
Emerald Moon

Blaise Zabini is never impressed by anyone. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. But then he is introduced to the shimmering Christmas ornament that is Luna Lovegood at Slughorn's Christmas Party, and he becomes intrigued...

Mel_Arx · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Chapter 16 - Abduction

Luna felt as if the flame that had constantly been burning in her chest had gone out. The spark of optimism that she could usually reach so easily and had become second nature to her, was missing. It wasn't a break up, not really. But right now they couldn't help each other. And although it was obvious both she and Blaise longed to be together for comfort, it could only last so long.

He wanted to protect his sister. And being in different houses made that all the more difficult. He knew he and his family were being watched. His mother was on the run from Lestrange abroad. And Magdalena was far too young and inexperienced to protect herself. The Carrows liked picking on those that were defenceless. And so Luna understood his insistence on keeping his head down to protect her.

Likewise, whether he liked it or not, he knew she wouldn't stop fighting. She had committed herself to the cause, and would do anything to help her friends. Blaise didn't want to see her hurt, and the past weeks had shown that there was no way she could promise that. She would get hurt, and she didn't mind it either. It was her way of protecting others. To support Harry. To even support her father, who, she could read from smuggled in Quibblers, was still supporting Harry too. She was proud of him for it.

But it meant that their quiet moments together were no more. It wouldn't be fair to either of them. And while she knew it was the right decision, she missed him terribly.

Glances in the Great Hall and in the hallways to class would break her heart every single time. She longed desperately to touch him again. To feel him against her. To kiss him. And she thought she could see the same desperate need in his obsidian eyes to whenever they would burn into her.

Several times she had found herself in the Room of Requirement, laying between the magical ferns on the forest floor, waiting. Waiting for the door to open and his deep voice to travel through the space. But he never did. Only once did she have a feeling he had been right there… but she would never be able to ask or prove it. It didn't matter.

She hadn't even realised how much he had affected her. How much joy she gained from him. Even Ginny seemed to have noticed something was off. Of course, anything could make someone depressed nowadays. The situation was dire. Neville had smuggled in a radio to follow Potter Watch and would relay the news to them. Good news was scarce. Just names and names of those dead or missing. It seemed an endless stream.

It did relight another fire in her. Emotions that usually didn't rule her but now seemed to get the upper hand. Rebellion. Fury. Anger. Determination. She had always seen herself as a balanced person in tune and in control of her feelings. Or rather, she accepted her feelings and let them play out without taking over her mind. But now that seemed impossible. It was both empowering and overwhelming.

But ever since their last meeting in October, now time seemed to crawl by. November had appeared endless. Now halfway through December, there was hardly any joy to excite them for the Christmas holidays. Instead, everyday seemed another battle, standing up against the ruthlessness of the Carrow's.

Of course the other teachers helped too, protecting them whenever they could. But emboldened by Neville, Ginny and herself, more and more students started to rebel. Even some of her house mates. Michael Corner for example was adamant to protect the younger students. They often got together in the evenings to check with the other students, to check if everyone was alright.

She stepped through the arched entryway into the Common Room after answering the bronze eagle's riddle correctly. Looking around, she already spotted Michael speaking with a group of first years. She went to them and was immediately greeted by Magdalena, Blaise's younger sister. She had promised Blaise to look out for her, and she had, forming a relationship with the younger girl. Looking into the girl's dark eyes always brought a jolt to her stomach as they were the same dark eyes like her brother's. Of course Magdalena didn't know the extend of her relationship with Blaise. While she knew Magdalena spoke about her to Blaise, they never said they were friends. It seemed easier to keep the young girl a bit more in the dark than either really wanted. It was safer for her.

Nevertheless, Magdalena had latched herself onto Luna from day one. She had seen Luna wear her Spectrespecs and was instantly sure she had found an ally in the older girl, much to Blaise's amusement. And Luna enjoyed her company. Magdalena was a bright and vivacious girl who had the misfortune to start Hogwarts at the worst time. But despite her initial lack of enthousiasm, getting to know her house mates and spending time together had relit her spark and passion for magic. Luna recognised the same quality in herself.

