
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 2 - Nargles

Blaise couldn't shake away the feeling of utter dread as he sat in the Great Hall the next morning. There was an early breakfast before practically the whole school would depart home for the Christmas holidays. He had replayed his conversation with Lovegood last night over and over in his mind and he kept coming to the same conclusion. She had told him she would owl him a Quibbler, and that just couldn't happen. How would he be able to explain to anyone around him why an owl would drop a sickening rainbow pastel lunatic magazine on his breakfast? He wouldn't be able to and so he eyed every owl flying through the Great Hall with suspicion. The nerves kept knotting in his stomach and he had made the mistake of downing his black coffee immediately. Now the liquid kept churning in his stomach and the whiff of food made him want to retch. Thankfully his house mates had written off his odd behaviour to a hangover from the spiked Christmas punch. If only.

He let his obsidian eyes roam over the Ravenclaw table once again. She still wasn't there and breakfast was nearly over. And that did nothing to settle him. If she had been there he could have at least been able to judge if he had to be afraid or not. Or he was sure that one glare would have been enough to tell her to abort the mission. But no, the admittedly pretty blonde was no where in sight. And by Merlin it bothered him.

He eyed the ceiling once more, but as the Hall started to empty, he was quite sure nothing would come his way. Which did nothing to lift his mood. Because had he known this, at least he could have enjoyed his breakfast. And so he decided to lay all the blame at her feet, where ever she was. This is what he got for being a sociable idiot at Slughorn's party.

Wordlessly, Blaise joined his dorm mates in one of the Hogwarts Express compartments and folded himself stoically into one of the places by the window. Hungry and irritated he gazed outside, blocking out the bickering between Malfoy and Nott. It had started to snow. Not the majestic magical kind, covering the world in a white blanket. No, the drizzling muddy kind that instantly turned to sludge, making everything appear gloomy and grey. The carriages that had brought them to the station had been lined up by the platform. He couldn't stop looking at the Thestrals pulling them.

He had never told anyone that he had been able to see the creatures since his 4th year. It had been the year his 6th stepfather had died and he had been unfortunate enough to be in his room as the man drew out his last breath. There had been nothing the Healer had been able to do. Blaise had learned long ago not to attach himself to any of the men in his mother's life. Whether they left themselves or died, it was safer just to keep his distance. He hadn't felt much looking into the empty face of the older man. Being at Hogwarts for most of the year, they hadn't been able to bond much. It had just felt like a fact of life to him. He still felt a morbid sense of pride for not screaming in surprise the following summer as he descended from the train and stood eye to eye with the horses at looked like they came straight from hell. Every time since then, he had watched the creatures from afar, not being able to help his fascination. After the initial shock, he couldn't deny that they looked… cool.

So far he hadn't spoken to anyone else who could see them. He thought Theodore Nott could, but they never discussed it, neither quite willing to open a subject that would lead to exposing themselves. He silently started at the steam coming from the reptilian snouts, as the last stragglers slid across the Hogsmeade Platform towards the train. It was then that he saw her.

Surrounded by the grey and gloomy environment, she stood out like a sore thumb, clad in essentially every shade of purple imaginable. A roughly knitted lavender hat sat perched on her head, utterly useless in keeping the mass of pale blonde waves in control. Her large plum coloured coat billowed around her as she helped a haggard looking first-year from the carriage. It wasn't even buttoned up, but merely held together with a leather cross body bag, covered in ludicrous patches and pins. Her Ravenclaw scarf hung unevenly around her neck, one end inching towards her knees, that were covered by purple striped stockings. Despite the ridiculousness of her outfit, he was surprised by the feeling of anxiousness that filled him as he hoped she won't trip on anything dangling from her. It was only then that he saw her mismatched boots. What the hell was wrong with this girl? His mother would surely have a heart attack seeing such a fashion monstrosity. Even his younger sister had been able to dress better ever since she was 5 years old.

