
Embrace my Soul: The Light that Shines Within

[Mature Content Included] Struggling to complete her education due to the lack of money, one night she finds herself saving an old man on the street. The old man turns out to be the powerful patriarch of the most influential, yet mysterious, Emerson family. He proposes (more like forces) her marriage to his blind grandson in return for an opportunity to complete her studies. ------------------------------------ Nolan Emerson, the only legitimate heir and the former CEO of the Emerson Group, had gotten into an accident two years ago, leaving him blind in both eyes. Former, why???? Because he hadn’t stepped out of his room ever since the accident happened. He was the rumored devil incarnate, having an extremely bad temperament. ------------------------------------ Amayah Young, a college student with no family members around. Her parents died in a car accident at a young age, leaving her alone in this cruel world to fend for herself. After her parents' death, she became an independent woman, working many small time jobs to provide for her needs. She was a smart, determined, stubborn, and confident girl living on the principle that ‘Education is the only passport for a better future.’ Once she is bent on doing something, she will not let go until she finishes that task. ------------------------------------ What would happen when the only guiding principle she lived on was now being obscured because of not having, the one thing she lacked the most and the only thing he had an abundance of, money? Will she accept the old patriarch’s offer to marry his grandson in exchange for a chance to continue her education? If yes, then what will happen when she steps into the devil’s den? Will she be scared away by the devil prince, or will she be able to use her determination to tame him and bring him out of his den? Will she be able to enter his heart and see him for who he is on the inside, behind that temperamental man, his true self? Will she be able to fill his dark and lonely world with light? If so, then what will it take to tame such a devil incarnate? "A person's personality is composed of various sides of themselves that are dedicated to various people. And when you truly love someone, there are aspects of you that they can bring out, and when they leave, a part of you goes with them." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This book contains much more than just romance between Amayah and Nolan. As the story progresses, there are going to be evil ploys and mysteries. Everything that is going to happen is going to be tied together. I don't want to say anything as I'm afraid of giving away anything about the main mystery. ****Please read the auxiliary chapter titled "Information" for more background information about the novel.****  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ****Currently on Hiatus**** NOTE: Book started on: June 1st, 2022 **There will be different volumes within the story, and I wish to have a different synopsis for each volume. So the general synopsis above is actually the synopsis for only Volume 1 of the story.** There will be ** in every chapter's title which has mature content. The cover is not mine: credits to the original artist. Instagram: @author_emerald_05 All the links: https://linktr.ee/emerald_05

Emerald_05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


The next morning, in the guest room on the second floor,

With much difficulty, Amayah finally got the most needed sleep last night. Being able to sleep in the bed again felt really comfortable. She threw aside the blanket and stretched, wondering if Nolan's temper had subsided.

Today was a weekday, and she needed to go to work , so she mustered up the courage to go to Nolan's room. After all, her clothes and belongings were all in his room, so no matter what, she would have to face the devil prince this early in the morning.

With a sigh, she walked up to his room.

However, the moment she entered the room, she froze when she saw the devil *ahem* Nolan sitting on the bed facing the door.

The first thing she noticed were his mesmerizing gray orbs. They were like a seep whirlpool in the middle of the sea, pulling anyone who looked deep within them in.

Nolan sneered icily, pulling her out of her reverie, "So, you're willing to come back now?"

Amayah tried but failed to read his expressions. She was really unsure. Was he happy or angry? From his neutral tone and poker face, nothing could be guessed.

"I came to get ready for work, I'll leave soon." Amayah answered, playing safe.

Nolan wanted to say more, but he swallowed his words at her formal manner.

Amayah silently felt relieved and rejoiced in her heart when he did not chase her out of the room. She immediately took some clothes from her luggage and went into the bathroom.

Hearing her rushing to the bathroom, Nolan's body tensed. It seemed that she really did want to draw a line between them.

After a while, Amayha came out, all dressed up and ready to head off to work. Just as she was about to take a step out of the bathroom, she saw that a glass had been broken next to Nolan's feet. She furrowed her brows. What was he thinking? Was he angry again just because she took a while to get ready?

She instantly grabbed her bag, acting as if she'd seen nothing, and said, "I'm heading to work. Bye."

Hearing her not caring about him anymore, Nolan felt aggrieved, but being as proud and arrogant as he was, he didn't want to take the initiative.

However, hearing her footsteps walking further away to the door, he could no longer hold back and spoke up coldly. "Are you just leaving like that? Are you hoping that the glass shards will hurt my feet?"

"If you're afraid of pricking your feet on glass, Master Nolan, you shouldn't throw things around," Amayah answered critically. She has had enough of his tantrums. Was he a kid to be throwing things around when he was unhappy? She had to stop this habit of his. So this time, she took a deep breath and toughened up her heart not to help him so he could learn a lesson.

Hearing her retort like that, Nolan gaped in disbelief. How dare this little girl refute him? What gave her the courage to fight back like this?

"Amayah Young, did my grandfather really ask you to come and take care of me?"

This reminded Amayah of the unfair contract that was established between them—Nolan had gotten off scot-free, while she had the uphill task of taking care of Nolan's emotional well-being and guiding him out of his self-imposed darkness. Thinking carefully about it now, even though, in return for marrying him, her financial responsibility had been taken care of, but it was still done by his grandfather, Old Master Emerson. Nolan, being the husband, had no responsibility at all in this deal. Instead, he was intent on making more trouble for her.

Nolan, meanwhile, was trying to figure out the source of her sudden boldness. No matter how much he had troubled her in these last few days since she moved in she had never retorted back this fiercely. She had always been calm and composed all the way through. Did she feel like she could tolerate him no more so she had the right to snap and snarl at him.

After thinking for a while, Amayah walked over to Nolan's side and knelt to pick up the shards of broken glass.

Nolan could hear her breathing becoming steady and wondered if she had somewhat given up on him. In fact, he had only asked that because he found no other way, so he decided to use his master card. Feeling slightly panicked, he quickly demanded, "Amayah, say something!"

Amayah had indeed toughened her heart and had decided to act blind to his actions, but she had overestimated her toughness. No matter how badly he behaved, how could she bear to leave a blind man to fend for himself?

Amayah replied blankly, "I think you're right. Considering the terms of our agreement, I do need to clean up for you before leaving. It's not right of me to ask your grandfather for compensation if you get hurt." However, by saying this, it was as if she was trying to comfort and justify herself for not being tough.

Nolan felt anger overwhelm him at her reply.

Why did she have to remind him of the contract again?

He reached out his hand to hold her wrist to question her further, but accidentally grabbed the glass shards in her hand instead. He cursed softly at the sudden pain in his hand.

Amayah panicked and quickly checked his hand and saw that his palm was slightly swollen, but thankfully he had not cut himself. She calmed down but couldn't help scolding him for his carelessness. "You have quite the tantrum, and you're rather careless too."

How could he act so carelessly? No matter how much she acted indifferent, in front of him she always loosened up.

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