But this also meant she had begun feeling more apprehensive when Magdalena had become interested in all the causes Luna was currently fighting for. It was common knowledge now that she was part of Harry Potter's inner circle of friends. That she had been part of the now legendary DA. That she had fought at both the Ministry of Magic and during the Battle of the Astronomy Tower. And her stance against the Death Eaters at Hogwarts was also met with staunch support. She enjoyed the encouragement of her classmates but also made sure that the younger students did not get into trouble. Both her and Michael led the resistance from Ravenclaw Tower, with Anthony Goldstein, Terry Boot and Padma Patil, as other DA members helping the cause.

Magdalena, or Maggie as she insisted Luna call her, became more adamant about helping too with every passing day. Luna felt herself grasping at straws to try and dissuade her. It was a conflict that raged within her to let Maggie help with a cause she was so passionate about, or keep her promise to Blaise. Whether they were together or not, she respected Blaise and would never want to break her promise. Maggie was too young to truly understand to consequences of her actions and the tremendous hurt that would follow. The Carrow's had become more hateful and hurtful as the months passed, and as Christmas approaches they seemed to take pleasure in taking punishments to and over the limit.

"Hey Luna!"

"Hello Maggie. Did you have a good day today?"

The younger girl pulled an amusing face.

"It was alright I guess. The Carrow's seemed a bit distracted so weren't as terrible. And Professor McGonagall gave out Christmas toffee. Are you going home for the holidays?"

"I am glad to hear that." Luna answered calmly but her mind was instantly racing as to what was distracting the death eaters. She stole a glance at Michael but he seemed relatively relaxed. Perhaps no reason to worry after all. She smiled at Magdalena.

"Yes I am going to celebrate with my father. I can't believe it's nearly Christmas. Will you go home too?"

Magdalena nodded.

"Yes, Blaise and I will celebrate with our aunt and uncle. Mum's not able to make it. But first it's Blaise's birthday and I still have to get him a gift. I was hoping of finding something in Hogsmeade but…"

"That's been rather difficult hmm." Luna answered for her. "Ordering something won't do. I doubt it will get past security. Why don't we go to the kitchens the day before we leave and make a nice food basket? Maybe not what you had in mind but it's something."

Magdalena beamed at her.

"That's perfect! Do you think they have peppermint toads?"

"Probably and I'll ask Pitt's for some dark chocolate cauldron cakes."

"Those are his favourite!" Blaise's sister beamed at her, before her large eyes suddenly narrowed at her.

"Wait, how did you know that?"

Luna was momentarily speechless. In all her excitement she had forgotten to watch her tongue.

"I… well… your brother and I have spoken…"

Magdalena folded her arms together, instantly looking years older.

"About your favourite dessert?" She raised a dark brow and looked so hauntingly like her brother it hurt Luna to look at her. Merlin, she missed him so much!

She tried to come up with some reply, but it felt as if someone had cast a tongue tied curse.

"You and Blaise are hiding something." Magdalena stated simply, before frowning slightly. "I thought there was something I was missing from the beginning, I am not stupid."

"You're not stupid Maggie… I… well Blaise and I have been friends for a while… but we thought it best to keep that to ourselves."


Luna sighed and pulled the younger girl with her to a quiet corner in one of the elegant window sills. She didn't want anyone to overhear them. Just to be sure she cast a muffliato spell. Not even a new spell could distract Magdalena this time.

"Well?" She prompted and Luna braced herself, rapidly thinking about what she could say without breaking any of her promises.

"Like I said, your brother and I have been… friends… for a while. But even last year, it wasn't a good time to share this. You know Blaise does everything to protect you and your family. And I… well you know I am not exactly popular with the Death Eaters…"

"I am old enough not to need Blaise's protection all the time. And what you're doing is super cool." Magdalena countered.

"Maggie… I understand how you feel, but trust me, there is so much you still have to learn. And just because I've been fighting doesn't mean it isn't dangerous. Very dangerous."

"Then train me." She demanded and Luna shook her head.


"Why not? You just said it was dangerous. I should be able to protect myself."

"I made a promise Maggie, and I won't break it. Besides, I don't want to put you in more danger either. I am fighting to protect you and the other students."

"Well, we are friends and don't hide that. So technically that's dangerous… why are you and Blaise hiding anything?"

Luna couldn't help a smile of amusement before turning serious once again. She had to turn this around.

