
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 5 - Valentine Birthday

The next week passed in general good spirits. After wallowing in sorrow during the weekend, the Slytherins had regrouped and focused their combined attention on making the upcoming Hogsmeade weekend the best they ever had. The fact that it coincided with Valentine's Day just seemed a further encouragement, particularly to the girls.

Blaise hated Valentine's Day. Absolutely abhorred it and the only woman who had and ever would receive a gift from him on that day, was his mother. No one else.

His relationship with Daphne, if one could even call it that, had cooled considerably since the Slughorn Christmas Party. Going from a lukewarm date benefit to, what he had perceived as a mutual understanding to simply forget all about it entirely. It had therefore genuinely surprised him when Daphne had given him deliberate hints to go to Madame Puddifoot's Teashop together. When he told her, he'd rather be Crucio'ed than go in there, she had stormed off and given him death stares for the rest of the week.

This in turn had led to more bickering and questioning from Parkinson. And Blaise was now a hair's breadth away from transfiguring the nuance of a girl into a Flobberworm. He would finally get some peace and he honestly doubted whether Malfoy would even notice.

When Nott had suggested that they would all go to The Three Broomsticks together, Blaise had agreed to come along. He would never say no to the cosy pub, especially if he could charm Madame Rosmerta into something serving stronger. And so even he felt content at the end of the week, looking forward to the outing.

Looking back, as he sat lazily in the Great Hall, enjoying his breakfast before class on Friday, he could see that his well made guard was completely down. He doubted therefore whether the combined efforts of the Wrackspurts, karma and fate had truly been necessary, but regardless, they had stricken him once again. His obsidian eyes had swept the Ravenclaw table this morning, without seeing her. But now, finally, the moon herself gave an appearance, and she fucking glowed.

Despite wearing her normal Ravenclaw uniform, she had woven stars into her long pale hair. Red radishes dangled from her ears and several necklaces jingled, one of which was her trusty Butterbeer cork necklace. She looked so happy, Blaise wasn't sure why the rest of the school hadn't all stopped to stare at her. But he apparently was the only fool, until he saw that the Weasley girl, Potter, Granger and Longbottom all came to greet her at the Ravenclaw table, giving her hugs, which, if possible, made her light up even more. Merlin's beard.

"Happy Birthday Luna!" He heard Weasley say first as the rest gave their congratulations. "I know it's a Valentine's weekend, but we thought it would be nice to have at least a Butterbeer together tomorrow to celebrate."

"Oh that is so kind of you. I would love that." She told them, beaming at her friends.

Blaise felt as if an Abraxan had first swung his heart into the air before trampling it thoroughly. He, stupidly enough, felt elated that she had friends who cared about her, even if she was the most mystifying student to ever walk through Hogwarts. But at the same time he realised that seeing her at Hogsmeade would now be unavoidable. And there was no way he would be able to relax around his classmates if she was so close to him, being so darned happy. And then another feeling hit him. Was it jealousy or sadness? Because there was no way he would be able to celebrate with her, ever, and make her smile at him that way. Unless of course he would risk the wrath of his entire house on both of them, which would lead to the complete and utter degradation of his family name in Pureblood Wizarding society and put safety in jeopardy. And he could not, would not, take that risk.

"Great!" He heard Potter say, "We managed to get our gifts past Filch. Would you mind if we gave them tomorrow?"

"No of course not. I never had such a large birthday party before. I am excited!"

Another stab to his heart as she spoke with her unwavering honesty.

Blaise was actually grateful when Nott claimed his attention, discussing their own Hogsmeade outing and looking over Blaise's potions notes.

By the time Blaise had an opportunity to look back at Luna, her friends had returned to their tables or left the Great Hall. She meanwhile happily chewed on pancakes, reading a large boldly coloured card that spewed rainbow hearts onto the table. Her father, he figured and hated how he even knew this. It was then that a Ravenclaw boy came to congratulate her, taking a seat beside her, wiping away some of the hearts with an adoring smile.

