
Embrace my Soul: The Light that Shines Within

[Mature Content Included] Struggling to complete her education due to the lack of money, one night she finds herself saving an old man on the street. The old man turns out to be the powerful patriarch of the most influential, yet mysterious, Emerson family. He proposes (more like forces) her marriage to his blind grandson in return for an opportunity to complete her studies. ------------------------------------ Nolan Emerson, the only legitimate heir and the former CEO of the Emerson Group, had gotten into an accident two years ago, leaving him blind in both eyes. Former, why???? Because he hadn’t stepped out of his room ever since the accident happened. He was the rumored devil incarnate, having an extremely bad temperament. ------------------------------------ Amayah Young, a college student with no family members around. Her parents died in a car accident at a young age, leaving her alone in this cruel world to fend for herself. After her parents' death, she became an independent woman, working many small time jobs to provide for her needs. She was a smart, determined, stubborn, and confident girl living on the principle that ‘Education is the only passport for a better future.’ Once she is bent on doing something, she will not let go until she finishes that task. ------------------------------------ What would happen when the only guiding principle she lived on was now being obscured because of not having, the one thing she lacked the most and the only thing he had an abundance of, money? Will she accept the old patriarch’s offer to marry his grandson in exchange for a chance to continue her education? If yes, then what will happen when she steps into the devil’s den? Will she be scared away by the devil prince, or will she be able to use her determination to tame him and bring him out of his den? Will she be able to enter his heart and see him for who he is on the inside, behind that temperamental man, his true self? Will she be able to fill his dark and lonely world with light? If so, then what will it take to tame such a devil incarnate? "A person's personality is composed of various sides of themselves that are dedicated to various people. And when you truly love someone, there are aspects of you that they can bring out, and when they leave, a part of you goes with them." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This book contains much more than just romance between Amayah and Nolan. As the story progresses, there are going to be evil ploys and mysteries. Everything that is going to happen is going to be tied together. I don't want to say anything as I'm afraid of giving away anything about the main mystery. ****Please read the auxiliary chapter titled "Information" for more background information about the novel.****  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ****Currently on Hiatus**** NOTE: Book started on: June 1st, 2022 **There will be different volumes within the story, and I wish to have a different synopsis for each volume. So the general synopsis above is actually the synopsis for only Volume 1 of the story.** There will be ** in every chapter's title which has mature content. The cover is not mine: credits to the original artist. Instagram: @author_emerald_05 All the links: https://linktr.ee/emerald_05

Emerald_05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs


Amayah understood that the food he was served was not appetizing, but he had to eat something or else he would starve to death in this room.

When Nolan calmly took up the bowl of porridge from the table, delight bloomed in Amayah's heart, but it immediately disappeared when he tipped the bowl over, dumping out all the rice porridge.

"What are you doing?!" If she'd been a little slower, her foot would've been burned by the piping hot porridge.

Trying to keep her temper in check, she said, "If you don't like it, you could've just told me, and I'll take you down to eat."

Nolan chuckled darkly. "Stupid girl. You think they'll like me, a cripple, join the dinner table."

Taken aback, a horrifying thought occurred to Amayah: Was he going to stay confined to this lightless cell until the end of his days?

No, she can't let that happen. She didn't care how Nolan had been spending his days up until this point, but now that she was his wife, she couldn't let anything happen to him while he was under her care, or else the contract she signed with his grandfather would all be forfeit.

Remembering this, her determination was revived. "I'll be right back," she said to Nolan as she turned around and left the room.

Listening to Amayah's footsteps getting softer, a cold sneer curved Nolan's lips. Same as all the others then…

Those who used to be his faithful servants now cursed him as they deliberately spilled food on him. What was he to expect from his new wife, who was no better than a stranger?

Basically, her patience had run out—and so had she.


Amayah entered the dining room downstairs to find it all empty since no one was going to have dinner at the table tonight.

As she walked towards the living room, she saw some maids dusting some of the decorations in the lobby.

Did the servants really despise Nolan that much?

She pondered as she walked up to them. One of the maids noticed her presence and called out, "My lady, have you finished feeding Master Nolan?"

She responded with a little fib, "No, the bowl accidentally slipped out of my hand, so I came down to ask if you had anything else to eat."

The maid's reply was immediate: "The food we cooked for you has all been sent upstairs to your room, and Master Nolan's special meals take time to prepare, so there's really nothing we could spare. You shall simply have to handle it yourself, my lady."

Take time to prepare? It was just some simple, plain food that was presented in a professional manner.

Amayah scowled, itching to give the maid a piece of her mind. However, she knew that even if she spoke up now, she didn't have the authority to change anything here. If anything, it would only make things worse for Nolan.

As she was turning around to leave, the maid added, "If you don't mind, my lady, the servants have finished eating. You could take some of the leftovers up to Master Nolan. That would be one way to resolve the matter, and keep the young master from going hungry."

Amayah glared at her with her big innocent eyes. Never mind the patronizing tone the maid was using; if she actually gave Nolan those leftovers, he might very well smack her across the head with the tray.

"Never mind. I'll think of something myself."

Rebuffed, the maid offered her an insincere smile. "Oh? That's good to know. Also, the Old Master Emerson has asked the doctor to check on Master Nolan tomorrow. If the master seems to be starving, and his grandfather were to hear of it… Well, those who wait on him might be accused of indolence."

Hold on!

Was she trying to push the blame on her?


Amayah was in deep thought as she entered Nolan's room.

Suddenly, there was a loud 'bang' from inside!

Looking over, Amayah saw that Nolan was in the bathroom, and he'd shoved the toiletries onto the floor.

She hurried over. "Master Nolan, what happened?"

The man didn't reply, but even from behind, she could see that his whole body was tense in rage.

It was then she noticed a tiny cut oozing blood on the right side of his face. Her heart caught in her throat. Was he into self-harm?

It was only when she saw the razor in his hand that realization struck her. "You… Were you shaving?"

The man froze, and his shame turned to anger. "Get out," he snapped.

Now that she knew he hadn't been trying to hurt himself on purpose, Amayah sighed in relief, then chided him gently, "Don't you know how dangerous it's to do that when you can no longer see."

Nolan's grip on the razor tightened. "Get out!" He shouted furiously.

Amayah didn't say anything else. She just pulled out a tissue from the tissue box and pressed it gently into his hand. Considering his ego, he'd definitely never asked her to help him wipe the blood off.

Predictably, he refused to accept the tissue she was trying to give him too.

Wiping the blood off vehemently with the back of his hand, Nolan scoffed, "Pathetic, isn't it? You've married a blind man who can't even take care of himself."

Amayah lowered her gaze. "I've never seen it that way."

She hadn't married him for no reason. She felt it was a worthy sacrifice for her education that his grandfather had promised her in exchange.

"Oh really?" Nolan laughed mockingly. "What a noble soul you are."

This is my first novel. Please support it! I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below:)

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