"Yes technically it is dangerous. But we are in the same house. Here, in the Common Room, we are relatively safe. But out there it's more complicated. Blaise is constantly being watched by the other Slytherin's. If they found out he and I were friends, he would become a target. You wouldn't want that right?"

Magdalena's eyes grew wide once again as she emphatically shook her head, curls flying.

"No of course not!"

"That's the same reason why Blaise is trying to protect you. He doesn't want you to become a target either. He knows you'll be safe here, but can't do much now that you are in different houses."

Magdalena stayed silent for a while, turning to look outside. The past few weeks had be dreary. Not just emotionally but also the weather. The constant grey clouds and mist were cold, and now with December rolling around, frost had started to claim the grounds. Luna too looked across the grounds and along the tree line of the forest. She smiled when she saw a Thestral glide above the trees before diving down. She missed the creatures and wondered whether Blaise ever tried to spot them too. Despite everything, she was sure he would like her present.

"I guess I didn't really see it like that before… or maybe I just didn't want to…" Magdalena said softly, bringing Luna out of her thoughts. She lay a comforting arm around the girl's shoulders and brought her in for a hug.

"I am sorry I didn't say anything sooner about Blaise and I being friends. Had the situation been any different we would have, I promise."

"I know… Can we still be friends or would that hurt Blaise?"

"We can still be friends. But I can't involve in the protests. It would hurt you both."

"I don't like it. I want to do something."

"I understand, trust me. But it's small things that can make a big difference, even if it's just personal."

"It's ironic…" Magdalena muttered darkly.

"What is?"

"Well for the past few months the Carrow's have been harping about how powerful Purebloods are. But now it's just limiting. I would rather been half blood or even muggleborn just to be justified to rebel. Or be selfless like you. Isn't your dad worried about you?"

"My dad is rather a rebel too. All my friends are too… so there is no extra harm in it. But Maggie, you are lucky to be safe and a have family that tries their best to protect each other."

"I suppose you're right."

Luna sprang from her seat and reached out a hand.

"Come on! I might have promised not to get you into trouble. But Michael was part of the DA with me and he is great at protective spells. He'll teach you to protect yourself."

Magdalena beamed and took her hand as they strode back to the group.

"My brother must really like you to trust you so much." She quipped slyly.

"If you say so…" Luna tried to say nonchalantly but felt a blush on her cheeks. She didn't miss Magdalena's triumphant look.

A week later, they all readied themselves to get abroad the Hogwarts Express for the Christmas holidays. Luna had finished her gift for Blaise the night before. Pleased she had admired her own work. She had painted Blaise, his back towards the viewer, but clearly illuminated by the moonlight filtering in through the dense forest canopy. Surrounding him were the herd of Thestrals, their milky eyes soft and gleaming, obviously delighted by his presence. She hoped he would realise that she felt the same way. Happy and content in his presence even though people generally perceived her as odd. And their time together in the forest and bonding over the Thestrals were part of her favourite moments ever. The miniature Thestral he had given her still happily pranced along with her, often in one of her dress or skirt pockets. It had approved of the painting too.

All wrapped, she made her way over to the Room of Requirement. She had dropped him a note to meet her there before breakfast that Saturday morning. He hadn't sent a reply but she had to trust he would come. Shivers of anticipation filled her and she felt nervous. She had rarely felt that way around him, and yet their distance had created a chasm. Her heart beat loudly in her ears as she entered the room, as always decorated like the forest floor.

Blaise wasn't there yet, and so she placed the painting on the ground and sat next to it, among the soft ferns. She ran her fingers along the delicate frons and felt a wave of melancholy wash over her. How she would miss this place… which was an odd feeling. She could be back here in two weeks. There was no reason to miss it at all.

She tugged on her sleeves nervously. She had opted for a long sleeved red shirt beneath her favourite purple overals. Her father always liked baking dirigible plums in the Christmas pies and so she had taken up the tradition to wear such colours when she went home. Her plum earrings jingled softly, and she tied her hair back in the low ponytail to show them off.

She looked up when she heard the door open and got to her feet. Her heart pounded painfully as she took him in. A sharp emerald sweater clung to his broad shoulders and his legs seemed endless in sleek black trousers. As she took him in fully for the first time in months, she saw his cheekbones were more pronounced and he looked tired. And yet, when their eyes met, she saw heat flood those incredibly dark eyes and look of relief passed his haughty face.

