asked revealing his manhood to pee on the water closet.

"I'm to kill the special adviser to the governor" he said scratching one side of his head.

"So what's the problem there?" Ken asked picking his toothbrush and a tooth paste, he placed one against the other and both goes into his mouth making a screech sound.

"Man how can you say there is no problem,for goodness sake this is the special adviser to the governor" he said walking to the bathroom where Ken is.

"Man what are you doing here, you want to watch me bath? You should go back to the room" Ken said

Marshall goes back to sit on the bed "man help me what I'm I to do"

"You should be telling that to Sandra,she is the one who gave you the assignment" Ken replied

"Mehn! Just help me please, I need a clue"

"What is the time for the mission" Ken asked coming out from the bathroom with a towel to his waist.

"She didn't say" Marshall answered

"Mehn your time is reading, did she give you any clue? Like any information about him? Where he will be, what he'll be doing at the time you will have the ease to kill him?" Ken asked

"No men she didn't" Marshall replied again

"So she just told you to go and kill someone"

"Yes men that's all she said to me"

"Alright man, I gat you, I have a friend somewhere that can help you"

"Okay man" Marshall stood and left the room after a handshake with ken.

Ken picked his phone from the bed and dialed a number.