He gave a slight shake of his head, determined to look elsewhere, at anything but her. But then she turned towards the Thestrals as she passed them and Blaise couldn't help but hold his breathe as she reached out her hand and fucking patted one of the skeletal heads. He blinked. Surely he had made a mistake. But as he focused back on her, her smile was clear from here as she let her hand glide over the Thestral's brow. And then the beast leaned into her touch and Blaise, having grown up around purebred horses recognized the gesture and knew it just snorted at her in pleasure. Merlin's balls! With one final pet, Lovegood turned and skipped towards the train doors, disappearing from his sight. His breath seemed caught in his throat. The annoyance and anger he had felt just seconds ago had disappeared. Instead he felt the same tripping sensation from last night, a weird buzzing in his ears.

"You alright Zabini? You look as if the Bloody Baron just passed through you." Dazed Blaise turned to look back into the compartment. The question had come from Nott but the other boys looked at him with thinly veiled curiosity. Taken a final glance at the Thestrals, Blaise let out a breath and tried to nonchalantly cross his arms as he schooled his face into an impassive expression.

"Yeah, all good. Just knackered." That seemed to mollify Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle. But Nott's hazel eyes caught his, as he too gave the Thestrals a quick glance. Something unsaid passed them, a look at was sickeningly close to something resembling sympathy. As if Nott tried to reassure him in saying 'Yeah, I think they're scary as hell too.' Which was fine, Blaise decided. Better for him to think that then realise that Loony Lovegood unsettled Blaise far more than any Thestral ever could.


The rest of the journey was thankfully uneventful and within hours he found himself back on the familiar Zabini estate in the heart of Hampshire. As soon he exited the sleek car with family driver, an excited squeal greeted him. With a true and genuine grin Blaise extended his arms just in time for his younger sister to launch herself in them. Giggling madly as he spun her around she wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her savouring the way she clung to him. She was one of two people on this earth he could truly say he loved. She and his mother were his entire world.

Carefully setting her back to the ground, Blaise looked down into the sparkling dark eyes of Magdalena Zabini, his 10-year-old sister. She had grown these past few months as was expected. Her large eyes were framed by thick lashes, and her cheeks, a shade lighter than his own, were pink. A cascade of black ringlets fell down her back, only held together by a sage coloured bow. She was the splitting image of their mother, and not for the first time he felt nervous about what her time at Hogwarts would bring. He took his big brother responsibilities very seriously.

"I am so happy you're back Blaise! You must tell me everything! Mother's waiting for you!" Without further preamble, she took his hand in her own and dragged him inside, chatting excitedly about everything and anything she experienced these past few months. Merlin, he had missed her.

As Magdalena had promised, his mother sat in the elegant drawing room, tea all setup for the three of them. Adaline Zabini was the epitome of elegance. Tall with long slim limbs and smooth gleaming skin. Her midnight hair was coiled into an elaborate twist, leaving her swan neck bare for her extravagant necklaces. Recently she had been drawn to pearls that shimmered all along her throat. For Adaline, appearances were everything and usually that was the only thing people thought mattered to her. And in essence, they were right. She followed the new fashions religiously, having numerous friends and contacts within the fashion world that used her as model and muse. That took up most of her time and her attention. But her heart was for her two children, and she always made sure they knew.

"Darling! How marvellous to see you again! Come here and let mummy see you." And with that she enfolded him into a hug, pressing a kiss to his cheek. Then in true Adaline fashion she tilted his face left and right, assessing. He had finally grown taller than her last summer, which still took some time to get used to. He grinned as she ran a finger along his cheekbone.

"Are they not feeding you enough at Hogwarts? There's always something, isn't there?"

"Don't worry mother, I am eating just fine, and the food is alright. I am just turning into you." She flashed a bright smile at him and patted him shoulder.

"You are far too charming for your own good. Come. Let's not let the tea get cold."

