
Embrace my Soul: The Light that Shines Within

[Mature Content Included] Struggling to complete her education due to the lack of money, one night she finds herself saving an old man on the street. The old man turns out to be the powerful patriarch of the most influential, yet mysterious, Emerson family. He proposes (more like forces) her marriage to his blind grandson in return for an opportunity to complete her studies. ------------------------------------ Nolan Emerson, the only legitimate heir and the former CEO of the Emerson Group, had gotten into an accident two years ago, leaving him blind in both eyes. Former, why???? Because he hadn’t stepped out of his room ever since the accident happened. He was the rumored devil incarnate, having an extremely bad temperament. ------------------------------------ Amayah Young, a college student with no family members around. Her parents died in a car accident at a young age, leaving her alone in this cruel world to fend for herself. After her parents' death, she became an independent woman, working many small time jobs to provide for her needs. She was a smart, determined, stubborn, and confident girl living on the principle that ‘Education is the only passport for a better future.’ Once she is bent on doing something, she will not let go until she finishes that task. ------------------------------------ What would happen when the only guiding principle she lived on was now being obscured because of not having, the one thing she lacked the most and the only thing he had an abundance of, money? Will she accept the old patriarch’s offer to marry his grandson in exchange for a chance to continue her education? If yes, then what will happen when she steps into the devil’s den? Will she be scared away by the devil prince, or will she be able to use her determination to tame him and bring him out of his den? Will she be able to enter his heart and see him for who he is on the inside, behind that temperamental man, his true self? Will she be able to fill his dark and lonely world with light? If so, then what will it take to tame such a devil incarnate? "A person's personality is composed of various sides of themselves that are dedicated to various people. And when you truly love someone, there are aspects of you that they can bring out, and when they leave, a part of you goes with them." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This book contains much more than just romance between Amayah and Nolan. As the story progresses, there are going to be evil ploys and mysteries. Everything that is going to happen is going to be tied together. I don't want to say anything as I'm afraid of giving away anything about the main mystery. ****Please read the auxiliary chapter titled "Information" for more background information about the novel.****  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ****Currently on Hiatus**** NOTE: Book started on: June 1st, 2022 **There will be different volumes within the story, and I wish to have a different synopsis for each volume. So the general synopsis above is actually the synopsis for only Volume 1 of the story.** There will be ** in every chapter's title which has mature content. The cover is not mine: credits to the original artist. Instagram: @author_emerald_05 All the links: https://linktr.ee/emerald_05

Emerald_05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

Springfield University

A/N: This chapter is dedicated to a new fan of this novel @Titania_23. Thank you for all your love and support for this book:) !

I'd love for you to join me on our Instagram @author_emerald_05 !


Assistant Jin waved someone over. From a corner, an old-looking man, seemingly about the same age as Assistant Jin, came forth and bowed to Amayah.

"Young miss, this is the butler of this house, Butler Alfred. If you need anything, you could let him know. " Assistant Jin introduced.

Butler Alfred bowed and offered her a polite smile. Amayah smiled back and heard Assistant Jin continue. "Today after breakfast, we'd go to Springfield University to get you enrolled for the upcoming semester."

Amayah was shocked after hearing the name of the university they'd enroll her in. Springfield University was City A's best university. Only the top academic students were admitted. That university required not only intelligence but also money. Only kids from wealthy and influential families are able to attend due to the exorbitant amount of fees. There were some lucky students who received full scholarships, but they were few. She did not expect them to take the liberty to help her enroll in the university of her dreams since the contract only stated that they only needed to pay for her educational expenses.


A luxurious Maybech stopped in the compounds of Springfield University. A while later, a well-suited old man stepped out from the front passenger seat. Then he went to the rear door and pulled it open for someone. A young girl stepped out of the car, looking intrigued.

As soon as Amayah stepped out of the car, she looked around and saw that she was standing right in the middle of the main quadrangle, and a magnificent campus building surrounded her. There wasn't much movement around since it was vacation time.

Assistant Jin gestured with his hand for her to follow him as he led the way. She couldn't help but rove her curious eyes around as she stepped inside the resplendent structure. While the Springfield University campus's main quadrangle was Romanesque Revival, the interior of the building was of contemporaneous style and purpose. Amayah couldn't help but think that Springfield University lived up to its reputation as the best university in City A as she looked around. The architecture of the building alone took her breath away.

They soon stopped at a door with the words 'University President' carved on an exquisite metal name plate. After one knock, Assistant Jin pushed open the door without waiting for a reply from the inside. Holding the door open, Assistant Jin gestured for her to get in first, followed by himself.

Inside the office, a man, seemingly in his forties, was seated in a black leather chair behind the mahogany desk.

As soon as he saw Assistant Jin, he stood up in respect. Assistant Jin went forward and offered his hand and greeted "President Braxton."

"Please take a seat and let me know how I can be of help." President Braxton offered.

Assistant Jin pulled out a chair for Amayah and gestured for her to sit. Awkwardly, she took the seat. President Braxton didn't dare sit down when Assistant Jin was still standing. He seems to hold Assistant Jin in really high regard.

Assistant Jin gestured towards Amayah and introduced, "This is Miss Amayah Young, the one who is going to be admitted."

President Braxton turned towards Amayah and offered her a smile. "Hello Miss Young. Nice to meet you. I'm Finley Braxton, the President of Springfield University."

Amayah greeted him back with a smile, "Hello."

"As I talked with you over the phone about a new admission in your college, is everything ready?" Assistant Jin asked.

"Everything is prepared according to your instructions. I just need a final signature from the student. " President Brackston immediately replied as he pulled out a blue folder from his desk drawer.

He took out a document and placed it in front of Amayah, offering her a pen to sign with. Amayah accepted the pen and signed in the space where President Braxton pointed with his finger.

Taking the document back, he replied in a polite tone, "All set. Miss Young, we'd love to have you as a freshman next semester."

As Assistant Jin and Amayah walked out of his office, President Braxton narrowed his eyes, wondering what could be Amayah Young's relation with the Emerson family, for whom Assistant Jin specifically requested for an admission.


The admission process went pretty smoothly, and now they were on their way back home.


As the car came to a halt in front of the big mansion, Assistant Jin opened the door for Amayah. When she got out, Assistant Jin informed her that he was going to take his leave from here and if she needed anything she could let Butler Alfred know.

Thanking Assistant Jin, she walked inside the mansion.


On the second floor, just as she pushed open the door to their room, the pungent smell of food hit her right in the face.

As she pushed the door wide open, she heard the sound of glass being dragged around the ground. She lowered her head to look down at the ground and saw broken pieces of cutlery and food spread all over the floor right in front of the door. She could imagine what must have conspired in her absence.

As she took careful steps further into the room, avoiding the sharp shards of glass, she saw the man who was the culprit for causing this mess leisurely sitting on the couch with his eyes closed.

She had no idea how to approach the sitting tiger.

What was wrong with this man? What must have happened for him to hurl the whole tray of breakfast right across the room?