At first Blaise didn't recognise the boy, who seemed old enough to be a 7th year. He had rather long dark brown hair, hazel eyes and sun bronzed skin from being outdoors. But when he gave a package, that was obviously a book, and grinned, recognition flooded through him. Scamander, the Ravenclaw Beater. What was the guy's name? Wolf? Dolf? Rolf! Rolf Scamander, grandson to Blaise's admittedly favourite author, Newt Scamander. The famous Magizoologist. Of fucking course. What guy who liked magical creatures wouldn't be attracted to Luna Lovegood?

He didn't have to guess this time what emotion now swirled sickly in his stomach. Jealousy, pure and simple. And he let it churn around. There was nothing he could about it. Perhaps it was even a good thing. He hated everything about this. Hated his own weakness. Hated how his fingers itched and clenched, wanting desperately to swing a Beater's bat and use Scamander's head as a Bludger. And despite his house and classmate's reputations, Blaise himself never retorted to violence. But now his vision seemed edged in red, and he hated that too. Oh how quickly one's mood, or week, or life's choices could change.

He practically ran towards Potions, the dark, cool and familiar atmosphere clearing up his vision. He installed himself at his usual station and nodded at Slughorn, who gave an approving smile at his early arrival. He meticulously set down his instruments and supplies. He liked having things in order, clean and collected. His mind started to still…

"Zabini, mate, what the hell is going on with you?" Blaise nearly jumped out of his skin as Nott plunked his bag loudly beside him and giving him a hard stare. Blaise clenched his teeth together, forcing emotions from his face, but Nott merely raised an eyebrow. "Don't even think of trying that on me. I am not as much of an idiot as you believe I am. You've been acting weird ever since Christmas and it kills me to say this, but I am worried for you man."

"Nothing's wrong with me, but perhaps you should check yourself." Blaise bit out sharply, lowering his voice as the Potions classroom started to fill up. Nott threw him another look.

"I told you that wouldn't work." When Blaise refused to answer Nott sighed. "Look, if this has something to do with Greengrass…"

"No." Blaise growled and then internally groaned as he saw even more confusion and curiosity light up on Nott's face. He was an idiot for immediately dismissing what could have been the best and most convincing lie he could have told. He tried to back paddle. "I… I mean…" Nott held out a hand.

"You are a horrible liar Zabini and your first answer was the truth."

They had to stop their conversation as Slughorn started his class, explaining his expectations to them. Blaise fervently hoped he could distract Nott with the work, but once everyone got busy, Nott's voice kept him in a vice like grip. He was not getting out of this one.

"If it's not Greengrass, then what is going on? You've been acting like some sort of deranged Hippogriff. Being spooked at random moments and flying away, as if the Dark Lord is on your heels." Blaise threw him a glare.

"You know I don't associate with…" he started to hiss, but halted, remembering Nott's father's involvement with the Death Eaters.

"I know you don't, it was a joke."

"It's no joking matter to me." Nott looked at him again.

"It isn't to me either." He said, softer and it was then that it hit Blaise that he had never thought about Nott's situation. His mother had passed away years ago and his father was now in Azkaban. Where had he been staying? Nott seemed to read the question in his eyes.

"My aunt's, mum's sister. It's fine." He sighed, running a hand through his hair and Blaise eyed him wearily, unsure where this conversation was going. He stirred his potion absentmindedly.

"I know we haven't been close mates these past years. You and I like to be by ourselves." Nott said thoughtfully then. He bent over his own cauldron, coming closer to Blaise so he could lower his voice as Malfoy passed by their station towards the supply cupboard. "But I think that… with everything going on… perhaps we should reconsider that. If something or someone is bothering you... you can talk to me about it… if you want. Maybe I can help." His finished rather awkwardly.

Blaise took his time to mull over those words. Nott was right, they did like to operate alone. Getting through Hogwarts without being involved in anything. Unfortunately for Nott, his father had dragged him into shit regardless. Blaise had never gotten any indication about Nott's feelings on the matter. That was the problem, they didn't dare to trust each other. But in rare circumstances, it was better to at least have one friend or close acquaintance, especially with both of their connections. It might come in handy one day.

He made the decision before he could truly think about the repercussions.

"You can't help me with this Nott." He told him firmly before softening, "But I appreciate your concern. I think we should reconsider our…?"

