
EMBERS OF MAGIC chronicles of two hearts

Shadows, sinister as they can be never haunt without a reason.... what will you do when you find yourself running from the shadows? This is a story about love, power, fear and vulnerability... Everyone fears what they cannot comprehend. Persian, the crown prince of one of the most dominant kingdoms wakes up one day to find out he possesses the forbidden.... MAGIC... Persian has it all rainbows and cupcakes until shadows start haunting his very being.... But why? To make matters worse, a looming war lurks in the dark..... why are the shadows haunting him and what for? what will happen when Persian finds out that the truth will jeopardize his love with his boyfriend Amon? what will happen when the ever loving royal family finds out there is a traitor in the palace? what will happen when persian realises that his life has never and will never be the same? Can persian defeat the shadows? or will he succumb to the relentless onslaught of the shadows? Can persian handle the truth or will it break him? what really is the truth? xXxX Amon watched in agony and pain as persian fell.... He dragged himself to Persian's body In a surreal moment, the body seemed to liquefy, each formless tendril of essence gently rising, dissipating into the air like ethereal gas. It was as if the very fabric of reality had unwoven itself, allowing the being to disintegrate. Amon held Persian with watery eyes "no, no, no, this is all my fault...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry" Do not miss an episode of this heart throbbing series.... EMBERS OF MAGIC :The chronicles of two hearts

Nana_the_writer · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs


Eleanor met Amon before the contest.

"Yesterday, I overheard you and your dad" said eleanor "any trouble".

Amon replied " you know I just don't get what his problem is...He is so obsessed with this contest".

Eleanor shrugged her shoulders sighing in the process....

"welcome to the Round 2 of the CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS. Today ,Our advanced level competitors will face each other to determine the toughest, roughest four that will make it to the final round to finally compete for the crown. so we begin with ELEANOR AND GWEN.

Eleanor and Gwen got ready for their battle as they took their battle stances.

In the heart of the battleground, Eleanor, the master of the elemental arts, clashed fiercely with Gwen, the enigmatic Mistress of Darkness.

Sparks flew as Eleanor conjured bolts of lightning, illuminating the battlefield in a dazzling display of power. Gwen, cloaked in shadows, retaliated with tendrils of darkness that snaked and twisted through the air.

With a swift motion, Eleanor manipulated the very air, creating a vortex that dispersed Gwen's shadows momentarily. Undeterred, Gwen emerged from the darkness, her eyes ablaze with determination. She summoned a chaotic storm of shadows, engulfing Eleanor in a tempest of darkness.

Eleanor, however, tapped into the raw energy of the elements, summoning a tidal wave that crashed against Gwen's shadowy storm. Water clashed with darkness in a tumultuous battle, creating an awe-inspiring spectacle of elemental might. Lightning crackled and thunder roared as the two forces collided, shaking the very foundation of the battleground.

Gwen, realizing the sheer force of Eleanor's elemental onslaught, conjured a shield of pure darkness to defend herself. But Eleanor, fueled by her unwavering resolve, intensified her attacks. Flames danced on her fingertips as she cast a blazing inferno that consumed Gwen's shadowy shield. The Mistress of Darkness staggered, momentarily overwhelmed by the searing heat.

Seizing the opportunity, Eleanor encased her fists in solid rock and struck the ground with immense force. Shockwaves rippled through the battleground, causing fissures to form beneath Gwen's feet. The ground trembled as Gwen struggled to maintain her balance amidst the elemental chaos.

With a final surge of power, Eleanor summoned a cyclone of wind, lifting Gwen off her feet and disorienting her within the swirling vortex. Gwen, realizing the battle was slipping from her grasp, conceded defeat, her shadows dissipating as she surrendered to Eleanor's superior mastery over the elements.

Eleanor stood victorious, her elemental prowess unmatched. The battleground crackled with residual energy as Eleanor's triumphant aura illuminated the scene, marking her as the undisputed master of the elemental arts.