And so they sat together comfortably as he retailed the past few months at Hogwarts. His mother as especially proud of his membership at the Slug Club.

"Ah Horace…" she said in a soft reminiscing voice, "peculiar but kind man. Also very good for your contacts my dear. I know you are still unsure what you would like to do after Hogwarts, but whatever you choose, knowing Horace opens doors."

"He's an interesting professor, admittedly more interesting than Snape anyway." His mother waved a bejewelled hand impatiently.

"Oh please, while I am sure Severus Snape is an excellent potions master, there is nothing else to him is there."

"He's supposed to be close to Albus Dumbledore." Blaise told his mother to which she raised an eyebrow.

"The same is whispered about You-Know-Who. Just stay away from any… trouble son."

"I guess. Snape has been trailing around Malfoy, more than usual that is." A shiver passed over his mother.

"Again, all the more reason to stay away. You know Narcissa and I were well acquainted but ever since… well… I am sure she understands my absence." She didn't have to explain. Ever since her husband Lucius Malfoy had ended up in Azkaban, the Malfoy's had received plenty of cold-shoulders from the respectable wizarding families. Or the ones that hadn't been scared shitless. Blaise always marvelled at his mother's strength to move through high society without being dragged into anything, and no one seemed to blame her attitude either. He hoped they would able to continue their elitist isolation.

The topic changed and his mother outlined the Christmas evening plans. His uncle and cousins would be joining them this year. For New Years she had accepted the exclusive invitation to the Greengrass Estate. He rolled his eyes at this surprising his mother.

"I thought you got along with the Greengrass girls? Wasn't Daphne your date?"

"Yes, but there is nothing more between us mother." There was a slight look of disappointment in his mother's amber eyes. But it passed quickly and she gave an unladylike shrug.

"Oh well, I should have anticipated. Their personalities are far too docile, like their mother, if you ask me." Blaise couldn't help but chuckle at this.

"Don't worry mother, I'll behave myself. Will Nott be there too? He's alright." Adaline frowned sceptically.

"You told me Slughorn shunned him due to his father's Death Eater connections."

"Yeah Slughorn did but honestly of all the idiots in my year, Theo is the best."

"Alright then. Yes, I believe they will attend. But you know…"

"Yes, yes. I know. We will never be anything more than mates mother. And I'll run whenever necessary."

"You shouldn't be the one to run. That show's weakness. No, just make sure to establish your place. You're tall enough for it." That made him grin.

"I can look down my nose at practically everyone at Hogwarts mother." A sly smile swam across his mother's face.

"Just like your father." She said simply and Blaise braced himself against the harsh lurch of his heart. She rarely mentioned his father, Dante Zabini, her first husband. But whenever she did, he couldn't help a stab of pain effecting him.

His father had been several years older than his mother, but the match hadn't been scandalous. Dante Zabini was well respected and wealthy bachelor wizard. A handsome man too, even as he entered middle age and wed the young and beautiful witch. He held the Hampshire estate as well as several more in Italy from where his family line originated. Blaise had been 3 years-old when his father passed away suddenly during the family holiday to one of those Italian estates. His mother had initially been inconsolable before finding comfort in the arms of the man who would later become her second husband. Blaise hardly remembered the man, apart from the fact that he hated him. The only person he had wanted was his father, but that of course was impossible. And so he had let the wound in his heart scab over. But during brief moments such as today, he would be reminded that the wound had never truly healed. Perhaps it would… one day.

He gratefully settled back into his bedroom, enjoyed the complete privacy in the elegantly furnished room with adjoining bathroom. If there was one thing of Draco Malfoy he could be jealous about, it was the boy's access to the Prefects bathrooms, which were rumoured to be the height of anything luxurious that Hogwarts could provide. Eclipsed perhaps by the Head Boy and Girl private rooms. That was another reasons he aimed to beat Malfoy as much as he could. There was still a chance to get that position, even if very slim. And Blaise was realistic enough to know that the name Malfoy still carried enough fear and weight to it. Perhaps not with Dumbledore, but definitely the rest of the school governors.