"Friendship?" Nott offered and a rare smile appeared on the boy's face. Blaise couldn't help but return with a grin.

"Friendship." He echoed firmly.

They spent the next few minutes gathering different ingredients and cutting them up according to the instructions.

"So… you really aren't miffed about the Greengrass Valentine drama?" Came Nott's sly question and Blaise chucked a Flobberworm at him that hit him square in the face.

"No, but if you want to help with that, you're welcome to take her off my back and spend tomorrow at Puddifoot's." Nott shivered.

"Why does it have to be that blasted teashop? Why don't they want to snog some place nice?"

"Yeah, like the Shrieking Shack."

"Honestly, I'd prefer that to Puddifoot's any day." Blaise couldn't stop his laugh.

"I agree."

"So you would snog Greengrass?" He shot Nott an annoyed glare, who raised his hands in defence. "Sorry, but a bloke's got to ask and wonder."

"I have absolutely zero interest in snogging Greengrass anywhere. So, if you are interested, be my guest."

"If you're sure…"

"Absolutely and I am surprised you're even asking. Not very Slytherin of you."

"Then you have the wrong idea about Slytherins. I might not give a damn about the rest of the school, but us lot should stick together. Stealing girlfriends doesn't create good friendships."

"Fair enough. I can assure you, you're not stealing my girlfriend. In fact, you'll truly be doing me a favour."

"I only help when it benefits me." Nott replied with a wink and Blaise grinned.

"Now that sounds like music to my ears." Nott laughed with him.

"I do have one question." He then asked and Blaise gave a nod as he stirred the Flobberworm into his cauldron.

"What's that?"

"Is this whole thing with you romantic related?" Blaise bit back a groan and answered just a second too late.


"Liar." But Nott didn't press him further, just giving him a satisfied smirk.

Despite his annoyance that still being caught out, Blaise enjoyed the rest of the lesson as they bent over their potions, helping each other out and exchanging pleasant stories. His armour was still up, but Nott seemed to have chinked it in a relatively safe spot. And somehow, Blaise sensed this was genuine. Perhaps exchanging some trust wouldn't be so bad with this boy. And when he strode off alone to double Herbology, he actually caught himself smiling.


Valentine's Day started out far more peaceful than Blaise had anticipated. While the Great Hall did have some decorations, it wasn't comparable to the hideous scene that had assaulted him in his second year. Daphne had rejected Nott's invitation to The Three Broomsticks, but she did appear to be in far higher spirits than the day before. Even Malfoy had surprised them by coming along with them and bringing Parkinson. Crabbe and Goyle as usual following behind. But Blaise didn't mind that. The sun had decided to show itself, giving them the first spring day of the year. Along with the rest of the students, they strode through the cobbled streets of Hogsmeade, going into the different wizard shops.

Blaise found small gifts for his sister and mother from Dervish and Banges, that he would post later that day. It was at Honeydukes that his eye caught on an item he hadn't seen before, bringing his thoughts back to… her.

'Devil's Chocolate' the small display said in swirling letters. They were hot chocolate bombs, but what caught his eye was that there was a promise of a frightening surprise hidden within the cocoa powder. 'The perfect gift to scare a loved one, surrounded in delicious sweetness.' And then a moving image of a Thestral, spreading its wings, strode along the text, made his breath hitch.

"Frightening blighters aren't they?" The voice of Ambrosius Flume, the owner of Honeydukes made Blaise jump out of his skin.

"I… yeah… I guess…"

"They were a Halloween special, but haven't done to well." The shopkeeper told him sadly. It was then that Blaise noticed the sale sign.

"Why not?"

"Well, I suppose, they weren't the scary delight the maker hoped they would be. Never seen them myself, but got a few returns from superstitious customers. Thankfully I only ordered a small batch. These two are the last."

Nott then joined them and nearly recoiled seeing the Thestral.

"I really don't like those things." He said and Blaise could sense that there was far more to his words than simply not liking the look of them. Perhaps now they could talk about it, one day. But not today. He turned to Flume.

"Are they still good?"

"Oh absolutely. Well packaged you see and made with the finest ingredients. All the way from Ecuador."