Isabella Vs Aura

In the midst of the stormy night, Isabella, the Mistress of Plants, faced off against Aura, a formidable wielder of lightning. The air crackled with tension as Isabella summoned vines that snaked and coiled around her, ready to strike. Aura, her eyes gleaming with electric fury, unleashed bolts of lightning that danced ominously around her fingertips.

With a swift motion, Aura hurled a powerful lightning bolt at Isabella, illuminating the battlefield in a blinding flash. Isabella's plant defenses quivered under the intensity of the attack, but she retaliated by commanding her vines to lash out. The vines crackled with energy, clashing with Aura's lightning in a fierce struggle.

In a gruesome turn, Aura channeled her lightning into a deadly surge, electrocuting Isabella's vines. The plants contorted and withered under the electric assault, emitting eerie, smoky tendrils as they succumbed to the power of Aura's lightning. Isabella gritted her teeth, her face twisted in pain as her plant allies were mercilessly destroyed.

Infuriated by the loss, Isabella tapped into the very essence of nature, causing the earth beneath Aura to tremble violently. Roots burst from the ground, wrapping around Aura's legs and immobilizing her momentarily. But Aura, with sheer determination, channeled her lightning into the roots, shattering them with a deafening crack.

With a swift, ruthless motion, Aura summoned a concentrated lightning bolt, directing it straight at Isabella. The bolt struck her, sending searing pain through her body. Isabella fell to the ground, gasping for breath, her connection to the plants severed.

Bloodied and broken, Isabella looked up, her eyes meeting Aura's triumphant gaze. Aura's lightning crackled ominously around her, signaling her victory in the gruesome battle. The battlefield lay in ruins, a grim reminder of the ferocity of their clash.

The next fight is between AMON AND VOIDE

Any opponent who faced voide was easily intimidated by his strength, agility and power and Amon was one of 'em.

voide had a serious standoff with Amon...Amon was a little taken aback because of the great power Voide exuded.

voide draws out his blades and the fight commences..

Amon is beaten to a pulp . He can't seem to figure out voide's striking technique.

voide showed no fear and no mercy striking as fast as lightning cutting Amon's forearms and elbows..

Amon was able to finally get some coverage and started striking back dodging all voide's strikes.

Amon then hit Voide in the throat...before voide could heal.

Amon made a move called "the clutch"

voide managed to escape the clutch but was still feeling thrifty due to loss of breath.

Amon delivered a vicious forearm sending voide on his knees..

(roy shouted finish him...finish... him.....)

Amon made way for his signature move and paced towards voide..

but before Amon could strike.....he felt his bones twisting in ways they should not....

What made voide such a fearsome fighter wasn't his blade....he was apart of the rarest families in the kingdom...he was a bone bender.

Everyone gasped at the horrific scene.....

tears run down Amon's face because of the excruciating pain...

Amon screamed because his bones were bending in ways they should not have.

Voide said "just give up before I end you..."

Amon uttered the words "I would rather die...than submit"

"then so be it" voide started crashing Amon

Then suddenly Amon remembered a technique his mother taught him ..

He exhaled and focused his energy pouring it into his core....

He then let out a cold breath,Amon then lit his body up with blinding light....which severed voide's bone bending....

Amon then held voide who was struggling to see and sucked his energy dry...

Putting him in the top four.....

voide and Amon made it to the back and voide patted on Amon's shoulder "good job out there.....I never knew anyone could counter my bone bending....you should teach me how you did that sometime okay...."

Amon seemed shocked "so you are not mad at me for beating you?"

voide laughed "of course not.....you fought clean and fair ....and you gave your best and you won... you earned that victory...congratulations"

voide shook Amon's hand in contentment.

Amon then went to talk to eleanor.....

Now the fight that got many people into their seats...the fight that showcased two incredibly talented sorcerers was at hand.....it was Leo vs Marko.

The match started and it was worth watching....they showcased dominating skills. They brought the fight to each other since neither wanted to give in.

leo found an opening and was able to stun marko with a throat kick setting him up for his signature move "the claw"

leo with the speed of a cheetah and his sinching claws held marko but before he could be pinned to the ground, he countered the move and manipulated some metals and glued it to Leo's body.

leo wanted to use his powers but he couldn't.

leo fell down and his skin started to severely burn...he had a high level of endurance but even someone as strong as him knew when they were beaten..

he gave up and marko won yet again qualifying for the next match...

