
Chapter Eleven

"The next time you try this, I'll bury you both alive. You are on two months suspension, now leave my room" Sandra said in her bossy tone.

Ken and Marshal returned to their rooms.

"Why is sandra so mad that we killed the governor's right hand man. I thought she gave marshall the assignment already" Ken lost in his thought

Sandra walked around division checking the activities of her men and evaluating the performances of her new intake.

She met Uther on her way "young man, why did it take so much time for you to train?"

Uther whose head is bowed to the floor answered "my instructor is not very good"

"What do you mean not very good, I taught him myself" her eyes fixed at him.

"Ma'am maybe you were not good enough at the time you taught him" his head still bowed to the floor.

Sandra furious "you mean I did not—" one of the division men walked in whispering in her ear.

"Sandra, there are two strange jets landing outside the building" he reported. Sandra looked at Uther as she walked past him "this conversation is not yet over" she said.

She and her guard went to the digital room to see the Intruders, viewing from the screen she recognized the pretty woman on black suit with a blonde bob-hair hanging above her shoulders, her black stiletto heels that perfectly suits her attire and a black sunglass covering her eyes. Beside her, stood two young ladies who looked like Chinese, they were both dressed in black leather jackets and trousers, they wore black boots shoes and their hairs were packed to the back with a fancy pin holding it. They walked to the hard framed door and stopped moving waiting for the door to open;Sandra left the digital for the door to welcome her visitors. As the door opened,Sandra was already standing at the front of the door and her visitors at the other end of the door.

"Hi Rukky, it is a pleasure seeing you again" Sandra said with a broad smile on her face.

"My dearest old friend, how have you been doing" Rukky returns the greeting smiling charmingly.

"Well, as you can see Rukky I'm doing very well" she answered maintaining her smile.

"Sandra could you please let us in?" Rukky demands.

"Of course my dear Rukky, sorry for my manners, please do come in" she took two steps backward to the left corner of the door while Rukky and her girls walked in. Sandra took them to her office and asked them to sit.

"So how may I help you Rukky?" Sandra asked sitting on her chair facing Rukky and her girls oppositely.

"Well Sandra I am here to make a deal with you" she answered with her elbows on her knee and her legs crossed as she smile.

Sandra in a puzzled but relaxed look asked "what deal?"

Rukky stood from the chair walking to and fro in the large office "the black boys took something that is mine and I want to retrieve it" she said.

Sandra still puzzled "so where do I come in?"

"Well Sandra I know you have a great force and powerful society;with your help, I will be able to retrieve what is mine without much stress" she explained

"So what's the deal?" Sandra asked standing to sit on her table.

"Help me retrieve them and you will have thirty percent of it thereafter"

Sandra smirks "what is it that I am to retrieve?

"It is my father's pure gold that was forcefully taken from him. Now I want to take it back"

"Hmm, the black boys… well, I am not comfortable with the thirty percent. If I am to help you, you will give me forty percent of the gold"

"Forty percent? Well okay as long as I am able to retrieve the gold" Rukky agreed.

Rukky left the spot she stood to stand before Sandra and stretched her hand for a handshake.

"So do we have a deal? Rukky asked smiling as Sandra looked at her for a brief moment and smiled too as they shook hands.

"Yes of course we have a deal" they both retrieved their hands, Sandra sitting back in her chair while Rukky and her ladies left the office. Sandra wondering what quantity of gold could be available for Rukky that she so much desire to retrieve.

Rukky's father, Michael Wilson was killed when she was ten years. Her father was the leader of the black boys until his right hand man betrayed and killed him. The present leader of the Black boys is her father's right hand man, Jebblin. He acquired and controlled all the gold that was in Michael Wilson possession.

Rukky grew up in the street, she was a fighter, a thief, a robber and a drug dealer. Several times she got into trouble too and she was lucky enough there was always someone to save her. One of the persons that saved her during trouble was Sandra, that was the first time they met.

Sandra was also a street girl around her age. Sandra saved Rukky from the gang of boys who wanted to beat her to death because she stole from them. She tricked them and ran away with Rukky who was beaten to pulp. Since then, they have become very close friends until the secret society took Sandra and Rukky was left alone in the street.

Rukky tried to free Sandra from the division but she could not. She was nothing compared to the division society. In other words, she was also decieved and so was Sandra. This caused a bridge in their relationship and until now, Sandra and Rukky did not meet again.

While Sandra became the leader of the division society, Rukky was the leader of the white sheep, one of the top drug dealers in the Nation. They had power and the members of this group are girls. They capture girls of eight and ten years and train till they are twenty years old before sending them on a mission to anywhere.

These girls are pretty and dangerous, they look mild but their fighting skills are superb, they kill people and make it look like an accident. The sponsors of the white sheep are top politicians from powerful nation's around the world. Therefore, their activities are covered by the government. This is why it seemed almost impossible to sue them to court or issue an arrest warrant.

_ _ _

Sandra received a call and stood to leave her office when Ken walked in, he was sober.

"What do you want?" Sandra asked

"I'm sorry Sandra, I should not have acted the way I did" he said with his head bowed to the floor.

"It's okay Ken, I'm rushing off to somewhere. There is something I want you to do when I return, I will need feedback" she said

"Yes Sandra"

"I want all details concerning the black boys and their leader Jebblin,okay"

"You can leave now" she ordered

She left her office for the jet outside the division, hopped in and they flew off.