"Fine," Blaise said simply and ignored both looks of surprise, Nott's lingering on horror, as he pulled out his purse. "I'll take both." An ear splitting grin came on Flume's face and he quickly went on to package the boxes neatly, as if Blaise could change his mind at any moment.

"Seriously?" Nott asked him and Blaise shrugged.

"I know people who would appreciate them." Nott rolled his eyes.

"I'll wait outside." He said and strolled away, which was perfect for Blaise, as he needed to ask Flume for a favour.

Meeting him at the counter, Blaise lowered his voice.

"Do you have some parchment and a quill I can use. Have to make a quick note." Flume's grin didn't waver.

"Of course." And handed him what he needed. Quickly Blaise scribbled away and let Flume tie the note to the now pastel pink box.

"Thanks." He said as he handed the shopkeeper the 3 Sickles.

"Thank you young man! They've been taking up shelve space for far too long."

With that Blaise, shoved both boxes into his coat and picked up Nott. Together they strode to The Three Broomsticks, and he started to contemplate how he could slip his gift to Luna without anyone noticing. Malfoy, Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle had already claimed a corner in the busy pub. As Blaise made his way to the bar to order for Nott and himself, he saw another corner where she sat, surrounded by her friends, obvious delight on her face. As he waited for his order, he angled his body to watch them inconspicuously.

Colourful wrappings were spread over the Butterbeer filled table, while multiple rainbow coloured gifts were stacked together. A lilac jumper stood out from the pile, along with a few books. Her giggling travelled through the pub, and was music to his ears. She was bent over a tiny fluff of bright purple that seemed to move. He didn't recognise it at first until Ginny Weasley stretched out a hand to tickle the little ball and it lifted its face. A pygmy puff. Of course. He let himself take her in. Her long hair was twisted into a half up do, the bun held together by her wand. Her white jumper was embroidered with tulips. A navy skirt billowed around her and Blaise had to admit it was one of the better combination he had seen her dressed in. But her smile was so dazzlingly with her moonstone eyes that she could make a burlap sack look adequate. And how did he stop being so sickly sappy?

Madame Rosmerta came to his rescue before his mind truly went into the gutter and presented the Butterbeers. He thanked her with a sly grin and made his way back to his own table. But not before seeing, obvious self made bag, which brought an idea in his mind. Now it was just a question of waiting for the right moment. As he slipped into his chair, he made sure he was able to look at her corner. Thankfully she had been far too oblivious to notice. As was his own company with the debate around Quidditch becoming heated. He took the opportunity to slip her gift into his jeans pocket, and then contently sipped his drink, enjoying the sweet buzzing taste on his tongue.

Several more rounds of Butterbeers passed their table before they switched to Mulled Mead, a tried and tested combination to make the most of the light alcoholic beverages. As Nott came back with a second round of Mead, Blaise saw the Gryffindors and Luna start to rise. This would be his chance. He excused himself, making a beeline towards the restrooms, before making an abrupt turn and purposefully bumping into Luna. In the confusion that followed with her friends, he slipped his gift into her bag. As her eyes focused on him and he saw recognise dawn within their depths, he gave her a quick wink, before quickly ducking away, reassuming his restroom destination.

His heart was still pounding when he returned to his classmates. They didn't appear to have noticed his absence and meanwhile Luna and her friends were nowhere to be seen. Mission accomplished. On his way back to the castle, he posted his gifts to his mother and sister and had a nice dinner. That evening, when he had drawn back the emerald curtains around his bed, he summoned himself a steamy mug of milk and dropped in the other 'Devil's Chocolate' bomb. Fascinated he watch the ball open up, fizzy as it touched the hot liquid. Then, true to it's word, in a whirl of black bat-like wings a tiny Thestral model shot out from the mug and flapped viciously close to his nose. He could imagine how anyone unfamiliar with the skeletal creatures, with its ghostly white eyes, would be scared to death. He however couldn't stop a stupid grin as he imagined her complete and utter delight at seeing the creature. He almost wished he was there too see it. Letting the tiny Thestral burrow itself into his school tie, he sipped the chocolate, which was glorious. Flume definitely knew his stuff.