The cadel then rose into the air "it has been an intense battle today....I am quite satisfied today because I have seen that when problems make their ways to this kingdom we have people to fight them....

Aura. Amon

Eleanor. Marko

these are the qualifiers for the next and final round.....well done my fighters"

with these words the the contest came to its end.....

eleanor jumped on Amon's back....

"so champ.... you finally did it...what next??"

"we are not champs yet...I still have to face three other people including you" complained Amon.

"well then you need training to withstand all that power....would be sad to see you get blown into bits..." mocked eleanor..

they were walking round a curve when they were both approached by marko

"pathetic.....when I see you Amon, do you know what I really see...I see a fighter but I see more of an immature little brat..you do not deserve to be the chards son...you are just a waste of pure royal blood"

"hey, hey, it's just a match...no need to be rude" shouted eleanor.

"huh..should have known you'd be too scared to face me instead of hiding behind you girlfriend"

Amon pushed eleanor aside "look...if you wanna go..if you wanna fight we do not have to wait for tomorrow...we can do it right here"

marko clenched his fists and was gonna hit Amon when his fist was caught by aura "bully...I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"how dare you...get out of my face you peasant" mocked marko.

"say that again and not only will I knock your teeth out but also arrange 'em in your butt cheeks"

marko backed off " I hope this continues...this unity .....because tomorrow it's every man and woman for his or herself "

marko then walked away.

Eleanor ,Amon and aura had a lovely chat which was monitored by marko

"the power you think you possess is getting into your head, and I will make sure I break it to ya".....

In the coloseum, Amon walked hearing people chant his name.

And there he was, he had many words to describe the person before him. His enemy, his death sentence but what conquered all of those words were is BIGGEST FEAR.....it was standing in front of him and it was marko....

the fight started and marko hit hard but Amon was resilient...

they fought for a very long time both of them refusing to give up....

Amon tried to reach in for the clutch only to be countered and sent spine straight through a wall....

the beat down continued pretty badly...

Amon was able to push marko off but he came right back with a big knee to his face which knocked him out.....

All he could see were the flashing lights and his body being floated with a severe burning sensation on his whole skin....

marko had glued his metal onto his body...

And just like everyone else....Amon forfeited and marko stood over his dead beat body saying " I always knew you were nothing but now trash has a lot of value than you".

His father walked over to his body and said "you are no son of mine"

Amon woke up wet and gasping for air...

"it was all a dream"

It was indeed all a dream but his thoughts started to run wild...Anything could happen tomorrow..

He had to be vigilant and very very careful otherwise losing would come just as he saw....He cooked himself up in the kitchen and sobbed to sleep.

Aura couldn't sleep so she decided to meditate under a tree .

To enhance her tentacles skill she let them out and they were slowly surfing the air...

When suddenly, a big rock is thrown towards her.

Aura feels it and slashes the rock into two.

some metals were shot but aura destroyed all of them.

"I know it's you marko, I knew you'd come for me. You're so predictable"

marko came out of the shadows "you think you are powerful yeah....you think your power exceeds mine rightttt..."

Aura smirked "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you feel threatened by me. you are so insecure"

"I do not feel threatened neither am I insecure. but let's see how big of a mouth you have after I end you"

marko then attacked aura but aura's defenses were through the roof. she was able to counter every attack and got hold of marko " you know I have being watching you fight, and you suck"

One tentacle went straight for marko's chest but he held it

"I will end you marko"

marko then started harnessing the energy of the tentacles

"die you b****" and shot lightning straight to her chest.

Aura fell down weakened and glitching .

"not very mouthy now,huh" mocked marko.

Aura was gasping for air "you bastard"

Marko then manipulated metals and glued it the leg of aura and shot her off the hill.

Aura hit hard and went unconscious

*****NEXT CHAPTER********