She didn't know who moved first, or even how but suddenly their limbs were tangled together as their teeth clashed in an uncontrollable kiss. The passion and longing they seemingly both had suppressed for weeks exploded and soon their lips found their original rhythm. His lips and tongue were demanding and hot as she relished the taste of him, hauling him closer to her. Her nails dug into his chest and scalp as his tangled into her own hair and held her hip so tightly she was sure it would leave a mark.

But Merlin, she didn't care. She needed him, more than anything. That odd feeling of melancholy now morphed into desperation. What if she would never see him again? She wanted him branded on her skin so that his touch would always been with her. His tongue had been busy exploring her mouth until she shifted her mouth, and drew him in to suck on his tongue. A growl so primal escaped his chest and her toes curled in pleasure. Then suddenly he lifted her up, her legs wrapped around his waist. He moved them both until her back hit a tree. He pressed himself closer into her and she gasped as she felt him, all of him, hard against her. It send shocks of pleasure through her as he started to kiss her neck. She whimpered his name in near delirium. But at the sound, his lips suddenly stilled on her skin and he pulled back.

Staring at her, she saw his dark eyes had become glazed with desire, but now, as he blinked, that haze started to disappear. He nearly looked surprised to find their position as it was. She would find it thoroughly amusing if it hadn't left her frustrated at the abrupt stop of sensations.

"Blaise?" She asked, this time clearer with an annoyingly hit of desperation in her voice. His now piercing eyes studied her face, before softly releasing her from his hold and lowered her to the ground.

"Luna… I… sorry, I kinda lost my… mind…"

She let out a snort, which seemed to surprise him.

"I wasn't complaining." She flashed him a smile, which turned even brighter when she could see a darkening of his cheeks. A satisfied smirk tugged at the corners of his mouth.

Then to her disappointment, he took a small step back. Barely inches and yet it felt like a ocean apart. Conflicting feelings roiled inside her until he ran a hand through his short hair. He only made that move when he was nervous. It was endearing. In fairness many things about him were, which was a problem, quite honestly.

He fixed his gaze back on her, the same conflict clear as his eyes kept looking down at her lips.

"As… as much as I would like to continue, I don't want to maul you against a bloody tree." His voice was hoarse and she couldn't stop laughter bubbling out of her.

"Maul? Really" she laughed and was glad when he joined her. The tension eased.

"Devour then."

She raised a suggestive eyebrow.

"That sounds better." And then he reached out between them to hold her hand, bringing her knuckles to her lips.

"I… I missed you…" he said simply as his other hand come up to lift a strand of her hair out of her face before caressing her cheek.

"I miss you too."

"Are you alright?"


"You sure?"

"Of course. How about you?"

"I've been better, but fine in the circumstances…"

"Have you heard from your mother?"

"No, but no news is good news. I saw your fathers recent article…"

Her face lit with pride. It had been a strong piece, clear and factual while also scathing towards the Death Eaters. A voice that was so desperately needed in the avalanche of Death Eater propaganda.

"Yeah, it's brilliant." She told him with a grin, which faded when she saw concern etched into his face.

"I've been trying to lay low, which is good to overhear… whispers. Luna, they are really pissed off about the article." He didn't need to elaborate who they were.

Luna felt a wave of defensiveness come over her.

"Neither I nor my father care who we piss odd, especially not them!"

"No, I know, and I am not trying to tell either of you off. Just… just tell him to look over his shoulder more. The whispers I am hearing aren't good. And I wanted to let you know…"

"I… I understand. Thank you Blaise, truly."

She reached on her tiptoes and placed a kiss on his cheek. His arms instantly came around her, and he held her close to him.

She breathed in his scent, calming hearing his heartbeat drum in her ear.

"So… why did you summon me here?" He muttered softly in her ear. She gasped, having completely forgotten about her gift, and also the time. She reached down to his silver watch, a traditional gift for wizards when they turned 17.

"Oh we don't have much time! I wanted to give you your birthday present."

She untangled them from their embrace with a pang of reluctance and hurried to grab the wrapped painting. She held it out to him.

"Here! I made it, I hope you like it!" She beamed at him, especially when his look of surprise turned into one she could quite place but knew was positive. Gingerly he took it.