Exhausted, Luna let herself fall into her bed, staring at the star covered ceiling of her dormitory. She couldn't remember the last time she had been this happy. It had been such a wonderful day. The weather beautiful and her friends had been so kind and fun at The Three Broomsticks. Pulling her wand from her hair, she flicked her sapphire curtains closed and lovingly looked at the gifts spread out on her bed. Her very own Pygmy Puff, that she named Hyacinth, happily bounced on her pillow. Ginny had procured one especially from Fred and George.

Hermione had gifted her a beautiful quill and ink set and Harry, Neville and even Rolf had given her books. Both Harry's and Rolf's had been all about magical creatures from different corners of the world, while Neville's book had documented different aquatic plants and their benefits that could be found close to her home in Devon. They had been so very thoughtful. Ron's gift had truly surprised her, but she probably liked the most if she ever had to choose. He had asked his mother to knit her a jumper, in Weasley tradition. She couldn't wait to wear the pale lavender jumper, covered with tiny silver stars surrounding a swirling 'L'. Ginny had giggled as she saw it, telling her that not even Fleur, her brother Bill's fiancé had received a Weasley jumper yet. Luna recognised it was a compliment to herself and it made her love the jumper even more.

But now her eyes fell on a pastel pink box. She hadn't opened it or the note yet, but knew it was from him, Blaise Zabini. He had bumped into her at The Three Broomsticks, which had thrown her off balance. He hadn't apologised or even congratulated her. Which first saddened her, something she hadn't felt for a long time. But then he had winked at her, and she felt a familiar blush flood her cheeks thinking back about it. She wasn't quite sure what to make of it. The last time she had felt embarrassed enough to blush had been in her third year. This had been the second time he had winked at her, and she felt just as dazed as she had done walking back to the Ravenclaw Common Room with Padma.

Padma in turn had muttered and mumbled the entire way back about what a shameless flirt Blaise Zabini was, and that he had to be avoided at all costs. It confused Luna because Blaise was the last person she knew that she would call a flirt, well maybe apart from Neville. But she had seen all of her other friends throwing around some of their charms. Even Harry, who according to Cho, had been the most miserable date of her life, which Luna didn't find completely fair to Harry. But she knew better than to point that out to the popular older girl.

She focused back her attention to the little box and gently pulled the note from it. It was short but entirely what she had expected.

Dear Lovegood,

Happy Birthday! x

- B

p.s. There's a surprise in the chocolate.

Curious now, she carefully she set the note aside and unwrapped the box. In gleaming red letters there was a description of the 'Devil's Chocolate'. Her stomach made a happy flip. She loved hot chocolate! And so, with another flick of her wand, a steaming mug drifted into her hands. Full of anticipation and fascination she dropped the chocolate ball into the mug. Delighted, she giggled as it fizzed and bubbled, until suddenly something tiny and black flew out of the chocolate powder, straight at her. She yelped in surprise, nearly dropping the hot mug.

"Luna? Is everything alright?" One of her dorm mates asked and she quickly quipped back.

"Yes! Yes of course Iris, thank you for asking." The girl mumbled something back but Luna didn't hear her as she was completely transfixed on what had frightened her. When it came into focus, she felt her heart melt inside her and she just barely bit back a squeal. Because there, flapping in front of her was the tiniest and cutest Thestral she had ever seen.

She quickly but carefully set the hot chocolate beside her and reached out to the little model. Hesitantly it sank down into her palm and started to prance around, taking measure of itself surroundings. She couldn't take her eyes off it. It looked perfect, with its thin body, bones sticking but. But it held itself elegantly too, it's delicate wings nearly translucent. It was as if she had shrunk down one of the herd itself. It was absolutely perfect.

Slowly she held out a finger and softly stroked its tiny head. This seemed to please the model as much as it would the actual creatures, and she laughed.

"I am going to have to think about a name for you little one." She cooed and gently let it snuggle next to Hyacinth, who eyed the model dubiously at first, before letting it burrow into its vibrantly purple fur.

Luna then carefully took a sip of the hot chocolate and savoured the taste. It was absolutely delicious! What a perfect ending to a perfect day. And soon she fell into a happy and content dream, a winking boy, leading her through a meadow filled with Thestrals.