
Embracing Desires (HP)

Born into a wealthy and influential Indian family, the protagonist’s brilliance and charm mask a darker side marked by intense lust and manipulative tendencies. His early life is a balance of exceptional intellect and unchecked desires, leading him to build a formidable medical empire while indulging in his forbidden fantasies. As his ambitions grow, so does his inner conflict, torn between his quest for power and his consuming desires. This duality ultimately leads to his downfall, as he succumbs to the very darkness he sought to control. In a surprising twist of fate, he is reborn as Harry Potter. Now, with the power of the magical world at his fingertips, he is driven by the same relentless hunger for dominance. His new life is not a fresh start but a continuation of his dark ambitions, as he seeks to manipulate and control the world around him. “In the end, power is not about breaking free from chains but about weaving them into the fabric of destiny, binding others to your will.” ... .. . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

Castor_Med0 · Livros e literatura
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The Arrival of Dumbledore

In the nursery of Godric's Hollow, where the air is thick with the lingering echoes of dark magic, Harry Potter, though his physical form is that of a one-year-old, possesses the consciousness and memories of a nineteen-year-old. As Albus Dumbledore, the esteemed headmaster of Hogwarts, steps into the room, his presence commands attention despite the chaos that surrounds him.

"Harry," Dumbledore's voice is gentle yet firm, addressing not the infant before him, but the soul that resides within. "What have you done?"

Though Harry's physical form is incapable of speech, his eyes, brimming with the wisdom of lifetimes past, meet Dumbledore's with a steely resolve. Within the depths of his gaze lies the knowledge of a being far older than his mere years would suggest, a soul reborn into the world with a purpose that transcends the boundaries of time and space.

But Dumbledore is undeterred by Harry's silence. He knows that the darkness that surrounds the child is a force to be reckoned with, and he is determined to guide him down a different path.

As Dumbledore stands before him, Harry remains silent, his innocent gaze fixed upon the elder wizard with an air of wide-eyed curiosity. Though his mind races with dark thoughts and desires, he knows the importance of maintaining the illusion of innocence, especially in the presence of someone as perceptive as Dumbledore.

"Ah, Harry," Dumbledore's voice carries a note of concern as he approaches the crib where the young wizard lies. "You've been through quite an ordeal tonight. But fear not, for you are safe now."

Harry's lips curl into a faint smile, a calculated gesture meant to convey gratitude and trust. Inside, however, his mind churns with anticipation, eager to see how Dumbledore will react to the carefully constructed facade he presents.

Dumbledore studies Harry for a moment, his expression unreadable as he takes in the sight before him. Though he senses the darkness that lurks within the young wizard, he knows better than to confront it head-on. Instead, he offers a gentle smile, a reassuring presence in the midst of uncertainty.

"Rest now, Harry," Dumbledore says softly, his voice a soothing balm in the wake of chaos. "Tomorrow is a new day, and together, we will face whatever challenges may come our way."

With that, Dumbledore takes his leave, leaving Harry alone in the nursery once more. And as the door closes behind him, Harry allows himself a moment of quiet satisfaction, knowing that he has successfully navigated yet another encounter with the formidable headmaster of Hogwarts.

For now, he will bide his time, waiting for the opportune moment to reveal the true extent of his power and ambition. But until then, he will continue to play the role of the innocent child, a pawn in the grand game of magic and manipulation that unfolds around him.

As the night wears on and the chaos of Godric's Hollow begins to fade into memory, Dumbledore makes a fateful decision. With a heavy heart and a sense of foreboding, he resolves to place Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, in the care of his only remaining relatives—the Dursleys.

Petunia Dursley's house stands silent and still in the dim light of dawn, a stark contrast to the turmoil that rages within Dumbledore's heart. As he approaches the doorstep, Harry cradled gently in his arms, he is greeted by the sight of Petunia standing in the doorway, her expression a mixture of apprehension and resignation.

"Petunia," Dumbledore's voice is soft yet authoritative, carrying with it the weight of responsibility. "I entrust Harry Potter into your care. It is imperative that he remain hidden from those who would seek to do him harm."

Petunia's eyes flicker with uncertainty as she gazes down at the sleeping child in Dumbledore's arms. Though she harbors no love for her nephew, she understands the importance of the task that has been thrust upon her.

"I will do as you ask, Dumbledore," Petunia replies, her voice tinged with a hint of bitterness. "But make no mistake—I will not coddle the boy. He will learn his place in this world, just like the rest of us."

With a nod of understanding, Dumbledore hands Harry over to Petunia's care, his heart heavy with the knowledge of the burden he has placed upon her shoulders. But as he takes his leave, he knows that it is a necessary sacrifice—a small price to pay to ensure the safety of the wizarding world's last hope against the darkness that threatens to consume it.

And as Dumbledore disappears into the morning mist, leaving Harry behind in the care of his reluctant relatives, the stage is set for a new chapter in the young wizard's life—a chapter filled with challenges, dangers, and ultimately, the opportunity for redemption and triumph.

As the night drapes its velvety cloak over Privet Drive, casting shadows that dance in the flickering lamplight, Harry Potter, still a mere infant in body but harboring the consciousness of a seasoned manipulator, seizes upon the opportune absence of Dumbledore. With the elder wizard's departure, a void is left in the protective veil that once shrouded Harry's true nature, allowing him to reveal himself to his loyal companions—Emily Riddle, the enslaved vessel of Voldemort's essence, and Lily Potter, his mother, bound to him by the unbreakable ties of blood and the dark magic of resurrection.

Though his physical form is but that of a helpless babe, Harry's mind churns with calculated intent, his thoughts weaving intricate webs of manipulation and power. With a gaze that belies his tender years, he beckons Emily and Lily closer, his tiny hand reaching out to grasp theirs with a surprising strength and determination.

"Listen to me," Harry's telepathic command resonates in the depths of his companions' minds, his voice carrying the weight of authority and conviction. "Dumbledore's absence is not a coincidence—it is our opportunity. We must seize the moment and begin our ascent to power."

Emily's eyes flash with a mixture of defiance and awe, her allegiance to Harry solidified by the dark magic that binds her to him. Though once feared as the Dark Lord Voldemort, she now finds herself drawn to Harry's magnetic presence, her loyalty to him eclipsing all else.

Lily, too, nods in silent agreement, her heart heavy with the weight of her son's destiny. Though she longs to shield him from the darkness that threatens to engulf him, she knows that Harry's path is his own to walk. With a mixture of pride and trepidation, she reaffirms her commitment to him, her love and devotion unwavering in the face of the trials that lie ahead.

And as the night deepens and the world sleeps on, Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, takes his first tentative steps on the path to darkness, his loyal companions by his side, their destinies intertwined in a tapestry woven from the threads of fate and ambition.