
Embrace my Soul: The Light that Shines Within

[Mature Content Included] Struggling to complete her education due to the lack of money, one night she finds herself saving an old man on the street. The old man turns out to be the powerful patriarch of the most influential, yet mysterious, Emerson family. He proposes (more like forces) her marriage to his blind grandson in return for an opportunity to complete her studies. ------------------------------------ Nolan Emerson, the only legitimate heir and the former CEO of the Emerson Group, had gotten into an accident two years ago, leaving him blind in both eyes. Former, why???? Because he hadn’t stepped out of his room ever since the accident happened. He was the rumored devil incarnate, having an extremely bad temperament. ------------------------------------ Amayah Young, a college student with no family members around. Her parents died in a car accident at a young age, leaving her alone in this cruel world to fend for herself. After her parents' death, she became an independent woman, working many small time jobs to provide for her needs. She was a smart, determined, stubborn, and confident girl living on the principle that ‘Education is the only passport for a better future.’ Once she is bent on doing something, she will not let go until she finishes that task. ------------------------------------ What would happen when the only guiding principle she lived on was now being obscured because of not having, the one thing she lacked the most and the only thing he had an abundance of, money? Will she accept the old patriarch’s offer to marry his grandson in exchange for a chance to continue her education? If yes, then what will happen when she steps into the devil’s den? Will she be scared away by the devil prince, or will she be able to use her determination to tame him and bring him out of his den? Will she be able to enter his heart and see him for who he is on the inside, behind that temperamental man, his true self? Will she be able to fill his dark and lonely world with light? If so, then what will it take to tame such a devil incarnate? "A person's personality is composed of various sides of themselves that are dedicated to various people. And when you truly love someone, there are aspects of you that they can bring out, and when they leave, a part of you goes with them." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This book contains much more than just romance between Amayah and Nolan. As the story progresses, there are going to be evil ploys and mysteries. Everything that is going to happen is going to be tied together. I don't want to say anything as I'm afraid of giving away anything about the main mystery. ****Please read the auxiliary chapter titled "Information" for more background information about the novel.****  __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ****Currently on Hiatus**** NOTE: Book started on: June 1st, 2022 **There will be different volumes within the story, and I wish to have a different synopsis for each volume. So the general synopsis above is actually the synopsis for only Volume 1 of the story.** There will be ** in every chapter's title which has mature content. The cover is not mine: credits to the original artist. Instagram: @author_emerald_05 All the links: https://linktr.ee/emerald_05

Emerald_05 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
46 Chs

A Visit at the Hospital

On the other hand, she was also aware that she wouldn't have been able to stop herself from helping, even after contemplating it, no matter what the consequences would've been.

If she had the same chance again, she would do the same thing again. She could not just stand there and see someone die right in front of her eyes.


The medical personnel hurried back to the side of other paramedics who were getting ready to move the two unconscious men on the stretchers and reported to them that she knew nothing about the patients.

Not long after the two men were safely placed on the stretchers, they were carried into their own respective ambulances.

One of the paramedics hurriedly came to her side and informed her that she would have to go to the hospital with them since this was an accident case and they would have to report it to the police. She would be needed there to give the police her statement since she was a bystander in the situation.

She immediately agreed and sat in the front passenger seat of one of the ambulances. She hurriedly fastened her seatbelt after getting settled.

Immediately, the ambulances began to move.

As they were leaving, from inside the ambulance, she saw a few fire trucks heading towards the still burning car. Although the fire has settled down a bit, it is still burning at a constant rate. And the fact that there was a lamp post nearby that had also caught on fire was like fuel added to the flames.

Usually, the fire department should be here with or immediately after the paramedics arrive, but it seemed like they were stuck somewhere on the way here.

The ambulances sped down the road, their sirens sounding even louder in the tranquil night. Other than the sound of the sirens, there was roaring silence in the chaotic night.

With the fast speed of the ambulance running through the almost empty roads, they soon stopped at the front entrance of the emergency department where the ambulances drop off the patients.

The back doors of both the ambulances rushed open and two medical personnel pushed each of the gurneys, on which the patients were lying, into the hospital.

She hurriedly unbuckled the seatbelt and got off the ambulance, following them in.

The two men were hurried into two separate emergency rooms. All the equipment and medical staff were already prepared there while the patients were being brought to the hospital.

Not knowing what to do, she stopped outside in the lobby. A nurse hurried over to her and told her to sit and wait there until the police arrived.

She compliantly sat on the bench behind her, waiting.

She looked worried as she glanced at the close doors of the ER, but there was nothing she could do other than sit, pray, and wait patiently.

Although there were not many visible superficial wounds to the two men, she could not be sure of any internal injury.

She was all alone. She even had no idea about their family members either, whom she could inform and call over. At least not until the police came.


After about ten minutes, a few policemen arrived at the hospital. One of the policemen stepped toward her and introduced himself to her. He asked her for her name. "May I know your name, miss?"

"Amayah Young," she replied.

He talked to her for a while, taking her statement and contact information, and she was finally allowed to leave.

She wanted to wait there for the doctor to come out and assure her about the two people's situation since they both had no relatives around, but suddenly she felt a faint vibration coming from the back pocket of her jeans.

She took it out; it was her phone. There was a call coming in. She picked it up and answered, "Hello." The expression on her face instantly morphed into one of panic. After hearing what the person on the other side said, she hurriedly ran out of the hospital, not looking back.

Thank you so much, guys, for the first 1K views. If you like this book, please add it to your library. I will try my best to update this book daily unless there is an emergency and I’m unable to. After I stockpile some chapters, I’ll also start updating at a particular time in the day.

The first few chapters might be boring at the beginning because the story is building, but there is a lot more in store in the later chapters. Trust me, you’re going to love it.

This is my first novel. Please support it! I would love to know your thoughts in the comments below:)

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