But hell, what wouldn't he give to have a pampering bath at school, like the ones he was used to at home. Possibly none of his dorm or Quidditch mates could understand, but Blaise appreciated cleanliness and looking ones best. And honestly did one ever out grow the fun of soap bubbles? As he contemplated this in his own bathtub he was suddenly confronted with the image of her. She would enjoy soap bubbles; he was sure of it. And then he felt both flashes of hot desire imagining it, as well as ice cold dread because he was imagining that. Fuck.

He wasn't sure whether to weep of joy or cry in frustration as one of the house elves choose that time to check if he needed anything.

"I… I am fine Liffy. You can go. Tell mother I'll be down soon." He rasped, eyeing the state of the bubbles along the waters surface carefully. Nothing to be seen.

But there was no way he could continue enjoying the bath now. He clenched his teeth as he rinsed the soap from his body with cold water until he felt back in control. Damn her!

If his mother noticed his sudden silence at dinner, she didn't mention anything, for which he was grateful. Tomorrow he would enjoy Christmas with his family without any thoughts about the weird girl he had had the misfortune of meeting.


His prayers however went unanswered. Instead, he was awoken the next morning by a rattling pecking noise. Dazed, Blaise stumbled towards his window, cursing which ever idiot had decided to send an owl at this hour. A small unknown owl sat huddled in his window seal, a rather large looking roll attached to its feet. Snow covered both the outside landscape as well as the poor bird's wings. Quickly he unlatched the window and let the owl inside. It hooted gratefully, immediately shaking out its feathers, splattered his with icy water. That didn't help his mood in the slightest. He nimbly untied the rolls and free of its package, the owl flew towards the fireplace that must have been lit recently by the house elves. It settled on his favourite chair and started preening, leaving water and feathers everywhere. Merlin's beard.

He looked curiously at the package, a strange feeling settling in his gut. A small letter was wedged between the string and roll. The neat, curving handwriting spelled out his name. A female handwriting something told him and he hated that his fingers slightly trembled as he opened the note.


Dear Blaise Zabini,

As promised, here is a copy of The Quibbler with an insightful piece on Nargles.

I hope you will find it as enlightening as I did. I wanted to give it sooner but Nargles had hidden my favourite boots and I lost track trying to find them.

A word of warning, Nargles like to take useful items and hide them, preferably some place too high to reach. I've never been very good at flying so that makes it hard to retrieve them. But Zacharias Smith mentioned you were a Chaser too. So that won't be a problem. Smith is rather insightful, when he is not suffering from Loser's Lurgy that is. There is an article about that too in this edition. As a Quidditch player I think you must be extra vigilant.

I hope you have a Happy Christmas!

Love, Luna Lovegood


He blinked and read and re read the letter over and over. He still had no clue what a Nargle was but apparently it stole personal items… which seemed… unbelievable? And what was Loser's Lurgy? And why would she mention Smith of all people? The fact that the arrogant Smith even breathed the same air as them was insulting. But his throat seemed unbelievably tight reading her signature. Love… love…? Who in their right mind would sign off a letter like that? Especially when your name was Lovegood. It was like adding sparkles over a sickening rainbow. She didn't know him. He didn't even sign off his letters like that to his sister. Magdalena didn't even sign her letters like that! Merlin's beard! Loony, completely and utterly loony and he hadn't even opened the magazine.

