
Chapter Nine

It took Ken a month and two weeks to learn all device in the digital room, he was the first to leave the digital room amongst his friends and continued with his final training while his friends still had three months in the digital room.

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It's been eight years since Ken and his friends got trapped in the division and he is at the last phase of his training. He was taught how to make use of a gun.

Especially,making sure to be the first to shoot before his opponent. He was also taught how to fight properly with his hands,legs and other parts of his body, he was taught some tricky skills about how to create bombs manually, electrocute a person and properly set killing strings that could slice a human into two, how to poison a person with chemicals,how to pilot a helicopter, an aeroplane, an aircraft and Jets and also taught how to drive a car and ride a bike.

Sandra asked for Ken and in a minute he was with her in the secret room.

Ken, a teenager is dressed as one of the division men. Sandra smiled seeing him walk closer to her.

"Look at you young lad, all grown up and powerful ready to work at my service"

"Don't you ever think I'm going to work for you, you trained me for myself and once I leave here, I'll never return" Ken told her bluntly.

Sandra laughed "you think it's that easy?" She asked and continued speaking "okay, you can give a try when you are finally let out"

"But let me tell you a little story" she said as she stood on her feet walking to and fro in her room.

"Once upon a time, there was a man, he loved his family so much but didn't have a source of income to provide for his family so they were poor and suffered a lot. One day he discovered a magic stone while tilling the soil at his front house and called out to his wife, his wife came and they wondered what it was. They both decided to study it which they did with the help of ancient books about stones. Eventually, they discovered that the particular stone in their possession is a magic stone, a very powerful magic that could kill,destroy and restore if used properly.

One night when the couple was fast asleep the man had a dream when his father was giving him the stone telling him the stone is his future and that he shouldn't misuse the power of the stone otherwise it will overwhelm him and be controlled by the stone till his life is destroyed. So the man waking from sleep, stood up and walked straight to where he kept the stone. To his surprise, the stone was at it's bloom, it shined brightly in blue such that the entire house was covered in blue and the stone hanging on the air pointing to the man. His wife woke up to pee and noticed the blue light everywhere, she called out to her husband. She got to the living room where her husband was, amazed at what she saw, her husband was on the air with the stone and a heavy blue light surrounding him as he moved in circles with the stone until the blue light went off, the man fell to the ground and the stone disappeared"

All the while Sandra was narrating her story she looked at the wall but now she looked at Ken sitting seductively on her table.

"To shorten the long story, they discovered the power did not disappear but was in the man and it made him so powerful. He was a relieve to the weak because he helped them from the oppression of the strong but something bad happened, he was decieved and mislead that he walked on the wrong path and was hired to kill people and paid huge sum of money. He became very wealthy, he and his wife had a son. He was hired by the government to kill your father"

Ken confused looking at Sandra disgustly.

"You don't need to look at me like that, all this while you thought the division are responsible for your father's death but it's that man who killed your father with his magic—"

"You bloody liar, it was your men I saw not any magic man" Ken yelled at her almost in tears as he murmured to himself "how can she bring my family into this"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sandra placed the second finger of her left hand on her lips urging Ken to be quiet so she can continue her story.

"A great man like that wouldn't do all the work by himself. As he grew, he trained his own men who will help him do his job. That night he didn't come in person, he sent his men and because we all do magic, we are dressed almost same but our magic is of light and his magic is full of darkness that's what makes the difference. Now, you have an assignment to kill the man who killed your parents. Do you know you would be dead by now if we had not taken you? he is not able to get to you because you are here, so you need to kill him first before he reach you" she sat on the chair behind her, looking at the anger and fear in Ken's eyes

"You are scared that you are not well trained to kill him, you shouldn't my dear, you are the only one who can kill him because your magic is similar to his"

"magic?" Ken asked and Sandra nodded in affirmation "do I have magic?" He asked again

"you do my dear and your magic is almost same as his but it's yet to be out" Sandra answered

Ken asked again "if it's not out,how then I'm I going to kill him"

"That's your concern, you have twenty four hours to do your job. Excuse me" she said and Ken walked out of the room.

Ken a member of the division, own a room at the division and is sitted on the chair at the right corner of his room facing the mirror, he gazed at his reflection on the mirror as Sandra's words resound in his mind. He looked at the picture on his table and asked himself if he is really ready to do the job, then it dawned on him that he had no choice and just have to do it to live.

He took the man's picture from the table using his left hand to demonstrate how he would shoot the man on his head. He wondered what will happen if the man use his magic on him, his laptop peeps and he's distracted from his thoughts as he looked at the screen clicking on the tap. It appeared that the entire information concerning the man is sent to him and he read through but finds something very confusing which he is familiar with.