
Chapter Fifteen

The field grass tearing the fair skin of the slim figure lying on the grass.

Karen gasped and opened her eyes. She has been unconscious since she managed to crawl into the forest after the betrayal.

"What I'm I doing here?" she asked, touching her head when she felt a sharp pain on her shoulder "ouch!" She screamed. Then she remembered all that happened and began whimpering but at a point she figured out crying won't solve anything and that she needed to stand, be strong and protect herself.

She wanted to avenge her mistress death and destroy Sandra but she was no match for her. She managed to stand on her feet even though she was weak and as she heard cars passing she realized an open space was near and struggled through the forest until she got out. Waving her hands to every car passing but none stopped except one which she entered not caring who was driving, at least she was out of the forest and desert.

_ _ _

Ken woke up seeing himself on his bed without remembering how he got there. He remembered what happened in the desert and had a lot of questions in his mind that needed answers. He wondered if the girl, Karen survived and prayed she would. Then he walked into his bathroom to do his morning routine and showered. He finished, dressed and stepped out of his room.

Sandra sitted in her office feeling fulfilled. She was able to kill two birds with one stone and the thought alone made her happy. Though she reminisced on her memories of the past with Rukky.

"If she was in my position I'm sure she would do the same," she said.

In her thoughts, Ken barged into her office.

"Sandra why did you do what you did yesterday" he asked expecting a reliable reply.

Sandra laughed "Ken what is it? Calm down boy! I did what I had to do, I never planned for Rukky to get into the middle of all this but somehow she did" she said smiling

"Sandra when did you become this selfish, you only care about yourself,you only want to gain the profit alone—"

"Young man, mind the way you talk to me okay" she said bluntly.

"Sandra what do you want to do with this gold you stole?" He asked

"Stole? I didn't steal them, I earned them" she smiled again

"What do you mean by earning them? You killed the supposed owner of those gold, you literally coveted them"

"Ken this conversation is over" she stood from her office seat moving slowly towards Ken as she speak " I don't feel an inch of regret for what I did and you, try to know your place here and mind it, remember I'm your boss and you do what I say without questions, got it?"

Ken looked at her with hatred in his eyes "do you hear me?" She asked angrily.

Ken replied "yes Sandra"

"Now, leave my office and until I call you, don't come here again"

"Yes Sandra" he opened the door and left the office.

"This boy really has the nerves to walk into my office asking me these questions" she walked back to her seat.

Uther was going to Sandra's office when he met Ken on the walkway.

"Hey man, how are you doing?" he asked, patting Kens' shoulder.

"Hey, what are you up to?" Ken asked.

"Well I want to see Sandra, we just discovered that some of the gold is fake and so cannot be melted" He said as he opened the door to Sandra's office and entered. Ken went to the refinery room, he noticed there was some gold packed by the side.

"Excuse me why is this gold packed aside?" He asked

"Because they are fake" one of them replied

"But how do you know they are fake" he asked

"Boy! You should go back, it is not in your place to ask that question" one of them said.

Ken went closer to him " I don't believe that there were fake gold when we brought them here" he said walking to the position where the gold are kept and took one. He examined it carefully and noticed they were really fake. He looked at the bulk of gold and wondered why Jebblin will keep fake and original gold together, what was his target. Then he saw a little opening in the wall covered by the fake piled up gold. He quietly removed one piece of the piled up gold and found another gold inside the opening. He tried taking one when one of the men knocked him out and he fell on the floor unconscious.

Others were surprised and confused "how did he get to Know" one of them asked.

"I don't know but one thing I know is that he will die for it" almost matching his head with his killing boot shoe when the others stopped him.

"You can't kill him, Sandra will find out" one said.

"Then what should we do?" The other asked

"We need to leave here with the gold" one suggest.

"This is too risky, I don't want to be a part of this" one said and tried to leave but another threw a knife at him and he fell dead on the floor.

"Any other person wants to leave?" The man ask and none gave a sign.

"We stick together and do this together until we leave here" he said.

"you!" Pointing at one of them " stand at the door and alert us when anyone is coming" he pointed at another. "you! Pack out the fake gold and you! Arrange the original gold in this bag and I will guard you all" he said and everyone got into their assigned work. In a moment they were done and leaving when Sandra met them on the way.

"And where are you going?" she asked

"Sandra we are done with what you asked us to do" the leader replied.

"Okay but this is not the way to my office?" She asked him

"Uhhmm! We were coming—" one speaking but the other interrupted

"no… we didn't want to bother you" the other said.

"So who was going to open the door for you men?" She asked and they all looked at each other confused.

"We're you going to fly out of the division?" She asked but none answered. Instead they surrounded her, almost fighting her when her men arrived and took all of them to the dungeon.

"People can't just be loyal" she said as she walked to her office "where's Ken? Anyone seen him?" She asked

"I'm here Sandra" Ken answered standing at the refinery door post holding his head firmly as it was aching.

"You are such a mess, go take care of yourself" she walked past him.