"You made me something?"

"Yes of course! And usually I would love to see you open it, but we really have to go Blaise."

At this he too took in the time and blanched.

"Yeah, shit. Come on, let's go!" He took her hand and marched them to the door. Before they went out, he pulled her back into him and gave her one final lingering kiss.

"Thank you Luna. I'll treasure it. Keep safe during the holidays."

"You too Blaise! Have a wonderful birthday and Happy Christmas."

"You too sweetheart. Let's meet here when we get back." He winked.

Then with one more kiss, they opened the door and slipped out into the corridor.

"See you on the train." He said before hurrying back down towards the Slytherin Common Room. She took several stairs at once to get back to the Ravenclaw Tower and was just in time to join the group of students being ushered out towards Hogsmeade station. Both Michael and Magdalena shot her curious looks but she lay a finger on her lips as response. Michael rolled his eyes while Magdalena gave a huff of annoyance but didn't ask further. They obviously thought it had something to a a Death Eater rebellion. If only they knew…

Thankfully security back on to the train was far more relaxed then when they arrived, and Luna soon found herself settled together with Neville and Ginny in their usually compartment. Blaise had sent her a heated gaze as he passed them to his own compartment.

Ginny eyed her suspiciously.

"What's going on with you and Zabini?" She asked sharply. Luna felt bad about lying to her best friend but knew that for now it was the better of two evils.

"Nothing, I've become friends with his little sister. She a first year." She replied breezily while rampaging through her bag for the last Quibbler.

"Hmm, if you say so…" Ginny replied but from her tone, Luna knew there would more be questions later.

Thankfully though, she didn't press it. Instead the three of them got into a heated discussion about where Harry, Ron and Hermione could be right now as the train started it's journey back south. There had been very little information about their friends. Ironically not even Potter Watch had been able to tell them anything. The only recent news had come from Tonks, who had written Luna bits and pieces about an argument between Harry and Remus. And then their sighting at the Ministry had sparked far more questions than answers. But ever since then, they had disappeared off any radar. Which was probably for the best.

Neville had just launched into a tale about a Christmas dinner with his grandmother and uncle several years ago, when once again the Hogwarts Express came to an abrupt and screeching halt. Unprepared, the trio had been flung across the compartment. Several bangs and shouts started to fill their ringings ears. Hastily they rose to their feet, wands at the ready. The screams and opening of doors was becoming louder.

Neville made it out the compartment first, scanning the situation as Ginny and Luna followed him. He had grown so much in height and his shoulders the past two years, they both had trouble looking past him to assess what was going on. Death Eaters were once again combing through the train, searching.

"Merlin, they must really be desperate to try this again." Neville scoffed before taking strides in their direction. Ginny danced behind him, obviously itching to send a few well placed hexes their way.

Luna was about to follow suite when she heard Blaise's voice behind her.

"What's going on Lovegood?"

She turned and found him and several of his house mates looking at Neville's back apprehensively.

"Death Eater search." She replied in the most flippant manner she could manage. Blaise didn't respond but she saw the myriad of emotions in his eyes.

"Hey, losers! I told you last time, he's not here!" They heard Neville declare loudly before a curse was cast in response and he was thrown backwards. Ginny screeched.

"How dare you!" And with a wave of her wand several bats assaulted the Death Eater that than cursed Neville. Sounds exploded as the other Death Eaters reacted. Luna started to run towards them but was stopped when a strong hand gripped her upper arm.

"Lovegood, don't!" Blaise growled, his intense gaze going from her face to the active fighting now happening in the cramped corridor.

"They're my friends. Let go!" She tugged. His grip didn't loosen. Suddenly crucio was cried and she quickly looked back. Thankfully Ginny had blocked it. Desperate, Luna pointed her wand at Blaise's face, which quickly gained a reaction from his classmates, Nott in particular, pushing past two others to come and defend his friend.

"Hey, watch it Lovegood!"

But Luna ignored her, focusing everything on Blaise and his stubborn set jaw.

"Release me Zabini! Now!" He saw that she was completely serious. With a groan, his gasp loosened and she tugged free. With one last glance over her shoulder to him, she started to run to her friends, casting several protego charms their way. But the fight had advanced closer to their compartment, and at the sight of her joining in, the Death Eaters suddenly seemed to stop their attack. One gave her a bone chilling look, one of glee. What was going on?

