
Embracing Darkness

When you turn twenty five a choice must be made, become a Vampire or become a Werewolf. A slave to the hunger or a slave to the moon. Elisa Irina has avoided this choice by pretending to be dimwitted. After all her secret could get her killed. What choice will she make when the only family she's ever known is slaughtered and all turn a blind eye. Or will the choice be made for her?

EvaPeony · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Where Should I Begin?

My creation could be considered unorthodox. When my mother was pregnant with me her father experimented on her in hopes of creating a hybrid. See Vampires and Werewolves walk a very thin line coexisting but not mixing. A Vampire can't turn a Werewolf and vice versa.

My mother didn't succumb to the change, but who could have guessed what happened next. The hybrid would be born the embryo absorbed it all Vampire and Werewolf DNA leaving nothing behind. The moment my mother realized she was pregnant she killed her father and fled their home in Morningglory.

At that time Morningglory was just a small town, but with the arrival of more Vamps and Shifters, it became a grand city. The world is run by them, there isn't a place you can hide where you won't encounter them.

Probably why my mother thought it easier to give me away than risk them finding me. I made the mistake of shifting while riding the bus when I was nine and hours later Shifters were surrounding our home demanding to know whose pack, I belonged to. So, mom did the only thing she could and ran when we reached the City of Bellflower, she found her third cousin and left me in her care.

Aunt Sonia's husband is the Alpha of the Moonglow pack and aware of what I am. They have helped me hide it but that dreaded day is approaching. It's already expected since Uncle Spencer is the Alpha of the Moonglow pack that I'll choose to become a Werewolf. Problem is anyone that takes a good whiff of me will know I'm not mortal.

When I was fifteen, we realized there was only one way to keep me from having to choose. So, few remain mortal but there are ways. One being to be completely mad another to be unappealing. Vampires will overlook the madness if you're attractive after all some get Sires who keep the newborns on a literal leash. If they can't be broken then their executed, for the most part, they tend to compel them to docility.

Vamps believe beauty shouldn't be wasted part of why the age for the Choice is twenty-five of course if you're male you can file an exemption to be turned in their early to mid-thirties never past that.

Werewolves on the other hand age far slower than mortals and like Vamps can heal quickly. But unlike Vamps, they don't care about the exterior they seek loyalty and strength. Since I'm a hybrid they would see it as loyalties divided and would have me executed. Luckily uncle changed my birth certificate so that I'm two years younger than I am. Question is when that day comes will I be able to fool them or will I die.

Even if I chose to become a wolf and Uncle denied me based on mental instability the Vamps would send someone to verify. After all many have tried to get out of the change by claiming mental and emotional instability. Convincing relatives to vouch for them when the ruse was found out well let's just say it didn't end well for either party.

"Elisa, stop painting the walls," Aunt Sonia rushes over just as the bell on the bakery door dings. She takes the brush from my hand and ushers me into the back away from prying eyes.

I take a seat atop a crate and wait away from sight but not from earshot.

"I don't know how you do it," Mrs. Cane, "that girl seems to be more trouble than she's worth."

"She's family," Aunt says, "besides at least I know where she is unlike that unruly son of yours running around town wreaking havoc."

There's a humph probably from Mrs. Cane then the tap, tap, ding slide of the register. Mrs. Cane like her husband is amongst the few mortals that were never considered for immortality. They came from another continent where such practices are outlawed. Too bad I wasn't born there.

"She's a peach," I say, following Aunt into the kitchen where Max and Zack roll dough.

Zack winks at me before folding the dough he just rolled, "there fresh doughnuts…

I don't let him finish as I spot the tray of sugary goodness by the time Aunt Sonia notices, I've wolfed down three doughnuts.


I snatch another doughnut before Aunt moves the tray away, "you're the bestest." I plant a sugary kiss on Zack's cheek before running away with my last doughnut.

Aunt has this rule about eating sweets before any main meal really, but the time I spent with mom, that's all we ate. Cookies and cakes oh and bacon. Thing's aunt doesn't consider a proper meal. Who would guess a baker to be this strict with when it comes to food? I cross the courtyard that divides the bakery from the rest of the house.

Uncle Spencer sits under an oak, papers sprawled across him, "what trouble have you gotten yourself in now?" he asks.

I extend the last piece of doughnut towards him and to my dismay, he snatches it out of my hand and pops it into his mouth, "not a word," he says looking me over shaking his head when he realizes I have no more sweets.

"Aunt snatched them away," I say peering over his shoulder, "what's this," he slaps my hand away before I can get a hold of the documents.

"You're covered in sugar, go to the fountain."

I pout but he just pushes me towards the fountain. The moment I'm done splashing water on my face a Wolf walks in. What a pain? I cup water in my hands and throw it at him. He jumps out of the way taking a few steps back when I approach him. I reach over and dry my hands on his shirt.

"Elisa!" Uncle growls and I jump back, "Forgive her Roman her antics tend to get out of hand sometimes."

"Roman," I repeat the name, "such an ugly name."

I dance away before Uncle can reprimand me and head for the library. The library is filled mostly with family history to be precise Uncle's family history. It depicts their journey from the City of Night in a world that's name has long been forgotten. In the books, the name of their original world is blacked out as if it were a grand secret. Never the less I enjoy reading their stories.

The library is the only place no guest ever sets foot and thus the only place I don't have to pretend someone I'm not. At times the lines between the lie and reality blur and I wonder if this isn't all a dream.

here's my stab at prompt#111 wish me luck.

also forgive me if I'm late on publishing new chapter with Embracing Darkness I'm writing three stories at once. If you're curious current wip are Red Moon, & Between Shadows & Darkness.

^o^ hope you enjoy reading my work.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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