Throwing the letter down on his desk he unwrapped the roll. As expected a pink and purple pastel monstrosity unfurled itself and he was greeted by eye watering bold fonts and dizzying images flitting across the front page. Well, that was it then, he doubted he could sink any lower in life than holding the fucking Quibbler in his hands. He threw himself into the armchair, almost accidently squashing the owl. Thankfully the bird had been able to get away just in time. Apologetically Blaise fished around for an owl treat which was accepted and nibbled on gratefully. He flipped through the achingly sweet magazine and despite himself read the article on Nargles. It was, he decided, utter bullshit. Which he had expected of course, but it also made him pause. Because as completely weird as she was, Lovegood didn't deserve for people to hide her stuff. He was felt a pang of something… was it shame… as he now pieced together why she had worn different boots on the journey home. At least he furiously hoped that was the reason, as sad as it would be. It also meant her house mates were nicking her stuff and that made him… angry? Yes, angry. What the fuck ever happened to loyalty? Sure they didn't all have to be like the damn Hufflepuffs and some teasing was expected, but not like this!

Frustrated at feeling frustrated, Blaise let the Quibbler drop beside him and rubbed his face. Looking back at the paper, he saw something coming out from between the pages. Hesitantly he picked it up. It was a pair of glasses, which looked exactly like what he would have imagined Lovegood glasses to look like. Far to large with a thick pink frame. Two different coloured swirling lenses and covered in stars and glitter. There was no way they would actually work. But he would be dead before he ever lifted them to try.

It was at this moment that there was a small knock on his door, followed without hesitation by the opening of his door. Magdalena stepped in, already dressed for Christmas, wearing a pretty red dress with white lace and a staggering amount of bows and ruffles. She grinned brilliantly at him.

"Good morning Blaise! It's Christmas!" She exclaimed, but before he could even respond, her dark eyes grew to the size of saucers, seeing the hideous glasses in his hand. His mind immediately started to come up with something, anything, to explain it. But as he stuttered, she leaped towards him and took the glasses from him.

"They are BEAUTIFUL!" She beamed, turning them first this way than that. "Are they for me?"

"I… what?" She turned her best pleading puppy eyes at him.

"Oh please Blaise! They are so beauti..."

"Sure sure, they are yours. An extra Christmas present. Sorry it's not wrapped." But Magdalena didn't seem to hear him. Instead she gave him an intense hug before giggling on the spot, twirling as she placed the glasses on her delicate face.

Blaise couldn't stop the laugh as her eyes where magnified in the swirling red and blue lenses, making her look like a heavy bedazzled owl. But his sister didn't seem to care, far to excited by her new toy. Giddy beyond anything he ever saw her, she bounded from the room, dashing to show their mother. At this point the apprehension returned into his stomach. How would he explain this to his mother?

He scooped up the magazine and deposited it into one of his desk drawers. He could always say it was a silly souvenir from Zonko's. His mother wouldn't care about that. And if it made her little princess happy, well that was the most important thing. And he did feel a surge of gratitude towards the Lovegood girl for inadvertently making his sister so happy.

As he dressed into a sleek dress shirt and new trousers, his eyes fell back to the note. For a second he contemplated throwing it into the fire. But within the same second, he knew he couldn't do that. He wasn't sure if he could answer it, but at least he would be respectful to her gift and note. He just had to make sure that no one ever found it, not even Liffy, the house elf. Rummaging through his bag, he pulled out the book he had brought along with him. Fantastic Beasts, it turned out, made no mention of the existence of Nargles either. It did mention Thestrals, and without analysing himself too deeply, Blaise placed the note there, marking the page. If he had time, he would go back to it and see if Thestrals really snorted in pleasure like horses did.


Christmas as always was a merry and dignified affair. Although that last was a bit less pristine then other years as Magdalena spent the entire day, and days after, with the hideous glasses either on her face or on top of her head. His mother merely shook her head in amusement, sharing a look with her son after he tried once again to persuade his sister otherwise.

"Fine," he said sternly, "but then I'll call you owlet from now on."

Magdalena merely shrugged, completely unfazed as she devoured her waffles. It still remained her favourite gift. Which was, of course, ridiculous. But then Blaise had a sneaky suspicion he was going to encounter many more ridiculous things now that Luna Lovegood had decided to start orbiting his life.

Merlin help him…