"Oh I see…" the man drawled, " trying to protect your little friend. Well that's not going to work, I have my orders." He didn't give them time to settle their confusion and sent two body binding curses at Neville and Ginny. They were too late to react and slumped to the floor. Luna didn't have time to process that either before the men advanced on her too. Thankfully she was quick and blocked a curse going her way. And another, and another. What was happening.

She receded back down to where Blaise was.

"Hey, what's the meaning of this?" She heard him call out, worry in his voice, before he snapped. "Nott, let me go!"

She had no time to turn around, to busy blocking the incoming fire. Michael too tried to help, trying to distract one of the Death Eaters.

"Nothing for you to get involved in Zabini. Lovegood needs to be learned a lesson. He thinks he's untouchable. Well, we of course know he's not. Isn't that right little girl?" The Death Eater answered and Luna felt her blood run cool. Her father was in danger.

"What… what are you doing to my father?" She breathed, fighting to keep upright under the onslaught. The man laughed cruelly.

"The real question is, what are we going to do with you."

The shock of the statement halted her step, making her trip backwards and a sickening smile passed over her attackers, knowing they had won.

She dimly registered Blaise roaring behind her, her own name ringing in her ears before a curse hit it's mark and her world enveloped into darkness.

Numb Blaise entered his bedroom. There were so many emotions raging through him, trying to get out, it was a miracle he had managed to relatively control himself in the train and on the ride home, as Magdalena had sobbed quietly.

Now, alone, he was finally able to let go. The first to take over was anger. Rage unlike anything he had felt before, exploded from him. He roared and shouted, first flinging his trunk across the room, soon followed by anything else he could grab on to. He didn't even recognise the objects he was hurling at the walls, only wanting to hear everything smash and scattered around him, just as his heart had done.

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! They had her! They took her! Fucking abducted her! His Luna! His beautiful and precious Luna. And he hadn't been able to protect her.

Shame now overtook the anger as he sat on his bed, head in his hands. He would have done anything, anything to stop them. But he had failed. He had failed her. And now she was gone…

Tears started to stream down his face. He couldn't remember the last time he had ever cried like this, but he tried to get everything out. All the pain. The worry. His frustration. His desperation. And the fear. He had tried so hard to keep his family safe. Tried to somehow keep her safe too. He had known the Death Eaters would go after Xenophilius Lovegood, especially after his last piece. And while he had warned her, his stupid mind hadn't even connected that she had become the main target. He was an idiot. Of course she would be a target. She had fought against You-Know-Who and his followers for the past years. One of Harry Potters best friends. And now they had her…

Feeling defeated for one of the first times in his life, Blaise looked around the chaos of his room. He didn't feel a lick of remorse. He would order the house elves not to clean it. He needed to see this rage for a while longer. It was only then that he noticed his truck, blown open by the force of hitting the wall. There, sticking out was Luna's gift, shimmering wrapping paper that reminded Blaise of the dress she wore last year. That fateful night when he first truly met her seemed a life time ago.

He hadn't thought his heart could sink any longer. But he was wrong. His blood ran cold in anticipation as the rest of his body felt leaden. With great effort, he tore away the paper and looked down at Luna's creation. It knocked the breath from him. It was fine, he practically felt dead anyway.

There, in his lap lay a marvellous scene, a delicately painted scene in the Forbidden Forest, himself in the frame, looking out at Thestral herd at night. With their milky eyes, the creatures were haunting but also graceful and Luna had painted them so realistically, he imagined he could reach out and feel their leathery skin beneath his fingers. While he could only he his back view, she had also captured his awe and calmness as he had gotten to know the herd. Memories of them there together now painfully flooded his mind, before being immediately followed by the quick flicker of fear in her eyes as the Death Eater finally stunned her today.

Quickly he rose, trying to once again rein in him emotions. He had cried enough and his tears wouldn't lead to anything. Instead he strode over to the wall by his desk, directly opposite his bed. With a few quick wands movements, he finally hampered a nail into the wall and hung her painting there, pride of place.

There he sent out a prayer that she would be okay, before vowing that he would make them pay for everything they did to her, his Luna!